
Long Time Member
Some TEXAN From Rockwall, Texas Pays 285K For the ALCATRAZ BUCK Tag!

Which one of You Boys Bought it without your Wife knowing about it?

Some PLICK From Holden Utah Garners The Henry's Mountain Buck Tag for 80K!
Crazy someone dropped $107,250 for a Boulder/Kaiparowits Bull Elk Multi-season tag and $95,000 for a Beaver East Bull Elk Multi-Season tag!
"Supposedly", 90% of conservation tag sales are supposed to go back to the States which donated them..... Right!!
The Outfitter Fee is Pictures & Footage with their Insignia on them!

So, can anyone break that number down? I’m sure there is some “overhead”, maybe outfitter fees and gratuities, what else? Does the state end up getting most of it? I honestly don’t know.
For the Antelope Island tag, the article says 90% goes to Antelope Island State Park for conservation on the island, the remaining 10% goes to the DWR and SFW.
AI tag is different from the other tags auctioned here. As stated, Antelope Island State Park (an arm of the state) keeps 90% for projects on the island and the 10% goes back to others involved. That was the agreement when the hunt was allowed to happen, it had to be a major financial benefit to AI or they wouldn’t let it happen.

The other tags are not this way and the state retains very little. These auctions are a great way to fill coffers of private companies with government resources. It’s literally the worst government entitlement program in existence.
Which you know is absolutely true. That's why $fw talks so much about that AI tag. Hoping guys will think all the "conservation" tags give 90% to the resource, which they dont
I believe the breakdown is 10% for the conservation group (SFW, MDF, RMEF, etc), 30% to UDWR and 60% for approved projects. I think that’s what it was when I paid attention.
What business that owned a valuable commodity would go to another entity and say, “Sell this for me and I’ll only ask for 30% of the proceeds.”???

It’s the most asinine thing in the world.
Hey Niller?

I Told You Years ago Me & You Should Start Something Similar!

But Here We Sit!

Without that Easy Made Money!

We Need To Start Our Own Deal & then Listen To People Piss & Moan about it!

Can't be all that Bad!

We're Already Listening to it!:D

What business that owned a valuable commodity would go to another entity and say, “Sell this for me and I’ll only ask for 30% of the proceeds.”???

It’s the most asinine thing in the world.
What business that owned a valuable commodity would go to another entity and say, “Sell this for me and I’ll only ask for 30% of the proceeds.”???

It’s the most asinine thing in the world.
I think the conservation groups only get 10%, not 30%. UDWR gets the 30%. And the 60% goes to approved projects. Projects that the conservation groups and UDWR feel are appropriate. I’m pretty sure that is correct.
So if you’re then asking what sort of business would pay 10% to have their product marketed and sold, the answer would many, many, many.
You’ve got to admit, the tags go for huge amounts of money, so someone has found the boys with the dollars.
10% of 6+ million is a pretty good chunk of change and yes it seems they have several deep pocketed bidders for every top coveted tag so we will keep seeing this for years to come
What business that owned a valuable commodity would go to another entity and say, “Sell this for me and I’ll only ask for 30% of the proceeds.”???

It’s the most asinine thing in the world.
With all due respect that happens in all walks of life. Biden and his family and other politicians have been selling out the American People for years and we don’t stop it by kicking these MFer’s out of office! They are selling out millions of good paying American jobs to China for just a few Million Dollars given to these Politicians! So how about we all raise FN HELL about that, then we as the People might have better jobs and be able to afford property of our own or go on sone of these hunts.

just a thought

I think the conservation groups only get 10%, not 30%. UDWR gets the 30%. And the 60% goes to approved projects. Projects that the conservation groups and UDWR feel are appropriate. I’m pretty that is correct.
So if you’re then asking what sort of business would pay 10% to have their product marketed and sold, the answer would many, many, many.
You’ve got to admit, the tags go for huge amounts of money, so someone has found the boys with the dollars.

Even if you choose to twist it that way to look favorable to the welfare sustained organizations, do you really think the DWR and state need to pay 10% to market tags? What do you think that number is across well over 300 conservation tags across all these orgs? Come on Founder, you know better than that.
I’m not sure what I’m twisting...??? I’m just saying that I believe the organizations get 10% for themselves.
As far whether the state needs to pay 10%......I don’t know. If I had to guess, I’d say 10% is a reasonable amount to expect to pay for someone else to promote and sell your product.
I’m really not sure what you think I’m twisting. I’m just telling my opinion on the 10% cut that the organizations take for selling the tags.
If you disagree, then ok. I don’t really care. Just sharing what I know and some of my opinion. I have no idea what it is that I know better. You’ll need to enlighten me.
I think you guys need to check into agreements that States have with these various organizations for the auctioning of big game tags. I know of quite a few that do, and the standard commission for the group is 10%. Just ask RMEF, MDF, SCI, DU, or NWTF if you want the actual numbers
When auction tags first began it required a banquet to get people in the door. Now it's just a hunting version of eBay.

