2016 ATL Contest


Active Member
I know it's early but I have a picture that I want to put in the ATL contest. This is a picture I took this weekend of some bucks I have been watching with a nice shed in it. I was unable to pick the shed up do to the law in Wyoming. (I know someone will pick it up before May 1st) That's the first shed I have ever left that was in plain sight. At least a cool picture came out of the deal.

Sweet photo. Did you see the buck that cast that shed? The deer look in pretty decent shape.
No I didnt see the buck that lost it. All the bucks that was there was still packing both sides. In all the trips that I have made up there looking I have only seen 1 buck that was in bad shape. Hopefully they stay that way!
I wish elkassassin. Not quite worth loosing hunting rights over though. Sounds like Wyoming takes this stuff pretty serious. I'm sure either someone will or someone has got it already and got away with it but I didn't want to take the chance.
For every one shed picked up early by a tard, 10+ will be picked up early by locals. And they aren't shy about it either. The deer picture will have his sheds scooped up long before May 1.

As for this ATL, that is a Winner in my book. Just awesome. Thanks for posting it.



Awesome photo. You get MY for first place. Dont See photo's like that. Last Year at Work I Watched Several Monsters. Well the giant pig dropped 50 Yards Off the dirt road on a ranch I pass through. It Was tempting and everyone Knows eyes are always looking. Couple days later another Worker got busted picking up the Shed and lost Job. A few days later a buck dropped right On this road. I Was 15 minutes behind the lucky guy that got that one.
>Awesome photo. You get MY for
>first place. Dont See photo's
>like that. Last Year at
>Work I Watched Several Monsters.
> Well the giant pig
>dropped 50 Yards Off the
>dirt road on a ranch
>I pass through.

The shed law only applies to Public property. If the shed was on a ranch, the owner could have gone a grabbed in legally. You can shed hunt private property before May 1st in Wyoming.
Cool photo! Looks like a two point horn laying in the snow behind it. You should have stuffed it under some sage brush (GPS), came back and picked it up during the legal season!!
Went out looking in the same area as bowhunter13 Saturday. Found the buck in his pic above, but the horn was nowhere to be seen. Went into a different canyon and found another horn. That one didn't last but 8 hours and it was gone too. This is getting ridiculous!


If the WY fish and game does not intend on doing anything about this, they need to just eliminate the season.
HJB, I was there Friday and it was there so if it is gone, it was after I had been there. Where it was laying whoever picked it up should be on camera... Like you said if they are going to have this law they need to have a game warden there. In all the trips I have made I have yet to see a warden. doesn't mean they aren't there I guess but in my opinion they need to watch it a lot closer.
Saw the warden twice last winter, but have yet to see him this winter. A few antlers with GPS chips in them strategically placed could work wonders.

When I spoke with Adam( warden) last winter, he told me that the pumpers keep a close eye on those bucks and potential horn poachers. I'll bet they do!! Wink, wink. He was there because he had gotten a tip from someone about possible horn poaching. The previous time we saw him, he had gotten a tip about a vehicle with Utah plates being on a closed road. Please stay on the main roads, guys. ALL of the 2-tracks are closed, even if there isn't a sign there. If you get out to take a pic or get some video, stay next to the vehicle! Moving away from the vehicle is very disturbing to the deer!

I also spoke with one of the workers up there last Thursday and he made no qualms about picking up any horn that he sees before May 1. His claim was that if he didn't pick it up, someone else would. Sad thing is...he's right.

