Another Obama Failure?????


Long Time Member
Most members on here recall the 500 million loan made by the Obama Admistration to the "go green" Solyndra Corp. After getting the loan they filed bankruptcy and the tax payers were the losers.

It appears that the lost 500 milion may become chump change based on a news story that CBS news is conducting. There is another 12 companies out there that was given loans by the Obama Adminstration to shore them up and support Obama's enviroment go green policy.

It is appearing that these 12 companies are in financial trouble and there is a good chance they also can go belly up and file bankruptcy as Solyndra did recently. If they do, it will not be chump change. The loans totaled 6.5 billion dollars.

Is the Obama adminstration so incompetent that they overlooked doing a study of the companies to avoid a financial fiasco, or was favortism involved in giving these loans?? Or was it a combination of both being incompetent and favortism??

When will this adminstration be able to point to a real positive thing they did that helped the citizens of this country and not just give us lip service and B.S. on what they have accomplished with their agenda or policies?

I wonder if these companies fail as did Solyndra, and they lay off thousands of workers, if this adminstration will hide those figures with some more creative stats as they have been doing on the employment figures.

Looks like business as usual for the Obama administration. They were hoping that you had already drank your Kool-Aid there RELH, so you wouldn't have pointed this out. Just chalk it up to another WHOOPS, we should have looked a little farther into this before sinking money. Who knows maybe these companies had a set of cooked books that they offered up to put on a good show, but yeah they should have dug a little deeper than shake hands and here is your check, now don't spend it all in one place and oh by the way we need every vote next election.
But they will not offer up anything more than BS like you said, they dint know any other way.

Sorry, that was noisy, where are my manners!!??

Next time I will just slurp the Koolaid. What flavor is this "green" Koolaid? It says lime but it tastes alot like green cash?!

I wish I could say I was surprised.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
Sounds like Obamas Buddies are in to 'Green' alright!

GreenBack that is!

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Wheres all the Barry supporters on this one?

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato

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