18,000 Dairy Cows burned


Long Time Member
Near Amarillo a fire roasted 18,000 cows. It isn't even a dent in our country. But watch the fear mongering cause a surge in Moo Juice. Greta Thunberg probably gave them the idea. Lowering Methane Gas. They literally dump milk so prices don't drop. The middle man can make more money not the farmer. I see a pattern- Hogs, Chickens and now Cows.
Oh Ya!

The NEWS Media Will Brain Wash STUPID Americans!

The Next Morning You're Bent Over Paying Double Or Triple!

There's A National Shortage Now I'm Sure!
I haven't bought milk, eggs or beef for ten years or so now but with the rising cost of grain and hay you end up paying through the nose anyway but you can bet the loss of those few milk cows will make a surge in prices
Ok, without cheating and using google, I’m going to scratch my head on this one. Unless dairy cows are housed indoors, I’ve never seen a feedlot that would burn. Hmmmm…
Ahhh yes. They ol’ kill off the cows and chickens conspiracy theory. I love the breadcrumb trail you guys follow on these too. Don’t you think if they were doing this to “control us” they would keep it under the radar so the “sheeple” would keep grazing? I mean, they own the media for heavens sake. But no; they do it only in a way that the “sheepdogs” among us can figure out through watching Alex Jones and the likes to get the “inside scoop”.
The milk cows were in a holding barn and milking barn when a tractor or something caught fire near the methane collection system and an explosion then spread fire to insulation in the holding barn, cows couldn't get out.

Sounds like these large barns are common for large dairies Bluehair, you need to do some research on your conspiracy theories before posting.
They don't milk outside.
The milk cows were in a holding barn and milking barn when a tractor or something caught fire near the methane collection system and an explosion then spread fire to insulation in the holding barn, cows couldn't get out.

Sounds like these large barns are common for large dairies Bluehair, you need to do some research on your conspiracy theories before posting.
They don't milk outside.
I’m no conspiracist, and have no issue with your explanation . Just wondering how it happened and hate google.

The only big dairies I’ve seen were down around Phx, and they were outdoors (obviously not the milking equipment) as were the feedlots I’ve seen down around Amarillo.

Put me down with the group who doesn’t think this moves the needle very much. I’m sure there are plenty of ag subsidies to cushion us.
The milk cows were in a holding barn and milking barn when a tractor or something caught fire near the methane collection system and an explosion then spread fire to insulation in the holding barn, cows couldn't get out.
Thanks. That explains the how part.
Ahhh yes. They ol’ kill off the cows and chickens conspiracy theory. I love the breadcrumb trail you guys follow on these too. Don’t you think if they were doing this to “control us” they would keep it under the radar so the “sheeple” would keep grazing? I mean, they own the media for heavens sake. But no; they do it only in a way that the “sheepdogs” among us can figure out through watching Alex Jones and the likes to get the “inside scoop”.

and lucky for everyone that they have EWE to set them straight.
I live an hour north of Amarillo and I have a contract cattle crew that works for a 48,000 feed yard. Within three miles there are two feed yards that hold over 105,000 a piece. South of town here the biggest dairy in the U.S. milks somewhere in the neighborhood of 140,000 head of milk cows. Drop in the bucket
I believe one of the milkers died, and a families dairy, their livelihood, is destroyed. Why make this political?
I believe one of the milkers died, and a families dairy, their livelihood, is destroyed. Why make this political?
Oddly, the anti-conspiracy gang made this conspiratorial. Everyone else just wondered about the the fire and the barn. I agree, it’s a shame about the accident though.

Nice ram yotebuster.
140,000 head Holy Crap, grew up on a family dairy with 500 milking cows. I was pretty busy 7/24 at 13 years old...
Oddly, the anti-conspiracy gang made this conspiratorial. Everyone else just wondered about the the fire and the barn. I agree, it’s a shame about the accident though.

Nice ram yotebuster.
See posts 1-3 of this thread. I just responded to the nonsense

Thanks. It was a hunt of a lifetime.
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I haven't bought milk, eggs or beef for ten years or so now but with the rising cost of grain and hay you end up paying through the nose anyway but you can bet the loss of those few milk cows will make a surge in prices
No it wouldn't. It spring time cows start ramping up production. Most dairies calve more during spring. The floods have done more damage to dairy production this year.

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