Vaccine Rollout in Your Area


Very Active Member
We started out in January with 80 year old fighting for a place in line. But that has changed. It seems that everyone that wanted a shot has already gotten one. We have a quarter million shots in the freezer and no one wants one.

The State is going to give everyone age 16-35 a free $100 US Savings Bond if they get a shot. So they are going to use my (and your) tax money to bribe someone who doesn't want a shot to get one.
Hmmm. I just pulled it up and WV has about half the population of Utah but still more daily cases of COVID right now. Whatever they're doing doesn't seem to working exceptionally well.
The $100 savings bond carrot cracks me up, be 20yrs before its worth $100! We're in the same boat. Our governor continues to call us names and prove how out of touch he is with his voters.

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I agree that my state isn't doing very well. But I'm not sure bribing a 16 year to get a shot is going to help. I'm not an anti vaxer, I got mine early and wish everyone would get theirs. I didn't bribe the school kids to get vaccinated with 10 different vaccines when they were 5 and I don't think I should bribe them now. No one paid me to get vaccinated.

You can probably cash that $100 savings bond in for $50 right away. That's enough to bribe a school kid or a 30 year old dope head. But isn't enough to bribe someone older.

It's all politics now. Our Governor is trying to make his numbers look better even if it doesn't help. These low vaccination numbers are making him look bad.

This is going to get interesting in the next few weeks to see what Biden and the Governors are going to do because people wanting vaccines is almost over.
I think they have to keep the Bonds a year before they can cash them in. So you're right, that isn't going to be much of a carrot.
Well, also the 500,000,000,000,000 people who have had the virus don't need to be vaccinated, they already have the antibodies.

I'm in California and they can't get people here to get the shots either.
for the vaccinators, the easy lift part is over -- all those motivated to get shots have.

now I see the focus shifting to private MD offices to convince reluctant peeps to get theirs. that and rounding up the 8% that got the first shot but skipped the second....
I'm not sure MD offices are helping any. I have been to doctors and dentists offices five times since I got my first shot and I haven't been asked once if I had been vaccinated.
Getting "the jab" in the land of entrapment means you still get to wear your mask and take all the precautions adopted a year ago today.

NOT getting "the jab" in the land of entrapment means you still get to wear your mask and take all the precautions adopted a year ago today.
The problem as I see it was the Democrats bad mouthing the vaccine over the fast development stage because it was Trump that stated he removed the red tape to speed up the program

. Now that Democrats are in power, they want you to get the vaccine to slow the virus down and claim credit. Now they know their earlier stance on it has come around to bite them on their rear end.
eel, I'm 14 months out from having it and I just got my 2nd shot.

My Dr. felt it best being over a year and all the new variance/strains surfacing now, that I go ahead and get vaccinated.

She feels it's prolly going to be a yearly gig.

Get her done! I am now not wearing a mask in public as the new CDC guide lines say it's OK if you are 100% vaccinated. Feels good getting back to normal again. Baby steps
Get her done! I am now not wearing a mask in public as the new CDC guide lines say it's OK if you are 100% vaccinated. Feels good getting back to normal again. Baby steps
So, is it now a matter of the CDC not wanting you to get the virus, or transmit it?

A person's immune system robust enough to kick the virus with minimal symptoms is no different than someone 100% vaccinated that now has the boost to kick the virus with minimal symptoms...
Food for thought.

cdc seat belts.jpg
I don't understand all the hysteria, both pro and con, about wearing masks outside. This isn't rocket science. We've all had conversations with someone when a little glob of their spit lands on you. That's kind of the purpose with masks. People are going to talk and it's a way to reduce transmission via that vector.
So, is it now a matter of the CDC not wanting you to get the virus, or transmit it?

