Another MM'er passes away - huntjock.


Long Time Member
huntjock - Neil Taylor was not a everyday poster here on monstermuleys, but did share some for several years. This site is what brought him and myself together. I consider myself lucky to have known him and been able to talk hunting with him and help him out with some of my knowledge on a couple hunt units in different states.

I was really hoping for him to last a bit longer to get him into Wyoming unit 100 for elk and Colorado 61 for deer this fall. He has been fighting a battle and did have the points for both of these hunts this year.

He fought a four year battle with cancer that finally took him to a better place. He will be missed. RIP my friend. ?.

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Neil retired in 2020. I'm sad that he didn't get to enjoy more of his freedom years after a lifetime of work. Sorry rmanwill.
Dang, when I talked to him last year he said he had health issues, but I didn’t realize it was cancer. Hopefully he used his Wyoming deer points with his son last year.
Dang, when I talked to him last year he said he had health issues, but I didn’t realize it was cancer. Hopefully he used his Wyoming deer points with his son last year.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Seems like about this same time last year I was talking to him. Thoughts and prayers for his family. Neil, I'm glad your out of pain and I hope you're enjoying a happy reunion with those who've passed on before you.

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