Recent content by muledeer

  1. muledeer

    Jimmy John's NM Ram

    It great that he can do this, but I wouldn't need to brag about. So a rich man sports this is becoming
  2. muledeer

    NE RAC

    Yes if the board is reading these please take away the scopes. This is the very definition of not having rules, everything becomes chaotic and society would slide rapidly into pandemonium. Isn't this what has happened since they took the rules on scopes off in 2016.
  3. muledeer

    Pressure ………

    First year not hearing a single shot on the Manti, over 40 years, people everywhere reminded me off the 80s, multiple side by sides driving where there are no roads. I never saw anyone when I was walking 2 basin from roads, no deer either though.
  4. muledeer

    Winter kill 2023

    I know they have been hit by vehicles more than what I usually see
  5. muledeer

    Elk management meeting today

    This is more correct and plus there was a lot more deer running around back in the 60's, 70's etc till 90's
  6. muledeer

    Utah Muzzy Scope Controversy

    Muzzleoader is my favorite hunt. I hope they take away the variable scopes.
  7. muledeer

    Utah Elk Management Plan

    I just remember how bad the elk hunting was before the spike only units.
  8. muledeer

    IMPORTANT - The Trail Camera Hearing is One week away

    I know that trail cams have helped me Kill animals, and I'm glad they have a season now. Over the last 30-40 years one variable that has changed is the technology, I agree we should limit it in all forms. For example In every sport I follow rules or technology has been adjusted, because of new...
  9. muledeer

    Why experts say the West's deer population is at 'inflection point' after another drop in 2021

    I don't believe the numbers were right back in 2018, many people have been complaining there were bad counts. I believe they are finally giving use the real counts and they hope they will go up.
  10. muledeer

    Utah Expo

    Honestly, I don't understand how more isn't done with the amount of money raised each year.
  11. muledeer

    2021 Harvest Data

    Their math is wrong, not sure who they have coming up with the percentages
  12. muledeer

    Henry Mountain Deer

    Saw a lot of bucks in the 150-170 range 1 probably 180 that was broken by Stanton pass, while bison hunting. I also heard multiple coyotes in the mornings and evenings
  13. muledeer

    What are you guys seeing for deer #'s where you hunted?

    Honestly I wonder what effect all the new technology has had on older age classes making it through. Long range shooting, rangefinders, scopes on muzzleloaders, 3 or 4 spotters if a big old deer is found. I know there is other stuff like weather. But some of it has to be the tech and drive to...
  14. muledeer

    Heartbreak on the Wasatch

    more death this year than 2020 don't go there, January-March the vaccine was just starting to be given to people. No wonder 2021 will have more death. Plus the country is not in shut down and mask mandates aren't in effect. In every state with mask mandates numbers of Covid cases went down...
  15. muledeer

    Central Mountains Manti

    Saw about 40 elk, lots of 2 or 4 in groups, one group of 20 not a single bull and not a single bugle this past weekend
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