171-173 Archery on foot



Hi everyone!
I'm relatively new to hunting NV, last year was my first year. I'm from PA so this is quite the change. I'm still trying to figure out how to set my tree stand up in a sagebush.....

This year i drew an early archery tag for units 171-173. It was the last of my choices.

So i'm trying to do some quick homework so that i at least get out and have some fun.

I unfortunatley don't own and can't afford to rent horses. So i'll be hoofing it. Can anyone recommend any general areas to start looking? I've read the NV hunter sheet and gotten some general info. Maybe an idea of somewhere that i could drive to that is a good access point for hiking in. I don't want to steal anybody's honeyhole....just a general idea of somewhere to start looking..

I'm ordering maps at the moment and plan on taking a couple days to head over and scout before season.

thanks for any info
RC, you might want to look at Stewart Creek (columbind camp ground) It's a good camp spot and it is on the north west border on the ach dome wilderness area. Its about a two mile hike up to the top. There are some good trails up there. I've rifle hunted in there and have had good luck. But never bow hunted there.
I would say the same I have archery hunted that very same spot you can find bucks right out of camp.Just take the main trail south out of camp and start walking you will find deer, the problem will be bedding them from first light till the time they lay down they may walk for over a mile and its tuff to keep on them.If you go there dont think you need to be on the top of the moutain deer are from the bottom all the way to the top and it seemed like the better bucks were at mid level good luck.
I hunted the area with a buddy last muzzleloader season. We stayed at san juan creek. Both these guys are right. Dont over look all the little draws. It took us 3 days to found deer cause we were to high we found them bedding in the draws in the buck bush but we were battling a full moon. There are alot of nice bucks in the area good luck.
Thanks for the information guys. Can anyone recommend good maps for this area? BLM? USFS? Preferably something with topo lines. Anywhere to order online?

I use the Nevada road and recreation atlas. It has the stuff I need roads elevation and it similar to a topo map. The forest service are good also I dont use them much unless I really need them. You can to ndow site go to maps and it tells were your can get maps, I think you can down load them to do your own but I have only played with it.
Hunt the mahogany aspen edge the higher I looked the smaller the bucks were.The big guys didnt like to be in the open they would dig in deep after first light.
New to the site and honestly, new to archery hunting. Pulled my first tag for unit 171-173. Appreciate the scoop. If anyone has any new inputs or updates...I'm all ears. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the information guys. Can anyone recommend good maps for this area? BLM? USFS? Preferably something with topo lines. Anywhere to order online?

You can’t beat OnX but I also use PDF maps by Avenza. Avenza you don’t need cell service and you can get all sorts of maps. BLM, Forest Service, NDOW hunt unit maps ect… the app is free but most people have to pay for the maps. I get BLM and FS maps free but I still pay for the hunt unit just for the hell of it.
I had my first deer tag in there I won’t ever hunt it again. I’m glad you drew a tag but if I were you I’d turn it in. It’s tuff rugged county with few deer. They do have some good bucks in that unit but few and far between. Are you a resident now your post was unclear?
New to the site and honestly, new to archery hunting. Pulled my first tag for unit 171-173. Appreciate the scoop. If anyone has any new inputs or updates...I'm all ears. Thanks a lot!
Area 17 is rugged and tough country. Very beautiful and very remote. As mentioned above, you can start at Columbine Campground since it is easier to get to then hit the trailhead from there. Most folks head straight to the Arc Dome or the surrounding basins. Columbine Campground has a very primitive toilet but other than that, there's no other amenities.

You can also try south of the Dome, Peavine Canyon. However, be prepared for a nasty ride. Most of the trails are not maintained and normally get washed out after storms. Expect some desert 'pin-striping' as you drive in. Some of those shrubs are brutal to a vehicle's paint job. lol
You guys ready for an old meme? Ok...legend has it that, wait for it, he's still climbing rocks.

