Amazing Arab Editorial



this dude better watch his back I'm sure the terrorist won't like what he has to say...but more power to '

"Man of History"
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
WE are with President Bush who has said, "I am the man who makes history." Who, other than President Bush, can launch a war against terrorism? Who else will come to the rescue of people suppressed by dictators? Who else was there to build and develop nations? and above all who made democracy the new international system for all the people in this world?

None of the Middle Eastern countries could face terrorism alone. Some of them went to the extent of making compromises and allying with terrorist organizations. These countries were afraid to kick out terrorists until the United States arrived on the scene, heading a coalition of the willing to root out terrorism. Some people may be skeptical about what the US has achieved. But we know it has not only liberated Afghanistan from Taliban and its ally Osama Bin Laden but also created a modern democratic country with its own police, army and other civil institutions. The United States has also liberated the Iraqi people and created a modern country from the ruins of the former regime. There are some people who still call the war to liberate Iraq as "baseless," citing the failure of Americans to find any weapons of mass destruction (WMD). What they forget is the Americans did find many mass graves where millions had been buried alive. This alone is enough to prove Saddam's regime was more lethal than any WMD man has known.
Feeling the Sting

Quite recently the US forces have cleansed the holy places in Najaf of the remnants of the former regime and other infiltrators. When we consider all these there is no doubt Bush is a man who creates history. Western countries, which were against Bush in his war on terrorism, are now feeling the painful stings of terrorism. France has two of its citizens kidnapped in Iraq. The kidnappers have threatened to behead the French hostages if France fails to reconsider its law, which bans Muslim women from wearing hijab in schools. Terrorism can be tackled only through war and only the United States, backed by a President who creates history, is capable of handling such a war. We must remember Islam has nothing to do with terrorism. Terrorists exploit the religion to achieve their objective, which is to destroy civilization, kill people, start wars and plunge the world into darkness. We saw how these terrorists kidnapped and killed innocent people under the cloak of religion only to forget all about their cause in exchange for a fistful of dollars.

The entire world is aware of the cause and effect of terrorism. The killing and beheading of some innocent people won't prevent the United States or its allies from confronting terrorism. Americans are convinced of the need to fight this menace and no country is better equipped to do this job except the United States, which has the mightiest armed forces history has ever known. President Bush has the right to say "I am the man who makes history" because he is fighting aggression against modern civilization. He is creating countries which enjoy democracy, peace, stability and security. These countries are now able to be a part of the international community sharing their traditions and culture with the rest of the humanity. Bush is the President of not only the United States but the whole world for he is making history on this small planet.
By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
I am glad to finally see that some of the Arabs and/or muslims are willing to speak up against terrorism. I just hope a lot more of them feel the same way. It was pretty sad that after 9/11 almost no one from that part of the world spoke out against what happened.

Hopefully more people from that part of the world will take a stand against terrorism, if not there will be more sadams to come. And to put a man like kerry in our White House would be a definate step backwards. I can see him now trying to win the peace by cutting our military and pacifying the terrorists with his spineless liberal tactics. Don't get me wrong, we have some ok Democrats out there, he's just not one of them. GWB in 04. Just my 2 cents.

I hate to say it but most of them Arabs are under terror in their own home, by family memebrs and such so many are afraid to speak what they know as truth....

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