A person's immune system robust enough to kick the virus with minimal symptoms is no different than someone 100% vaccinated that now has the boost to kick the virus with minimal symptoms...
Hey RR not sure you read my post right, the CDC is saying if you are 100% vaccinated you can now take off your mask outside, period not wanting us to get the virus or transmit it is not part of this equation.
Also at this point they don't know who will get the virus and get bad symptoms or who's immune system is strong enough to stop it with little or no symptoms.
You can take that chance I didn't to each his own........
Hey RR not sure you read my post right, the CDC is saying if you are 100% vaccinated you can now take off your mask outside, period not wanting us to get the virus or transmit it is not part of this equation.
Also at this point they don't know who will get the virus and get bad symptoms or who's immune system is strong enough to stop it with little or no symptoms.
You can take that chance I didn't to each his own........
I read your post right. If the CDC is saying you can walk around without a mask because you're vaccinated, it is not longer a matter of you spreading the virus to someone else nor is it a matter of you getting it from someone else, which is what the whole intent was behind the mask charade to begin with. A vaccine is about you being able to fight something off, not me. The vaccine decreases the risk of case severity taxing the medical system. You can still get it, you just have a higher "known" statistical chance of fighting it off.

"Stop the spread, wear your mask"

The message being communicated is that it's okay for you to get the virus now, but not someone who didn't "get the jab"...
I remember when the Democrats in California weren't going to allow the Trump vaccine into California until more testing was done. It was way too early they said. Now they would like to charge us with attempted murder if we don't get the Biden* vaccine.
So, if someone gets and dies from it, and the only people they are associated with are vaccinated people, does it mean the vaccinated will be charged with murder as well?

Never have we been so stupid as to begin to create classes in society of the "vaccinated" and the "demon-heathen-non-vaccinated"...
So, if someone gets and dies from it, and the only people they are associated with are vaccinated people, does it mean the vaccinated will be charged with murder as well?

Never have we been so stupid as to begin to create classes in society of the "vaccinated" and the "demon-heathen-non-vaccinated"...
It is a world wide pandemic that has changed things I don't believe we are creating classes in society. This hasn't happened for over a 100 years, so yes I do believe it has changed the way we think.
But no conspiracy theory here but I guess you can make it that way if you want to believe that.
I remember when the Democrats in California weren't going to allow the Trump vaccine into California until more testing was done. It was way too early they said. Now they would like to charge us with attempted murder if we don't get the Biden* vaccine.
It is a world wide pandemic that has changed things I don't believe we are creating classes in society. This hasn't happened for over a 100 years, so yes I do believe it has changed the way we think.
But no conspiracy theory here but I guess you can make it that way if you want to believe that.

The classes are being created in the USA, not the world. The rest of the world will rebound much faster than the US will. After all, the sitting "leader" of the US was the only one wearing a mask in a Zoom meeting with other world leaders.

This phenomena is no different than any other over the past millennia that had major effects on society as a whole. Pandemics have happened a few times since the Spanish Flu. WWI and WWII were much more catastrophic, and here we are on the world stage still squabbling about stupid S!*T.

No conspiracy at. But if you want somebody to do all the thinking and decision making for you, have at it. Good thing Smilodon is extinct...
The classes are being created in the USA, not the world. The rest of the world will rebound much faster than the US will. After all, the sitting "leader" of the US was the only one wearing a mask in a Zoom meeting with other world leaders.

This phenomena is no different than any other over the past millennia that had major effects on society as a whole. Pandemics have happened a few times since the Spanish Flu. WWI and WWII were much more catastrophic, and here we are on the world stage still squabbling about stupid S!*T.

No conspiracy at. But if you want somebody to do all the thinking and decision making for you, have at it. Good thing Smilodon is extinct...
So far the rest of the world is not doing better than us, look at Europe or Italy where my family is.
We as a country have always had classes especially the middle class so not sure how that has anything to do with this. We are not just now creating those classes.
I am a free thinker always have been that is why I have my own business and work for myself. I make decisions based on what is best for my family and myself. So nobody does my thinking for me.
Also the you say there were other pandemics besides the Spanish flu, I don't believe any of them have had as many deaths as the Spanish flu or Covid have. And none of the others reshaped the world and the way we think.
And Good thing Smilidon is extinct has no bearing on this thread so not sure where you are going with that.
They say India is having it bad now.

Going forward, if we ever do, who decides when we should wear a mask or get vaccinated during a regular flu season? It's not uncommon to have 100,000 people die from the flu. And that was back when there was less people in the US. It will be interesting.

Due to my age I've scheduled my 2nd shot May 12. Moderna. If it kills me, I've had a good life and I know some people who won't miss me. :)
So far the rest of the world is not doing better than us, look at Europe or Italy where my family is.

