albino deer



has any one ever been out in the woods and seen an albino deer, elk, or any other north american big game animal
Not a big game animal but i've seen an albino beaver in Minnesota. Not that kind you pervs, a real one with a flat tail.
Saw an albino mulie a couple of years ago. Pretty neat. If it woulda had antlers, it might of met it's maker.
This has been on here before but here it is since you asked.


Happy trails
Ridge Runner
"Now Pilgrim,you sure you can skin griz"
We used to see an albino on the wasatch front for about 4 or 5 years but havnt seen it for about 5 years now!
I saw an albino whitetail in Maryland in 1990. He wasn't pure white, had some brown spots on the neck, but mostly white.
Back in 1997 I saw an Albino White doe in Eureka Nevada.
When we talked to the fish and game back in Ely we listened to him get on his radio and they all just started laughin.
A year later my father went back with my brother, the highway was being torn up and there were sightings of a 4x4 albino Mulie. I'd love to stick one of those.

I have also seen a white 5 pnt bull elk up main canyon on the east rim near strawberry utah.

saw not an albino but a almost white coated cow elk by Ely one time. Then there was this time that i saw an albino Sasquatch...oh wait..never mind...different topic.
i saw an albino turkey. no, it wernt on my uncle's farm neither. it was a wild turkey. no, i wasn't drinkin' wild turkey neither. also have seen an albino ground squirrel, and a gamble's quail. saw a "pinto" muley once. a doe, by showlow. it was snow white underneath and up all 4 legs. had sort of a gray "saddle" on it's back that went partway down each leg on the outside and up the back of it's neck to it's head. under it's chin and the front of it's neck was all white. seen several coues deer with white spots on em too. adults, not fawns. i think that is sorta common tho. almost forgot, seen an albino black bird, too. talk about something that stuck out like a sore thumb. white bird in with about 100,000 black ones.
i've seen an albino pheasant in oklahoma and an albino whitetail doe in virginia. heard rumors that there's a whole herd of albino deer somewhere in new york state.
There are three reasons to own a gun. To protect yourself and your family, to hunt dangerous and delicious animals, and to keep the King of England out of your face. -- Krusty the Clown
There is an albino doe that live in side city limit here in Casper. She has lived longer then the biologists thought she would.
We always had a few pheasants around in the spring that had some white in them(a few that was all white) but come hunting season they was all gone, I always thought they got poached for mounts and stuff, But I never saw them in any-one houses around the area, so I'm guess the coyotes and foxes got them, I have always want one for a mount but I haven't got one yet.

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