40" Muley w/Drop Tines


Long Time Member
Made you look. I couldn't stay away. I'm officially back. Like anyone missed me. hehe. Just having an ice-cold Budweiser. PC
Paul, you definitely got my attention!!!! for a moment any how till you burst the bubble....anyhow, glad your back...Dwayne
I thought you quit drinkin from sunday thru thursday? You are full of it arent you. Glad to see you came back and came to your senses
The only days PC drinks on are the days that end in Y sunday monday tuesday wednesday i think you get where i am goin with this

Glad to see everyone still loves me. Actually, I'm not drinking anything Sunday through Thursday. I've lost a little over 12 pounds. Yeah, baby. I'm looking for lean and mean come November! PC
LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-03 AT 11:01AM (MST)[p]Don't be a damn fool Paul, good health is way overrated.
Who let him back in here...get out! I'm gonna "delete" you...hehe! I'd say glad to see you, but then I'd be lieing...hehe

Scott G

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