Even if the State thinks auctioning tags is the best practice, they need to do it internally. If they can run the draw, they can post tags on a website.

Quit handing out welfare so somebody can hold up a big check at a Wildlife Board Meeting and tell the public the money was "donated" to wildlife.

It was never their money to begin with!
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Again with all due respect to anyone this might offend but does a lot of this hatred come from the dislike of this Don Peay? The $5 fee per raffle ticket is no different then the company that does the state draws for AZ and UT and don’t they charge the same amount $5? Or is it because locals like to hate on the other local that’s done good? In Hardin IL population of about 1000 people there’s a duck and goose calling world champion that makes calls and videos etc etc. and all the locals hate him! A sub that was hanging siding for me lives in Hardin and is life long friend of this guy and are best buds now the first time I meet the call maker about 15 years ago I thought what a D$ck and continued to think that until last year some people can just rub others the wrong way maybe not intentionally but still do! The reason I say this is from what I see the SFW does a lot for the UT wildlife and a lot of it is volunteers working to make a difference, now I’ve got to know several of these guys over the years and I think these guys are good people not if I just talked to one or two guys but I’ve talked to quite a few and they all can’t be that good at feeding people with BS. I’d say their names but I don’t want to embarrass anyone.

I like other NR‘s were able to draw in the Expo tags and heck yes I was going to be in and I told all the guys I know that hunt and maybe after getting a taste of the EXPO TAGS maybe we‘ll all come out and visit. I spent $150 on EXPO TAGS and I donated $100 to Hunts for the Brave and Mrs Sikora and I think it was money well spent. In the area of Hardin theres a local group that support local waterfowl hunting, they help pour and donated the concrete for new boat ramps because my broke ass state of IL doesn’t have money to do these small jobs because they steal it all.

Again with all due respect

Joe & Kristie
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Based on what I know and have seen, I don’t think the state and state employees could bring in the dollars that a conservation group can.
Also, I don’t know how the state could set up a non-profit organization so that the buyers can write the purchase off. That fact alone probably increases the amount people will pay by 100%. Many buyers are probably in the highest tax brackets.
I think there are too many of the conservation tags and I’m not justifying them at all, but I’ve seen some of what it takes to get max dollars and in my opinion the conservation groups earn the 10%.
I’d still like to see far fewer of them though.
Does anyone else see the writing on the wall with conservation groups who ask for donations, then cater to big $ clients.? Someday Big $$$ will be the only ones hunting, and when communists come to take away their rights to hunt, the rest of us won't have a leg to stand on in protest... and they'll lose their opportunity too.

We aren't peasants, and public lands are not the King's Forest... Can't there be a better balance rather than further divide among sportsmen.?

Big Money has Ruled the Roost forever!

But it's getting way Worse!

I Wonder when a PISSCUTTER 2 Point Buck becomes Big if there will still Be JOKERS throwing Big Money at the Tags to Hunt them?

I'm sure there will be!

Does anyone else see the writing on the wall with conservation groups who ask for donations, then cater to big $ clients.? Someday Big $$$ will be the only ones hunting, and when communists come to take away their rights to hunt, the rest of us won't have a leg to stand on in protest... and they'll lose their opportunity too.

We aren't peasants, and public lands are not the King's Forest... Can't there be a better balance rather than further divide among sportsmen.?
I’ve heard enough. You guys want to see how bad it can get regarding use of the money? Let’s let the Muley fanatic foundation handle all the tags!
No competition allowed, Tri. That’s one of the major issues here you continue to ignore and refuse exists. But, I don’t ever expect that to change, so I won’t try and convince you that the sky is blue.
Here’s another thing I lIke about MM we can always air out our views without members taking things personal

Some TEXAN From Rockwall, Texas Pays 285K For the ALCATRAZ BUCK Tag!

Which one of You Boys Bought it without your Wife knowing about it?

Some PLICK From Holden Utah Garners The Henry's Mountain Buck Tag for 80K!
Hi Bessy I’d sure like to get that Alcatraz Bison tag one year

Gator I was window shoping the other night for property in SD and there is some beautiful land up that way. What town did you say your families property was close to

thanks Joe
Not To Knock the RMEF!


Never Fails to See Them Voice their "WE Agree with ALL the Proposals" at the Wildlife Board Meetings:


"We Agree with All The Recommendations/Proposals/Changes!"

Sounds Like a Broken F'N Record!

There Are Changes they should of Voted Against/Disagreed with!

But They Didn't!

RMEF offered to run the Expo draw for free and still didn't get the contract.

Bottom line is I think your 8% is still a little high.

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