Didn't say they were, said they would rebound faster. Current "leadership" will drag this thing on forever.

We as a country have always had classes especially the middle class so not sure how that has anything to do with this. We are not just now creating those classes.

Not talking about economic wellbeing. Talking about the socio-political aspect of shaming and belittlement brought to you by the people that try to make you feel as miserable as they are.

I am a free thinker always have been that is why I have my own business and work for myself. I make decisions based on what is best for my family and myself. So nobody does my thinking for me.

Anyone who has any measure of success in accomplishing goals is this way. Being a business owner is irrelevant. Any employer rents your self-owned human capital from you. If you "got the jab" because that is the conclusion you reached for yourself, good for you. That is no different than someone who decides they don't need it. To say you get to go back to normal because someone said you can now, well...

Also the you say there were other pandemics besides the Spanish flu, I don't believe any of them have had as many deaths as the Spanish flu or Covid have. And none of the others reshaped the world and the way we think.

Sure about that? Might want to do some research. Pandemic is on a global scale. Check 3rd world countries and see how they fared.

And Good thing Smilidon is extinct has no bearing on this thread so not sure where you are going with that.

Smilodon ate the ones afraid to face the world, changing for better or for worse. Dinner for Smilodon was made up of the ones that followed, not lead. It has everything, metaphorically, to do with this.
I got it because I'm 65 and they can't put much into me that I haven't done myself. If I was a 20-30 year old planning on having kids, I wouldn't touch it.
"Alone Together"

"We're all in this together"

"We care so we wear"

"Mask up, save lives"

"Get the jab"

The last year has produced some pretty lame slogans to say the least...
With 6% of deaths attributed to only COVID....

I think I've got a plan! Let's all just live until we die and turn of the TV! Oh! And if we have questions about medicine, I think we should ask a specifically educated person in the community. Let's call them doctors. Just for fun... Anybody need any beer? I'm gonna run to the store and fill a trash bag with gas on the way back...
I think I've got a plan! Let's all just live until we die and turn of the TV! Oh! And if we have questions about medicine, I think we should ask a specifically educated person in the community. Let's call them doctors. Just for fun... Anybody need any beer? I'm gonna run to the store and fill a trash bag with gas on the way back...
You mean politicians shouldn't weigh in? What a novel idea!

fauci is a "doctor" too you know...
I got my 2nd shot 2 weeks ago. It was a little rougher. Felt like a hangover.

I'm 47. I drank Busch lite. I tried to learn to chew Red Man. I drove around without seat belts. I ate Banquet TV dinners. I smoked cigarellos for a while. I drank potters "crown". I went a decade without a tetanus shot, while stepping on nails. I've worked on dozens of old houses loaded with Asbestos. My dad smoked in the truck with the windows up, my whole childhood. One night, there was that one girl...... I cruised Washington Blvd on weekends, in a Camaro, blasting hair metal with a mullet. I've had a lap dance. I walked on 4ft tall stilts for a living. I walked 2x12 planks, 2stories up, on those 4ft stilts. I hunt ducks in lightening storms, deer in blizzards.

I'm sure there is a ton more, but for now, that's a list of things I've done, each if which could kill me. I'll add the shot to that. I think it ranks somewhere between that one girl, and Busch lite

I will however old out a while on my son. At 15, his list is a lot shorter.
I'm a Covid I don't need it...just like having the flu for a couple of days..the wife had it a little my piece of paper in my back pocket at all times..
Now Witchdoctor Fauci says it's not for sure yet, but if you took the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine and you're not dead from the shots by this fall, you might need a booster shot.
I haven't ventured out of the house since last March to get my shot. But my wife, who is 78, got both of her Moderna shots a couple weeks ago. She had no ill feelings other than a big bruise and sore arm. The bruising is normal, tho, because of the medications she's on. All she has to do is bump slightly and she winds up with an ugly bruise.
I haven't ventured out of the house since last March to get my shot. But my wife, who is 78, got both of her Moderna shots a couple weeks ago. She had no ill feelings other than a big bruise and sore arm. The bruising is normal, tho, because of the medications she's on. All she has to do is bump slightly and she winds up with an ugly bruise.

Blood thinners?

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