Joys of hunting in the south...


One day you are just calm and enjoying the weather, Big bucks dancing in your day dreams, everything is calm and quiet, life is good..... and then you check the feeder trough....... on the positive side the corn robbing tattle tale squirrel is gone, but on the other hand every limb, vine, pile of leaves terrifies you walking around in the woods. Time for those nope ropes to go to bed...Im deer hunting now...

They never REALLY disappear way down here near the coast.
Always on your toes, esp. walking in to your stand before light.
'Bout stepped on a Copperhead coming out one night. Forgot
my light and noticed something in a light sandy spot on the ground - was either a snake or a stick. Found a stick and whacked it - Copperhead. Took it to my GF's house to show her, and there
was another, bigger one under the carport. Just one of those days.
*This was more north in the Hill Country BTW.
I seem to run into copperheads in the pines, these dang Timber Rattlers like the hardwoods and Bamboo, and then along the creek bed bottoms we have the Cottonmouths, everything wants to stab ya, stick ya, or bite ya. but of course I have to pick the thickest saw briar patches to hunt in for archery season.
I seem to run into copperheads in the pines, these dang Timber Rattlers like the hardwoods and Bamboo, and then along the creek bed bottoms we have the Cottonmouths, everything wants to stab ya, stick ya, or bite ya. but of course I have to pick the thickest saw briar patches to hunt in for archery season.
**** that. I’ll stick to AK. No snakes or poisonous spiders
I've always said I'd rather deal with a bear than a snake. You guys try and kill all that you see? We only have rattlers some ranchers like them some hate them. Killing doesn't seem to make a dent in the population at all.
We aren't allowed to kill rattle snakes, or any other snake, in my state and we are only allowed one live pet rattle snake and it has to be at least forty two inches.
The problem is, they show up in the darndest places.
I got bit reaching in to un plug the battery on my then
3 year old sons rechargeable 4 wheeler. The battery was
under the seat and had been charging all night. It was a
cool september night and that sucker got curled up around
that warm battery. Who woulda thunk it?
The problem is, they show up in the darndest places.
I got bit reaching in to un plug the battery on my then
3 year old sons rechargeable 4 wheeler. The battery was
under the seat and had been charging all night. It was a
cool september night and that sucker got curled up around
that warm battery. Who woulda thunk it?
Got pics? :ROFLMAO: My uncle got bit sticking his hand in a birds nest. please. My best friend got bit sticking his thumb in the end of a unistrut to pic it up....stuck it right in the snakes mouth........

He spent a day and a half in the hospital under observation....they are not trigger happy on antivenom and he never got any but the swelling and split skin was awful.....took months to heal up....
The snakes in my pic were already dead. They died after meeting loads of birdshot from my .38 shot shell loads. We found them moving some old concrete slab pieces near the barn. Can’t leave them around where grandkids play!
No pics, but that snake is in a jar of alcohol in the man cave.
Like what Homer said, the snakebites I’ve seen have been UGLY. A dude I know got bit on the finger by a copperhead, and I can’t believe he didn’t lose it completely. Black, oozing hole that was rotting from the inside type stuff.

Thats why we need pics. Did you know the vast majority of snakebite victims were bitten on the hand and had been drinking? :ROFLMAO:
One day you are just calm and enjoying the weather, Big bucks dancing in your day dreams, everything is calm and quiet, life is good..... and then you check the feeder trough....... on the positive side the corn robbing tattle tale squirrel is gone, but on the other hand every limb, vine, pile of leaves terrifies you walking around in the woods. Time for those nope ropes to go to bed...Im deer hunting now...
Where can I buy that varmint guard? :)
Like what Homer said, the snakebites I’ve seen have been UGLY. A dude I know got bit on the finger by a copperhead, and I can’t believe he didn’t lose it completely. Black, oozing hole that was rotting from the inside type stuff.

Thats why we need pics. Did you know the vast majority of snakebite victims were bitten on the hand and had been drinking? :ROFLMAO:
Was nothing more than a puncture and a puffy finger.
Drove myself to the ER, left 2 hrs later. No meds.
Horse took this one out by stomping his neck!! Went and fed in the morning and there was no snake. Came by there later and saw what I thought was a big stick the rain had washed into the corral area. Wrong!! Rattles were broke off though. ? Growing up on the ranch we would flood irrigate our alfalfa fields and we would exterminate prairie rattlers into the double digits every summer. Bullsnakes were safe. ? Had to watch your step for sure and be careful when picking up bales...



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