You're welcome. I'll be here until midnight Pacific time. Try the veal, it's from Area 17.
I had my first deer tag in there I won’t ever hunt it again. I’m glad you drew a tag but if I were you I’d turn it in. It’s tuff rugged county with few deer. They do have some good bucks in that unit but few and far between. Are you a resident now your post was unclear?
Yep, I’m a NV resident and live down in Vegas
I had my first deer tag in there I won’t ever hunt it again. I’m glad you drew a tag but if I were you I’d turn it in. It’s tuff rugged county with few deer. They do have some good bucks in that unit but few and far between. Are you a resident now your post was unclear?
I don't get posts like these. I know a guy that only likes this unit. I guess I get it if you're an out of shape quad warrior.
I don't get posts like these. I know a guy that only likes this unit. I guess I get it if you're an out of shape quad warrior.
Well I do own a quad and sxs but it was my first tag when I was 14. Glad your going off someone else’s info. That was 21 years ago the unit is very rugged.
Had the same archery tag a few years ago. Put in for it on the advise of a buddy that hunts there every other year or so depending on his luck in the draw. He has killed a few decent archery bucks there over the years. That said, it was a tough hunt for me. I spent 7-8 days hiking and glassing a ton of country and couldn't come up with anything better than young 3 pointers and forky's. Saw deer for sure, but I was a bit discouraged with the quantity and quality compared to other easier to get Nevada archery hunts I have hunted. Hopefully for you my experience was a fluke, good luck!
I agree with Salaberry on this unit. I have had this tag and so has one of our daughters. Rockclimber-if your just in it for it an adventure then you have a good tag. if not-turn it back in. You most likely will not find what you're looking for (we all have different aspirations). It is beautiful country and held awesome deer in the 80's - 90"s, but those days are long gone and are (as someone else mentioned) history. However-You might find and bust an awesome Nevada Muley!!
Anyone aware of where the water sources are in 173? Initial feedback was stay west side of the mountains, but in looking at maps...sure looks to me like a) isn't much water to be had, b) Twin River area might be *it*.

Figuring it's going to be a challenging go at it....but I'm game for going after it.

Thanks in advance for any insights
Anyone aware of where the water sources are in 173? Initial feedback was stay west side of the mountains, but in looking at maps...sure looks to me like a) isn't much water to be had, b) Twin River area might be *it*.

Figuring it's going to be a challenging go at it....but I'm game for going after it.

Thanks in advance for any insights
Hopefully someone responds with some info. I’ve been following this thread out of curiosity for this unit.

From my own experiences with that style of hunting I would advise a lot of glassing. The type of glassing where you sit there and scan for way longer than you think is necessary. We used to find a good spot and just go back and forth (the more eyes the better) scanning. Our backpack hunting was always a lot of stopping and scanning.

I also think a really good idea would be to head out there to scout it. I know e-mapping is pretty good and gas is expensive but if you can, I would maybe come up with several plans based on your e-mapping and try it out ahead of the season. If you are going to be doing a lot of glassing, make sure you can find good vantage points.

I hope someone can provide you with unit specific detail.
There are plenty of springs and perennial creeks with water. Any little green spot is enough water to water deer. The high desert doesn't ha e a lot of running water.
Get as high as you can. Glass until your blind and then do it all over again. Once you feel like you just can't glass anymore-take a break and then do it again. There are big azz deer in every unit in Nevada but ya have to be willing to go blind glassing and be patient knowing ya most likely will come out empty handed. Still my favorite state to hunt knowing this. You might come back beat to hell with nothing (which aint all that bad) or ya could come back with a big azz, nasty buck. Either or is fun as hell!! Depends on your points though. If you drew this tag with 0 points, then go have a ball and see what it's all about. if you have points-ya might consider turning this tag back in.
LOL…thx guys! I have been running my OnX for e-scouting. I’ve been Google Earthing it too (which scared the crap outta me as it looks like there is ZERO water. If you go back through the years it is hit and miss on water. Hoping this year is better tho I don’t have anything to support that at all…given drought conditions.

I’ve gotten lucky to pull a tag on the first time. I’m thinking Joevegas has it right. Worst that happens is I learn a lot.

Thanks all. If you do have thoughts, I’m appreciative!
My first ever tag here in this State was for Area 17 (archery). I never had issues finding water. Sometimes I could hear nearby streams as I was hiking. I had a couple of stalks but didn't play the wind game right and got busted both times. Fooled their eyes and ears, but that dang nose. Man...

Learned a lot for sure. They're easier to spot in the summer as their coat is reddish-brown and they rarely go into the thick stuff as their antlers are sensitive when covered in velvet.

PM me if you get into a pickle. I can tell you what I know
Hunted it in 2019 and there was water everywhere. Of course it hasn't really snowed since so who knows what still has water.

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