Easter, why its so special


Very Active Member
Happy Easter MM Faithful, this celebration is Paramount for all mankind guys. It's about the Son of God who was there when this earth was created came to pay a sin debt we couldn't pay ourselves, He willingly "temporarily" came down from Heaven because it was the Only Way to make us right in the eyes of a Holy God the Father. The Bible tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin . I wish there was another way to accomplish that but God's ways are not our ways. There is power in the blood ( FULL STOP) . Not my blood or yours could have satisfied Father God, its only through the sinless blood of Jesus. Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. He changed my life forever in 1997. Thank you my friend Jesus. See you soon . Blessings MM faithful, celebrate the resurrection tomorrow. We all live forever as we are created in the image of God and He is eternal, only those who accept the covering of Jesus's prefect shed blood get access to the Kingdom of Heaven. Most important decision each of us will ever make.
Amen to that.
He is risen.

Know this Tog, many here have been where you are . None of us ,who know the Lord will be throwing rocks. Scripture tells us the path to destruction is wide and many choose that path . The path to salvation through Jesus is in fact a narrow path , only one avenue. It's the recognition that the bar of righteous that we set for ourselves as being a good person IS NOT the bar that Father God uses as His Standard. Fact is, we can not be good enough on our own. It's only by recognizing this spiritual truth and asking God to forgive us, praying that He then views us through the covering of the perfect shed blood of His sinless Son . Not complicated, but it's the most important decision every man will ever make.
Thanks Servehim for this thread. Many will deny, or mock and make fun of . I knew not many would dare share that they believe. Nice to see a few did. And for those who don't believe that's OK too. We all have the choice. Religion is one thing believers and non believers should fight about. Also religion shouldn't cause hate and fighting although that is history.
I had more to say about my experiences but I said enough - I believe.
No argument here, you have the right to whichever of the 5500 religions you chose, and I have the right not to do any of them. the constitution saves us all as long as we don't forget it.

I just want parts on easter and something besides Chinese food on Christmas that's all I'm saying.
No argument here, you have the right to whichever of the 5500 religions you chose, and I have the right not to do any of them. the constitution saves us all as long as we don't forget it.

I just want parts on easter and something besides Chinese food on Christmas that's all I'm saying.
Luckily you can still get a hooker and blow on Christmas.
An attempt at humor ..I guess? Thankfully most here just shake their heads with broken hearts at posts like this . Thanks MM faithful for all the support and letting me share my views on the significance of Easter.

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