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LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-09 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-09 AT 09:26?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-09 AT 08:37?AM (MST)

Called two into 17 yards,, One got away.

Nice. What did you use to call them in?

I would love to hear some ideas on what made you successful and hopefully more tags can be filled.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-09 AT 12:27PM (MST)[p]Yea he is pretty big, I estimated him at 150-170#. The bio that checked him said it looked like an alpha. She also said that alpha's run by themselves or just with one other until it's time to breed, He was with another wolf the one that got away was way bigger.
We were just sitting down cooking up some coffee on the jet boil
and having some grub and started calling with-in 5 minutes they came hauling ass on a dead run out of some trees, They slammed on the breaks at 17 yards and just stood there, They knew something werent right and i am pretty sure they caught our movement as we were raising our rifles but they would not look directly at us just sort of looking at us out of the corner of there eyes. They came in on my buddy's side and he was on em right away they just stood there, I was able to get on em but my muzzle was about 18 inches from my friends ear, I was afraid to move much more and risk not getting a shot by either of us so i just told him to shoot. Wham right through the right shoulder it went down hard, The other one got out of there real quick and went off about 600 yards and went to howling up a storm, So i went and tried to put the sneak on it but just got a glimpse..
I called several more in during archery elk but they either caught me by suprise or hung up at 40-50 yards.
The day after he shot the one we called another in i think it was the dead ones buddy he was real sneaky and would just give us little glimpes. All the others would come in with no caution what so ever.

We have been calling them in with a coyote howler Knight&Hale preditor one. We do about 3-4 howls then some barks a few more howls then throw a couple of hurt dog sounds in there YIPE YIPE YIPE... We do all that for about 6-8 minutes then give it a rest
then just howl bark and yipe every few minute after that..
I have no doubt that if you are with in ear shot of a wolf and you do this they will come.Just be ready!!!!I should of had a couple but they came in so fast i was never ready.. I also think a coyote decoy will be a huge help, If you set it out 20-30 yards from your position it will take their attention off of the caller and give more time for a shot, I am going to go get a montana decoy today re-up on grub and head back out tonite for 10 days so i can get me one. GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY......

This pic is the lucky shooter
LAST EDITED ON Oct-13-09 AT 12:38PM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/User_files/4ad4c82933132344.jpg
Couple more pics
Nice Job! Now go get another one. By the way, how was your Montana hunt?
That is awesome. Congrats on taking a big one.

thanks for the great tips on calling them in!

Happy hunting
Thanks everybody..Heading out in the morning for a few days. Sounds like f&g finnished off the pack this one came out of, so gonna have to look around a bit..
Starting to see some elk show on winter range, hoping that will make the wolves a little more visable..

Which kind of calls? I have the squeeler calls for coyotes, but would you use more of a fawn/calf call? With the snow hitting the ground I'm hoping I've put in enought points around the house to get out of here and see if I can get close to some predators.
You are the bomb.com. Keep up the good work. I myself am going out this weekend to try and lay the smack down on a wolf or two! Thanks again, I cant see enough of these kinds of pictures!


"Winners make commitment, Losers make excuses.
Thanks again everybody..
BPK.. sorry i did not see your post earlier.
The call we used the most was a Knight&Hale ultimate predator 1
I think it is more of a rabbit squealer, but makes great Coyote barks and howls as well as yipes.. We were calling real aggressivly,loud and hard..
I now have a 3 pack call, its called the pak howler,,They sound great to me,, but i have had some trouble locating any wolves since i have bought them. The first one i ever called in was just by barking with my mouth and some yipes from a cow elk mouth reed,Sounds kind'a silly but it worked, i didn't have any other calls at the time.. I heard him howl so i just started barking and yipeing, he came into 60 yards in the wide open in less than 5 minutes. All i had for a weapon at the time was a longbow,if i would of had a rifle he would be hanging on the wall right now and i would be out looking for #2....I think most any Coyote/dog or wounded animal sound will do it..
I went out a couple weeks ago and got on a set of tracks, but the knee deep snow just wore me out and couldn't stay on em for long..
I had a fella tell me he could get me on some wolves over by Clayton,i kind'a think hes full of it but its worth a try,Im heading that way monday..
Also had a guy tell me about some spots in unit 39, if i don't hook up around Clayton, i think i will head there next..
Good luck hope we can fill the quota..

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