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  1. 2lumpy

    Woman of the year

    In the universe I was born into, we took care of our animals…. Sounds like Noen does too. I respect that and I’m impressed shared it. Much of the reason our culture has evolved into what it is today is because people have been shamed into refusing to talk the talk and then walk the walk. If...
  2. 2lumpy

    A great hunting tale

    I was 16 in 1963. First buck I ever shot was whitetail 5x5, field dressed at 213 pounds. My Dad say the buck go into a chokeberry patch above the Red Deer River. I got on the ridge above the berry patch and Dad circled down and came up from the bottom. The buck held until Dad was almost...
  3. 2lumpy

    Loss two of my buddies

    Sorry Joe. Any friend that caches is a loss that never gets replaced. May they RIP.
  4. 2lumpy

    A great hunting tale

    Outstanding adventure and well told. Would really like to have seen him in his prime.
  5. 2lumpy


    Good eats. Thanks to Momma. Sorry about the vehicle issues though.
  6. 2lumpy

    Another Educational Opportunity

    I’m not surprised in the least bit. They just barely admitted there was any kind of issue. They didn’t even start looking until 3 or 4 years ago. Why do you think the legislature has been forcing them to make changes in management for the last 50 years? Why do think they despise the people...
  7. 2lumpy

    Should Governor Type Tags Exist? (Poll)

    I don’t believe SFW is pulling any strings. The bureaucrats are firmly in control…….. think about it. They will be endangered on public lands, that as plane to see as my fat belly. I know of no landowner making their living on wildlife in Utah but I do know many who are supplementing it...
  8. 2lumpy

    Should Governor Type Tags Exist? (Poll)

    Nothing. I was responding to your comment about a European model. I asked. In turn, as about the African model. Both Europe and Africa ran out of public land hunting, in many countries……. 40 years ago, so they turned to private land hunting. For those that want to hunt, it’s the best they...
  9. 2lumpy

    Should Governor Type Tags Exist? (Poll)

    Are there more or less people hunting private property in Africa now than there were in 1970? Are there more or less middle income people hunting private property in Africa now than there were in 1970? Have private property owner in Africa made more money off wildlife since 1970? Has that...
  10. 2lumpy

    Should Governor Type Tags Exist? (Poll)

    This thought just hit me. The commercialization of wildlife will be the only thing that saves hunting as we know it. We all know the bureaucrat system will destroy hunting as we know it. And all you need to do is take a look as who and what the bureaucrats have done and are continuing to do...
  11. 2lumpy

    Mummy bag or Rectangle?

    Wiggy’s out of Grand Junction. For sure the rectangular. Careful however, when I called and placed my order I made the comment that I felt sleep bag companies over stated their low temperature ratings. The old rascal was a little put off and guarandamntee me his where accurate and sent me a...
  12. 2lumpy

    7mm-08 thoughts

    The Col was right Zeke. We can put up with a whole lot if that thing puts a hole in what we point it. If it doesn’t, there’s nothing more to talk about.
  13. 2lumpy

    Put one of these on your couch?

    Maybe they can put an air bag in, with an air valve on it. Blow that sucker up and stand him in the corner when company comes.
  14. 2lumpy

    Damn Yankees. Taking all the Credit for New England Clam Chowder

    Video “Idaho Paper Plate Cook Book”? Great idea.
  15. 2lumpy

    Damn Yankees. Taking all the Credit for New England Clam Chowder

    So Chef Blank, how come you haven’t started the “Idaho Paper Plate” YouTube Channel………. broadcast from anywhere in the western United States, by Blank and Sweet Tooth. Imagine the tax right offs….. if not the viewer click revenues? Just trying to help a little.
  16. 2lumpy

    Washington Has Became One Big CABAL

    Precisely why I call our side Republican'ts. They are disgusting. Only thing worse are Communists.
  17. 2lumpy

    Damn Yankees. Taking all the Credit for New England Clam Chowder

    Mmmmm. Looks great. Now days I’ve evolved into a soup lover. My favorites are French Onion and Clam Chowder. Any Chowder is darn hard to beat.
  18. 2lumpy

    Did you know this about wolves?

    Actual………. wolves are…..
  19. 2lumpy

    Did you know this about wolves?

