Marco Polo


Very Active Member
I've heard many times that harvesting a Marco polo ram is like entering the hunters hall of fame..just wondering if any of our M.M. members have made it into the sheep hunters hall of fame
I've heard many times that harvesting a Marco polo ram is like entering the hunters hall of fame..just wondering if any of our M.M. members have made it into the sheep hunters hall of fame
I’ve heard that it’s the biggest gong show cluster funk ever from multiple people who have done it. I had one guy tell me the second he touched the trigger they opened up at the herd with their AK’s and shot his ram all to hell. Logistics nightmares, bribes, all the wonderful things with dealing with that part of the world. I’d rather hunt NA sheep once than 10 Asian sheep personally.
Our good friend Zeke, fellow MMer took a Marco Polo sheep many years ago. There are probably some others besides him I don't know about. Zeke is too modest to post about it but he is also the most accomplished overall sheep hunter I know on this forum.
I don't recall him reporting anything like what yotebuster17 is describing. I also know he didn't pay anything remotely close to todays prices. Zeke is not rich by any means but he has sacrificed more than anyone I know to hunt sheep. Regardless of his Ovis trophies, he is a Hall of Fame hunter in my book.
Personally I would prefer taking a High Altai Argali over a Marco Polo. They are just more attractive to me.
For sure I will never afford either.
Went ibex hunting last year in Kyrgzystan and my buddy was hunting MP. He had a great hunt and saw a ton of rams. It was a high altitude horseback hunt and he shot a beautiful ram on the 2nd day. It’s an amazing adventure that any sheep hunter would like. Assuming you don’t mind hunting off of horseback. Nothing as described by yotebuster but I’m sure there are shady deals in a lot of these foreign hunts. A good broker will put you with a reputable outfitter.
Since my bud Mr. LBH called me out:

I've heard of the shady things happening too and was assured none of that would happen on my Tajikistan hunt. It didn't!

It was a wonderful experience enjoyed around great hard working people. The hunt itself was only tainted because right before I left, the President Tajikistan disallowed use of my own rifle (I couldn't take it into their country) and I had some real trepidation about using an AK47, LOL.

They has a Blaser with a Swarovski pro scope on it chambered in 300 Win mag and handloaded with 168TTSX (Could have been 165TTSX). I was allowed to check zero (perfect) and it all worked out without a hitch.

The warmest it got while we were there (right before Christmas) was -20 degrees. Altitude was extreme! 16000' at camp and up from there. Jeep and then on foot in average 10" of snow. No horses.

I saw hundreds of rams! I was able to select and hike into the biggest one I saw and make the 1-shot kill at about 200 yards. It really was a glorious adventure. It's not for everyone but those who really have a hankering can still go and have a wonderful time.

So much more to the story!!!

One little piece: Since I was right on the border of Afghanistan during our war with them. Travel to the hunting area took 24 hours of driving and my security felt really sketchy at times.

I'll see if I have a pic in my phone and share it.

Not the best pic but you get the idea.


Since my bud Mr. LBH called me out:

I've heard of the shady things happening too and was assured none of that would happen on my Tajikistan hunt. It didn't!

It was a wonderful experience enjoyed around great hard working people. The hunt itself was only tainted because right before I left, the President Tajikistan disallowed use of my own rifle (I couldn't take it into their country) and I had some real trepidation about using an AK47, LOL.

They has a Blaser with a Swarovski pro scope on it chambered in 300 Win mag and handloaded with 168TTSX (Could have been 165TTSX). I was allowed to check zero (perfect) and it all worked out without a hitch.

The warmest it got while we were there (right before Christmas) was -20 degrees. Altitude was extreme! 16000' at camp and up from there. Jeep and then on foot in average 10" of snow. No horses.

I saw hundreds of rams! I was able to select and hike into the biggest one I saw and make the 1-shot kill at about 200 yards. It really was a glorious adventure. It's not for everyone but those who really have a hankering can still go and have a wonderful time.

So much more to the story!!!

One little piece: Since I was right on the border of Afghanistan during our war with them. Travel to the hunting area took 24 hours of driving and my security felt really sketchy at times.

I'll see if I have a pic in my phone and share it.

Very cool!! Good to hear it went well! Excited to see a pic!
Thanks for your story Zeke..and that is a super nice ram..can't imagine anything nicer..gotta pic of the mount..
I’ve heard that it’s the biggest gong show cluster funk ever from multiple people who have done it. I had one guy tell me the second he touched the trigger they opened up at the herd with their AK’s and shot his ram all to hell. Logistics nightmares, bribes, all the wonderful things with dealing with that part of the world. I’d rather hunt NA sheep once than 10 Asian sheep personally.
So true ! That part of the world is beyond disgusting ?. I could not be paid to go there, ever. To hell with those people.
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado
Congrats Zeke, gorgeous MP! They sure are giant animals. I watched a few argali and ibex YouTube videos yesterday. One guy must have deep pockets because he shot 3 or 4 aeolian in different locations on 1 trip. Another guy shot an argali plus ibex the same trip.

Pretty amazing country! You better have wind pipes ready to suck thin air at 14,000’+ elevation. Most were done on horseback and 1 with a giant motorized track machine in winter. It looks like a logistics nightmare.

One video the guy didn’t agree with the guides and him and his buddy ended up taking off and shooting one away from the guides. Maybe it was because of the AK deal? They didn’t say?
Congrats Zeke, gorgeous MP! They sure are giant animals. I watched a few argali and ibex YouTube videos yesterday. One guy must have deep pockets because he shot 3 or 4 aeolian in different locations on 1 trip. Another guy shot an argali plus ibex the same trip.

Pretty amazing country! You better have wind pipes ready to suck thin air at 14,000’+ elevation. Most were done on horseback and 1 with a giant motorized track machine in winter. It looks like a logistics nightmare.

One video the guy didn’t agree with the guides and him and his buddy ended up taking off and shooting one away from the guides. Maybe it was because of the AK deal? They didn’t say?
I remember you making similar comments about Mexico. You seem to really enjoy talking out of your a$$ about a culture/place you’ve never experienced.
I call them as I see them- I rest my case ! Mexico is a dangerous place for most anyone- I grew up in Texas & know about the dangers & the crime there. Every year it’s worse. That entire country/society is corrupt & dangerous as hell !
Do you ever read the news about what goes on there ????? Same with the Middle East. Yuck ?!
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado
I call them as I see them- I rest my case ! Mexico is a dangerous place for most anyone- I grew up in Texas & know about the dangers & the crime there. Every year it’s worse. That entire country/society is corrupt & dangerous as hell !
Do you ever read the news about what goes on there ????? Same with the Middle East. Yuck ?!
Jerry Gold- Windsor, Colorado
I spend 4 months a year in Sonora, in fact I’m headed back this weekend. If you want to find trouble it’s there, you stay in your lane you won’t have any issues. I went to Kyrgyzstan in November and was never worried in the slightest. Your perception of the rest of the world is pretty ignorant, but that’s okay. More for me.





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