2023 Youth Success Photo Contest - Let's See 'Um!

Photo contest


Founder Since 1999
Let's see those trophy photos of your kids'! 2023 Youth Success Photo Contest! Share your best photos (and/or video), along with some details too!

We'll run the contest for a few weeks and winners will be picked based on what I think are the best field photos......I'll let "Likes" of photos also help guide me.

The contest prizes will be a Phone Skope Kit for 1st place and Pyro Putty and an Arch Lighter for 2nd place. Thanks to the folks at Phone Skope for the gear! If you don't already own the a Phone Skope, then get over to their site and get one......that is if you don't win one here! It's a valuable piece of gear to have with you for helping to preserve your hunting and scouting adventures.

Get Yourself a Phone Skope

My son Derek drew the Youth Any bull tag this year. Because of football and a few other commitments we had to hunt close to home, on the desert, where the elk #s are low. We hunted all of opening weekend then each night after practice only seeing a few cows . On our 7th day he glassed up this bull and 3 cows. He made great shot and he had his first bull.

My son has been in the field hunting with the family since he could walk and tag along. He took and passed hunter safety at age 6 and it seemed like forever until we could get him a tag in Idaho as a ten-year-old. The only tag we could get was for a unit I had never been in but we were happy to have a tag. Lots of practice shooting his 7MM-08 and he made a perfect shot just after daylight on opening morning! —-SS
Well on his 24th day of archery hunting this year. My son age 13 finally got his first big game animal with his bow. We were nearly a month into the rifle season and my son decided to stick it out with a bow. Orange hat is required as he was archery hunting in the rifle season…

I cant do good pictures. For some reason I get all coked up on energy and forget how. Plus we are not super pretty people. These pictures are actually very composed for how it actually was. Good times. Amazing even. My dad never has spent one minute with me hunting. I truly feel sorry for him. The elk was a monkey off my back. Two other years we hunted the entire season and had nothing but the worst luck. This bull was a gift.


My son Max has had quite the year - drawing several really good tags. His first was a successful NM antelope hunt, followed by an early Colorado deer tag, and most recently his NM youth bull tag. We have had a great fall scouting hard to harvest some great animals and spending quality time together - he know he is lucky - but he will one day look back at how really, really lucky he was to have several great hunts in one fall season!

I posted this in the Mule Deer forum, but it belongs here as well.

After 14 hours of driving and 8000' in elevation change my son was able to shoot his first mule deer. Unfortunately, later in the day he developed altitude sickness and I had to take him down to my parent's house 4000' feet lower and let him recover for a few days.

First Muley.jpg
My son Derek drew the Youth Any bull tag this year. Because of football and a few other commitments we had to hunt close to home, on the desert, where the elk #s are low. We hunted all of opening weekend then each night after practice only seeing a few cows . On our 7th day he glassed up this bull and 3 cows. He made great shot and he had his first bull.

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Now that’s paying his dues! Congrats to your family

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