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    • bobby
      bobby reacted to Flyjunky12's post in the thread HUNTER BIDEN!!! with Like Like.
      Get ready for the media narrative to an onslaught of “nobody is above the law”!
    • bobby
      bobby reacted to HntHrdr's post in the thread HUNTER BIDEN!!! with Like Like.
      This is just a distraction from the real stuff they should investigate him for, IE selling access to his father the sitting VP to China...
    • bobby
      bobby replied to the thread Hot water camp shower.
      Easiet best way is to buy a 1000 watt drop in water heater. Add to 5 gallon bucket and you hot water in 15 min . Use that with battery...
    • bobby
      bobby reacted to Muleman's post in the thread 16C FINALLY!!!! with Like Like.
      Well not to burst your bubble but 16C ain’t what it once was. Probably has decreased the most of the 16 units. Be prepared for a hard...
    • bobby
      bobby replied to the thread WTB NM LO Elk Tag.
      what unit?
    • bobby
      bobby replied to the thread OTC Barbary sheep quest.
      says the guy who hunts that area lol . In fairness id say that too if it wa my exlcuisve unit. There are some in largo
    • bobby
      Hopefully you are local to the area. If you see any of the random september overcast / rainy days those would be ideal days to hunt or...
    • bobby
      Sept, the big bucks are super nocturnal. ive ran cams through the area and never got a big buck in daylight , not once ... The big deer...
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