17, 20, 58, 95, 10

12 seconds was all I could handle. Thanks.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
Did your kid make that video or something? You've posted it a dozen times.......

It's not about the video. But, I am glad you've clicked on it a "dozen times." Don't be jealous.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-09 AT 12:10PM (MST)[p]Wow, that was tough to last through more than 8 seconds of it.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>It's not about the video. But,
>I am glad you've clicked
>on it a "dozen times."
> Don't be jealous.

Only clicked it once, and I can never have those 20 seconds of my life back, thanks......
Ok I will give it a go, the numbers are the ducks rank for next year after they lose the rose bowl, they start at 17th, and lose then move to 20th, and lose then to 58th, where they lose again, and go to 95th, and then that last number you forgot a 0 wehre they end the season ranked 100th in the nation.....

That has to be what you were asking us about right.... I agree.:)

Come on. You homers are better than that. Dig deep into the depths of your brains...errr dig deep into the cavern that houses your pea-sized brains. You all watched the entire video and you know it. Keep guessing and feel free to pass the video around. Here is a hint....it has something to do with the video.

I'm with Jake on this one about thier rankings. I don't think anyone can make it past a couple seconds of that video let alone watch the whole thing.
first i'll say, im a oregon fan 100%

first i'm a beaver fan, but i really like the ducks to. for the civil war i was hoping the ducks would win, cause i thought they'd do better in the rose bowl. and also my bosses daughter is a senior cheer leader for the ducks so i really wanted to see her get to go to the rose bowl. i do like both teams.

THAT SAID: that was a very dumb video....... really it was
got any naked pictures of the boss's daughter you'd part with???

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Hell just one in her Cheer uniform would work for me....

"first i'm a beaver fan".... bullsh!t... me thinks he protest's too much.

Football? I thought those were lotto numbers.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-09 AT 10:59PM (MST)[p]I really like the video. I could watch a thousand time. Hell probably already watched it 10-15 times. no one should admit of even knowing who the beavers are after their bowl performance. haha

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
Ya the video is spectacular. Even some of the Utards love it. But it is about the numbers not the incredible video. BTW rumor has it that the video is up for a Video Music Award. So when all you homers are watching your favorite Mariah Carey video getting an award you might just get to see I Smell Roses again.

What do the numbers mean?

All the numbers are jersey numbers of Ducks players (I checked), but I can't make any connection with them.



Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Win a video music award? Ya, for retards! I love my Ducks....I love...I love my Ducks!! Bang, Bang.....fetch em up Bodie!!

I watched the whole thing and those numbers represent how many seconds a viewer stuck with that video before they pulled the trigger!!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-09 AT 09:29PM (MST)[p]Well the first 4 numbers are the years the Ducks went to the Rose Bowl. They lost of of them but '17, and they will loose '10 as well sorry. Go buckeyes!
wow my IQ just dropped! that was pretty painful, I was hoping for a mass suicide or murder or something. bet the whole team rides the short bus!
sorry D-13 cant help you with the naked pics:)

that link to the cheer leaders is to fast it's hard to pick her out.

for some computer guys maybe you could try and find a link to post?

about 1 yr ago sports illistrated.com did a interview with her. i think it was titled "Oregons hottest cheerleaders" or "the nations hottest cheerleaders" or something similer. anyway it an interview with her. maybe someone can find it?
Nice Stacknitup. At least there is one intelligent Buck out there. Most of these Utards can't spell coledge futball, let alone know any of its history.

1917,1920,1958,1995,2010 = Rose Bowl Appearances.

The Ducks won't go in 2011 'cause they'll be playing for the National Title.

Go Ducks!!!

I think Kilo was at the 1917 game.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

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