There is a movement to abolish the shed season because of all the horn poaching, but it seems to have lost any steam it may have had in the legislature. G&F like the law; it definitely reduces pressure on the deer during their hardest time of the year. Unfortunately, it doesn't affect the few who choose to break it...but it most assuredly affects those of us who don't.
>Saw the warden twice last winter,
>but have yet to see
>him this winter. A few
>antlers with GPS chips in
>them strategically placed could work
>When I spoke with Adam( warden)
>last winter, he told me
>that the pumpers keep a
>close eye on those bucks
>and potential horn poachers. I'll
>bet they do!! Wink, wink.
>He was there because he
>had gotten a tip from
>someone about possible horn poaching.
>The previous time we saw
>him, he had gotten a
>tip about a vehicle with
>Utah plates being on a
>closed road. Please stay on
>the main roads, guys. ALL
>of the 2-tracks are closed,
>even if there isn't a
>sign there. If you get
>out to take a pic
>or get some video, stay
>next to the vehicle! Moving
>away from the vehicle is
>very disturbing to the deer!
>I also spoke with one of
>the workers up there last
>Thursday and he made no
>qualms about picking up any
>horn that he sees before
>May 1. His claim was
>that if he didn't pick
>it up, someone else would.
>Sad thing is...he's right.
>There is a movement to abolish
>the shed season because of
>all the horn poaching, but
>it seems to have lost
>any steam it may have
>had in the legislature. G&F
>like the law; it definitely
>reduces pressure on the deer
>during their hardest time of
>the year. Unfortunately, it doesn't
>affect the few who choose
>to break it...but it most
>assuredly affects those of us
>who don't.

Make everybody buy a permit to shed hunt in Wyoming. $10 for residents and $50 for non-residents. Use the money to hire a warden for that specific winter range area. Also use the mony to pay for chipped shed operations. Start issuing fines ($500) for each violation. People will quit picking them up once they see the Warden daily and hear all the stories about fines and chipped sheds. Just my idea on the whole thing.
^^^^ That's a hilarious post there HJB. Oh to be so na?ve....

YELUM is dead on. All this shed law has done is give home field advantage. And after much thought about it, I'm ok with that.

Everyone complaining about how bad it is should maybe give CO, NV, ID or anywhere else a try. You all are complaining about it now but you didn't voice your opinion when it mattered most!

It's amazing how worked up someone would get over some antlers. Wow!
I like your idea HJB, I bet there would be a lot less people grabbing horns if they thought there was a chance they were chipped,
I also talked to the Warden last week about the antler law and I really didn't get any answer from him. Told him last year was the worst year for sheds because of the mild winter and people picking up the sheds early and his response was....it is what it is..I was shocked to hear him say that. But I guess it is hard to cover all that ground by yourself. He also told me to call if I see any suspicious activity going on and he would come out to investigate. I would like to see the anlter law go away or have it open up in April instead of May. I also agree on buying a tag to horn hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-16 AT 02:36PM (MST)[p]I sent Adam a huge email the other day about this situation. He is well aware of what's going on. However, he is olny one guy and can't possibly be everywhere. On top of that all the locals know him and his truck. They know his schedule and where he is going to be. I'm not saying the locals are the only one grabbing sheds, but lets be honest, I think they do most of the collecting.

Adam is a good guy and I truly believe that he cares and wants to better the situation. He knows he can't control it and he kind of just tosses his arms in the air when people talk about it because he is doing everyting he can.

That's why I think things need to change. There are a few canyons highly populated with bucks and people are always in there looking around. All it would take is a sting operation each Saturday, and you would catch at least 5 people. That's more people than all the citations combined last year.

Put a shed 20 feet from the road. Set up in the sage with a tripod and video camera. As soon as the guy gets out and picks up the shed, it's over. You have the proof, and you issue a citation. I promise you that guy will think twice before doing it again. Why is that so hard to do??????

Repeat that activity every Saturday and by the end of April you have made 30-50 people think twice about picking up sheds early. Nobody wants to pay $500 for an antler (unless it's huge). People will stop risking it, I promise you. We just need stuff like this to happen and it's not.
I also like the gist of your idea, HJB, but I would charge more for the license. Increasing fines to $750 or more would also help( I believe the fine is currently $460 or something like that).

Not sure just doing stakeouts on Saturdays would solve the problem, either. Poachers would re-adjust their schedules. Chipping horns would be the cheapest and most effective method, IMO.

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