54 Archery elk



Any advice would be good. Never hunted with a stick and string. Im getting a used bow from a friend next month. I hope I can get some meat even a cow would tickle me pink.
You have a great tag i put in for every year you should get a great bull plenty of elk just spend some time scouting
My wife got the tag this year as well. Looking forward to a fun hunt. If this really is your first bow hunt make sure to practice a lot and know your range. Also, if you are borrowing a bow, take it to a shop and make sure it fits you properly. You have an incredible tag and don't want to screw it up with equipment that does not work for you. Know your range and I'm not sure how to practice this without experience but stay calm when a bull comes into 10 yards screaming his head off. You might pee your pants! Start practicing your elk calling too. We actually learned a lot by watching primos, carlton and other archery elk videos. Watch them over and over again and pay attention to how they set up, when they draw, how they play the wind and how they wait to retrive thier game. Good luck. Maybe we'll see you in the hills.
>"#### you!"

That's kinda what I was thinkin'

That ain't a camel toe, that's a moose knuckle!
If you shoot a cow, you're a fool. You've got one of the best tags in the world (yeah I know what Nevada people say).

I know what kind of bulls are there and how easy the access is.

SO......advice is to hold out for a mature bull and DO NOT WOUND ONE!!!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I hope by next month you mean July 1 for getting that bow. Have you shot a bow much. Two months of practice is not much!

Good luck; I have been putting in for that tag for a long time.
not going to lie that was hard to swallow this morning, i hope you make the most of it should be the best hunt of your life
>I hope by next month you
>mean July 1 for getting
>that bow. Have you
>shot a bow much.
>Two months of practice is
>not much!
>Good luck; I have been putting
>in for that tag for
>a long time

Last year i bought my bow on august first and had no previous archery experience. i shot almost every day, and ended up shooting a buck on the 3rd day of the season. it can happen...although it still probably isn't recommended.
>Any advice would be good. Never
>hunted with a stick and
>string. Im getting a used
>bow from a friend next
>month. I hope I can
>get some meat even a
>cow would tickle me pink.

you can obviously shoot what you want, but i'd do a little research on the area you've drawn. it doesn't sound like you understand the opp. that is in your back pocket.
I will buy your elk tag for a general area for the next 20 years and you will kill a cow elk every year, i will pay to have the meat processed and pack it out for you if you give me that tag. DONT SHOOT A DAMN COW WITH THAT TAG
Congrats on the tag, it puts a smile on my face when someone who knows nothing about the unit or the weapon draws a tag. Dont let all those jealous people ruin your opportunity and hunt how you want to hunt and persue what makes you happy.
However like most have already told you its an excellent opportunity to harvest a once in a lifetime bull. My son drew the muzzy tag there and well be in the unit alot this summer and we are willing to help you however we can. I would recommend getting to know the unit as much as possible. Parts of that unit have an OTC cow tag ( another brainless move from F&G) that starts Aug. 1 and that can affect the elk a little but not enough to ruin your hunt. Good luck and PM me if we can help.

Since you asked for it here is some general advice for you.

1. You drew a great tag. As everyone on this thread is telling you this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Take advantage of it.

2. Never having hunted with a bow and getting a used bow from a friend in the next month is a disaster waiting to happen (in most cases). I'm not saying with some serious pratice and a lot of dedication you can't pull it off, but anyone who bow hunts will tell you there is a lot to it ... not just the shooting part but the whole mentality. You have at most 60 days to get your act together with a type of weapon you have never hunted with before (based on what you said)and if you go in the field unprepared and not proficient with the weapon it's going to be a bad experience for you and it could be multiple wounded animals.

3. Know your maximum range and no matter the situation don't take a shot that you aren't 100% confident in. The animal deserves that much!

4. Take your friend's bow to a proshop before you buy it and make sure it's a good setup for you. If it's not don't buy it and go find something that fits you ASAP.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice ... every day from the time you get that bow to the day you leave for your hunt.

6. Talk to as many bow hunters as you can and ask them for their pearls of wisdom about bow hunting. You don't have the time to gain the experience, but you can learn from other and incorporate it.

7. Never have your first post on MM be "#### you!!!!" the person you are saying that to may know something about the unit you are asking information about.

Pratice a lot and good luck on the hunt!
"7. Never have your first post on MM be "#### you!!!!" the person you are saying that to may know something about the unit you are asking information about."

+1 idgator
Unsy, I think its great when people speak their mind and if you tell me #### you ill have a good laugh and still be willing to help out. Ill bet when it comes down to it these other guys would also.
Congrats. It is a great tag. We hunted 12 days and called in anywhere 10 to 15 bulls a day. Had alot of shots from 10 to 30 yards.

First week cow calls kinda worked, they would answer, bugling worked the best. The rut was really going between the 12 to the 20th. good luck and shoot a rocking chair. Email me for more info.
looks like this UNSY guy posted, got the info PM'd to him that he needed for his hunt and peaced out. i bet we don't see another post from him
Me thinks he was pulling our chain. Who would apply for that that archery tag not knowing the caliber of the hunt or ever shooting a bow? There is a rifle and muzzy tag he could have put in for.
baerman, he may or may not be messing with us. I will bet there are probably hundreds of people all over the state that do this. Not knowing the weapons, not knowing the area, not knowing a damn thing about anything. Then, when they draw, they get on here or other places, looking for a handout of info.

That ain't a camel toe, that's a moose knuckle!
i think so too. just have a feeling. maybe trying to piss people off. this situation is the same thing as someone getting on here and saying they drew one of the unit 40 tags and going to go shoot a cow or a doe. even if you are clueless, with 30 seconds of research you would realize quickly what kind of tag you drew

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