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    • Pre-64
      Pre-64 reacted to BIGOLMULEY's post in the thread 2024 Utah bear “Moe” with Like Like.
      Same hide! We think he just had male pattern baldness! 😂 He had a giant noggin. And was just big. I couldn’t get back down until...
    • Pre-64
      Pre-64 reacted to diablo's post in the thread Scope help with Like Like.
      Good reminder to all the newbies out there. Yes, ALL black powder and bp subs are measured in volume.
    • Pre-64
      Pre-64 replied to the thread Scope help.
      Blackhorn 209 is measured by volume NOT weight, 84grains of weight is a 120 gr max load by volume. 120 grains by weight will likely turn...
    • Pre-64
      Pre-64 replied to the thread 9mm pistol.
      Buy a cheap holster and a legit gun belt, a real gun belt. They are expensive but very much worth it. So many people buy an awesome...
    • Pre-64
      Pre-64 replied to the thread 9mm pistol.
      Before you buy, do a little research on availability and price of extra mags, after market sights, holsters and such of what model you...
    • Pre-64
      Pre-64 replied to the thread Favorite wrestlers.
      Hacksaw Jim Dugan Koko B Ware with his bird Frankie, and Ricky the Steamboat Dragon.
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