Another AR 301 bull


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-03 AT 04:19PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-03 AT 04:18?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-03 AT 04:17?PM (MST)

Here is a picture of my AR 301 bull. I was able to arrow him on the 5th of Sept at about 20 yards. This is my first elk with a bow, what a hunt. Hopefully the Ut DWR keeps this hunt around, this is a great experience that everyone should have the chance to enjoy! fstop
Hey Slayem,
I got him right behind the front shoulder.....Just kidding, I hunted the Dutton and the Boulder units,but I took this bull on the Dutton. I have friends that drew ar tags as well and they tried the Wasatch like yourself. I thought about it for quite sometime, but in the end I decided to go south. I had a Dutton muzzle tag last year and was able to learn a lot about the unit and tag a good bull in the process.
How was the pressure on the Wasatch where you were. It sounds like you tried to get away from everyone, but how many hunter did you see on the unit? Good hunting and nice bull by the way. Fstop
I have friends who had muzzle elk tags last year on the Dutton they also got some nice bulls. We drew AR-301 in 2000 and hunted the Paunsaugunt, with very little success. We never made it over to Dutton......Sounds like we should have.

As for the Wasatch we only saw 2 hunters the whole time we were up there, but we were a long way from the popular spots in the unit. I have friends that hunted spikes in the unit and they said it was a rat race. Although I have heard reports of quite a few bulls killed up there.

It was a great hunt and I enjoy seeing the sucesses of others. I f you have any more photos drop me an email I would love to see them.

Congratulations once again,


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