A sick poker hand


Long Time Member
For about $135,000. She was accused of cheating and eventually gave him his money back.

If you're going to accuse someone of cheating, you better prove it.

Garret was the one who went all in with 8 high. Sure, he had some outs but it didn't beat J high. They even ran the river twice and she won both. Some real eye candy to boot.
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What's interesting is, if the betting were reversed, and she went all-in with the Jack High, he would have folded and everyone would be applauding her ballsy bet... its why poker can be so fun to watch.

But you Gotta Realize it's TV POKER!

And We're Dumb Enough To Watch It!


Even Eel Noticed The GOODIES!:D

What's interesting is, if the betting were reversed, and she went all-in with the Jack High, he would have folded and everyone would be applauding her ballsy bet... its why poker can be so fun to watch.
I HATE j4o! Unless you're on a blind, why would you even play that hand? Move on. For sure it seems really fishy. Especially since she gave him the money back?! She also said she thought Garret had Ace high. Which means he wins! Something doesn't add up here.
I HATE j4o! Unless you're on a blind, why would you even play that hand? Move on. For sure it seems really fishy. Especially since she gave him the money back?! She also said she thought Garret had Ace high. Which means he wins! Something doesn't add up here.
Maybe she wants to be his hunting guide friend.
Hey there, I just came across this post and wanted to chime in. It's always frustrating when someone accuses you of cheating, especially when there's no evidence to support it. I can relate to the person who won that hand, it must have been tough to deal with those accusations. On a similar note, I play poker a lot and have been using this amazing site called https://ufaz88.casino. I love the variety of games they offer and the platform is very user-friendly. I've never had any issues with cheating or anything like that, and I feel like the site is very trustworthy. Have any of you guys tried it out?
Interesting scam. Adios scammer.

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