How old is this buck?


Founder Since 1999
I haven’t looked to see if the tooth aging data is in yet or not, but wanted to see how old you all think this buck is?
I’ve been thinking 7. He has a huge head compared to others I have here in the house.



I think you're correct at 7. I always look at the back and I think many bucks get that swayed back extended belly at around 7 years. This is impossible obviously here but I think what looks like a huge head as well as a grayer area on the forehead make him that age.
Yes, based on that tooth photo, and if the left side matches the right side, that buck is 7.5 years old.
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I did send teeth for aging, but there’s no data available under my account. Not sure if they just haven’t updated it yet or what?
Mature plus. No way to tell without the annular rings in the teeth being counted. I'll be curious to see what you find out.
I feel confident in saying he is at least 5 1/2 but If I had to guess I would say 8 1/2.
Do you have any pictures of him while scouting?
Life is harsh in western Wyoming with those teeth flattened like that. Think I remember the biologist saying 8 or 9 is about all that's expected in western Wyoming buck deer.
I turned in a tooth on a buck in Wyoming a couple years ago and haven't heard back on the age. Can you find out online somewhere or did you have to call?
How do you get the .5? The fawns are born in late May early June so the buck would of had to of been killed in November to 5 1/2...

I got word that the buck was aged at 5-1/2 years old. It surprised me, as he has a huge head and was a large body buck. I was sure he'd be older than that. Very interesting.......
How did the lab get 5 1/2?
5 years 3.5 months old.
I'm guessing that they rounded up.

Get back under your toad stool, troll.

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