    Wow…….. pretty sure they are human……
  20. 2lumpy

    NHL in Utah

    Like 5 decades ago……. When I arrived to stay? And brought my destructive mule deer passion……. that’s ruined sport hunting in the State? Like I been saying…… nothing good here, especially hypocrites like the Christensens. I freely accept the fact that since arriving here, you can clearly see...
  21. 2lumpy

    NHL in Utah

    We have a bounty on coyotes in Utah. You’re dang sure not going to stay here long! I keeping telling you, there’s nothing to see you’ll like here. Just saying…… Boise has no bounty.
  22. 2lumpy

    Another Educational Opportunity

    I can’t speak to mule deer because does separate and go off by themselves prior to fawning so it’s hard to observe but your theory is fact, for elk. That’s why you see groups of yearly bulls and yearling cows running in groups, starting about 30 days before the cow elk start to calf in May. I...
  23. 2lumpy

    Another Educational Opportunity

    Once again, unless the unit is out of feed at any period, during the year, and there is not enough feed to the whole herd, then not one mouth goes hungry…….. therefore, if you have 50 buck and 100 doe or 25 buck and 100 doe or 12 buck and 100 doe…. under the best of conditions, with zero fawn...
  24. 2lumpy

    Deep Fried Chicken Salad

    It for sure is…….. somewhere, every hour, no reason not wine and dinner where ever the feelings right! Sure wish there some of those white fleshed fish within casting distance of Glenwood!!!
  25. 2lumpy

    Deep Fried Chicken Salad

    The chow looks delicious. You look like you’ve down to summer fighting weight too. Don’t know how you stay so streamlined Chef Blank…. Maybe you’re just one of these Celebrity Chefs…….. you just cook it up, take a picture and someone else eats it for ya.
  26. 2lumpy

    Another Educational Opportunity

    Another point I should add. When DR.McMillian and Dr. Larsen did their 5 year study on the fawn survival, on the Monroe Mountain Unit, a decade or so ago, their data was showing a June fawn birthing rate of somewhere close to 100 fawn per 100 does. (Similar to studies done back in the 1950’s.)...
  27. 2lumpy

    Another Educational Opportunity

    If I’m a parliamentarian, it’s purely by accident. Not really known for that in these parts. Regarding your observations and opinions. In my area, south central Utah, cheatgrass has become the dominate plant, on the winter range. Its exact as you say, it takes over after the previous plants...
  28. 2lumpy

    Post One Photo Per Day

    Makes me green with envy.
  29. 2lumpy

    Another Educational Opportunity

    Sometimes…. when people exadurate it’s because they are frustrated and attempting get a point across that isn’t resonating with the other party. Or….. they are being sarcastic…… Or…… both. Lot of exadurating being going on for the past 35 years regarding mule deer decline/management. Don’t...
  30. 2lumpy

    A state-of-the-art sawmill

    Aaa, don’t worry bout it. Individual human life isn’t worth much in some places.
  31. 2lumpy

    Are You In Support Of Ukraine Becoming A Member Of NATO

    I don’t have the answer, I just asked the question. You are not sure Putin will go beyond the Ukraine, and you only hope the other members will pay up. My question is still unanswered. What happens if NATO members doesn’t pay up? If the U.S. does not cover the cost to defend the members...
  32. 2lumpy

    Are You In Support Of Ukraine Becoming A Member Of NATO

    The big question, for me is, what do we do if the NATO countries refuse to pay the agreed to amount. Where will that leave them, and then…….. my BIG question is, if the NATO countries refuse to pay up, and they all fall to the Russians, like they did to the Germany Nazis………. are we all in...
  33. 2lumpy

    And you think Utah non residents are the issue

    He’ll be fined on the captivity charge…… I doubt for anything more. Doesn’t mean he was ethically right…… in some people’s mind. Yet others would see him as a hero for running it over and killing it. Displaying it in a place of business was stupid. Stupid is what stupid does. He certainly...
  34. 2lumpy

    Arizona Strip Buck

    Bitter Brush, Meal For Champions
  35. 2lumpy

    Are You In Support Of Ukraine Becoming A Member Of NATO

    Tyrants and dictators are certainly cowards. Afraid to eat or drink without a Cup Tender, can’t trust their closest cohorts.
  36. 2lumpy

    Are You In Support Of Ukraine Becoming A Member Of NATO

    A Thank you. I appreciate your response.
  37. 2lumpy

    Are You In Support Of Ukraine Becoming A Member Of NATO

    I haven’t followed the war enough recently. Not sure I am 100% comfortable with Zelenskyy…….. but never thought of him as a coward. Would you mind telling me why you believe he is? Tks.
  38. 2lumpy

    Are You In Support Of Ukraine Becoming A Member Of NATO

    What is the point of a multi-trillion dollar military if one is afraid to use it? The theory is……….. so you don’t ever have to use it. When someone tests your resolve you give them an immediate and painful taste of what the multi-trillion dollar military can and will do. Continuously...
  39. 2lumpy

    Who has eaten BHS and your thoughts

    You guys that like the taste of wild mutton need to roast a young leg of lamb or Dutch oven roast a $30 toothless old ewe. Mighty fine fix’ens.
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