Winter Range Trophy Bucks - Daypack Giveaway

Photo contest


Founder Since 1999

Doesn't matter what year, let's just see some winter range buck photos. If you share a buck photo from this year, mention that it's from this year and you'll get an extra chance at winning the pack.

The good folks at Bad Ass Outdoor Gear have got an Eberlestock Bandit Daypack to give away to one of you who shares a great photo.

In a month or so I'll randomly pick a winner. Like I said, if you share a pic from this year, mention it and it'll get you an extra chance to win the drawing.

Thanks to Bad Ass Outdoor Gear for donating the prizes for the contests and PLEASE everyone, when you're in the market to upgrade your gear, please shop Bad Ass Outdoor Gear and give them a chance to earn your business for good. They've got a large selection of hunting gear for you to look through.

Here's the prize that's up for grabs.

I remember seeing those bucks. I didn’t name them but they were cool to see. Great stories behind the sheds too…
Didn't shed hunt back then! I ran into the guy that found "Hooks" sheds. We got pounded with snow for a couple of weeks and weren't able to go looking. When we were finally able to go, we ran into a guy named Opie that had his sheds. He found them both the same day (he said). One side was plowed off the road and he was right behind the grader and saw it get plowed onto the pile of snow on the side of the road! Apparently it was buried and the operator didn't see it himself lol. Later that day he glassed up side 2 over the ridge. This was before the shed hunting law. We took a few pics. Never heard the story about Buckzilla's sheds

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Didn't shed hunt back then! I ran into the guy that found "Hooks" sheds. We got pounded with snow for a couple of weeks and weren't able to go looking. When we were finally able to go, we ran into a guy named Opie that had his sheds. He found them both the same day (he said). One side was plowed off the road and he was right behind the grader and saw it get plowed onto the pile of snow on the side of the road! Apparently it was buried and the operator didn't see it himself lol. Later that day he glassed up side 2 over the ridge. This was before the shed hunting law. We took a few pics. Never heard the story about Buckzilla's sheds

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Is Opie still around? He was a pretty chill guy. The circle I ran in called that buck cb40. Could be 40…

I can’t recall what they called the offer buck but he was a master of walking 3 miles the night before he shed every year. The guy who walked within 10 feet of his sheds is an active member on here so maybe they will tell the story…
Is Opie still around? He was a pretty chill guy. The circle I ran in called that buck cb40. Could be 40…

I can’t recall what they called the offer buck but he was a master of walking 3 miles the night before he shed every year. The guy who walked within 10 feet of his sheds is an active member on here so maybe they will tell the story…
Haven't seen Opie for a few years. Actually, the buck they called CB40 was a few years after I took those pics of "Hooks". We called him "Junior" because he was so similar to "Hooks" and frequented the same area. Pretty sure they're related. Jake already posted a pic of him, but here's another.

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Haven't seen Opie for a few years. Actually, the buck they called CB40 was a few years after I took those pics of "Hooks". We called him "Junior" because he was so similar to "Hooks" and frequented the same area. Pretty sure they're related. Jake already posted a pic of him, but here's another.

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Oh you’re right! Very similar. Thanks for the clarification. So Opie found both right?
Oh you’re right! Very similar. Thanks for the clarification. So Opie found both right?
No idea who found Junior's (CB40) sheds. That would have been the winter of '14-'15 (according to my calculations). There were many giant bucks that winter. Could have been Opie. He worked up there so he was able to keep an eye on those bucks. Of course, he had to wait til May 1 that year...;)
No idea who found Junior's (CB40) sheds. That would have been the winter of '14-'15 (according to my calculations). There were many giant bucks that winter. Could have been Opie. He worked up there so he was able to keep an eye on those bucks. Of course, he had to wait til May 1 that year...;)
dang are you sure? I’m pretty sure I lived in WY when cb40 was around… I thought it was 2008…but damn….maybe not ?
No idea who found Junior's (CB40) sheds. That would have been the winter of '14-'15 (according to my calculations). There were many giant bucks that winter. Could have been Opie. He worked up there so he was able to keep an eye on those bucks. Of course, he had to wait til May 1 that year...;)
Ok you made me think I was going crazy. CB40 was 2008. And those are the sheds Opie found that winter. Also here’s a link to the guy who posted named the buck:

dang are you sure? I’m pretty sure I lived in WY when cb40 was around… I thought it was 2008…but damn….maybe not ?
No I'm not sure lol. 2008 is the date on the pics in my computer...but that doesn't mean much..

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