26 year dream comes to a close!


Active Member
Winter of 1997 I was a little 7 year old that was already addicted to hunting. My dad came home from hunting and told us to come outside. We walked outside to find a really big Mountain Lion laying on the tailgate of his truck. 7 year old me was in absolute awe at the sight of an animal like that. I didn't know to that point that Lions got that big or that they even lived in my back yard. I decided that day that someday I would bring home a big Lion like my dad. Once I was old enough to hunt I began my quest and spent a lot of time with friends running roads looking for tracks in the snow. Once I was old enough to drive I spent every snowy day I could out in the woods looking for tracks myself and still had no luck. I moved from my home state in 2013 and therefore lost my access to friends with dogs. The dream of a Lion was still there and always on my mind, but it began to feel distant because life was not giving me much of a chance to pursue the animal.

Fast forward to this winter. I've been back in my home state for about 18 months and have a little more freedom that allows me to skip work if necessary from time to time. A friend was kind enough to offer to let me tag along if the weather ever presented itself on a good day for me. Well three days of good snow prompted me to skip out on work and try to take advantage of a weather window where we assumed the cats would be moving. I made the drive back to my hometown and early that morning we began to look for tracks. Didn't take long and we had a good track found that had us excited. It was a cold morning but the clear skies allowed the sun to warm us up a bit. Once we turned the dogs out it wasn't long before they had jumped the cat. He was on old experienced cat and he proceeded to cross a nasty canyon multiple times as well as run in circles trying to confuse the dogs. It took about 2.5 hours but the dogs finally had him bluffed up.

A close shot with my Hoyt and an 80 foot death plunge to the bottom of the canyon and my 26 year dream had come to a close. I couldn't believe it actually happened and was even more amazed that it happened with the cat of a lifetime. Truly one of the coolest hunts of my life. I am just grateful that it ended up being all that I wanted and more. Never expected to kill a cat bigger than the large cat my dad brought home all those years ago. Still can't believe it. Super grateful for good friends that invited me to tag along and sacrifice their time for a guy like me that probably didn't deserve it.

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Great story and the pictures are amazing! The head on him is huge and the look it has with the arrow in it, wow. He wants you!
Very cool! I had the opportunity to take a bobcat with my long bow many years ago. The guy who had the hounds said if we caught one I could keep it if I paid him the $5 that he would lose as a state paid bounty. (California paid a $5 bounty on bobcats back then). I said sure but $5 was a lot of money.

We treed a cat and I told him he should tie the dogs up before I shot in case it wasn't a pass through and the arrow was sticking out as the dogs went in. I was afraid the arrow would cut a dog. It's a good thing because that's what happened. I have a photo somewhere.
You Get Any Pics with The Dogs Gnawing On The Kitty?

Nice Job!
No pictures but they did gnaw on him for a while. One of the dogs got there before we did and ate his nuts right off his body. That was a fun conversation to have with the Game and Fish. Thankfully they understood.
Very classic photo of your arrow shot. In times gone by they would have put it on the cover of Outdoor Life or Field and Stream. Thank you for sharing. With your permission, I’m going to add that one to my collection.
Very classic photo of your arrow shot. In times gone by they would have put it on the cover of Outdoor Life or Field and Stream. Thank you for sharing. With your permission, I’m going to add that one to my collection.
Have at it!
Great story and pics!

At first, I thought he had an outlet to run, but looks like he was backed up against a cliff.

Regarding the nad gnawing hounds, I guess you coulda told the GW it was a transgender going thru hormone therapy. Probably woulda worked if you were in California or Calirado!! 🤣🤣
Great story and pics!

At first, I thought he had an outlet to run, but looks like he was backed up against a cliff.

Regarding the nad gnawing hounds, I guess you coulda told the GW it was a transgender going thru hormone therapy. Probably woulda worked if you were in California or Calirado!! 🤣🤣
Yeah the pictures are very deceiving. It looks like he is close to the ground or the other side of the canyon but that was definitely not the case. He was bluffed up on a nasty cliff and proceeded to fall off an 80 foot cliff to the bottom of the canyon after I shot him.

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