Another USO Anti-Resident Letter !!!


Very Active Member
From a most recent "Screamer" (a George Taulman newsletter):


March - 2005


Congress Attacks Hunters' Rights

As we predicted, the Rocky Mountain States have convinced their Senators and Representatives in U. S. Congress to try to take away your rights to hunt and fish on public lands.

You have been the driving force to successfully wake up the U. S. Courts to stop discrimination, these courts have spoken in your defense with their rulings. Now, you must wake up your Senators and Representatives to keep what you have rightfully earned in the eight long years of litigation with these discriminating States.

We have enclosed a letter we are sending to those people outside our Licensing Service who are applying to some of these States. Don't count on someone else to save our rights, we have to get the word out to your Senators and Representatives to stop these bad bills in Congress. Those of you that belong to a local or national hunting club, your local game and fish department, SCI, North American Hunting Club, NRA, and hunting magazines too, you must demand their support, otherwise, what good are they? We will advise you of the outdoor companies, outdoor writers, outdoor magazines, conservation organizations, etc. that we know are working against you by doing nothing. Monitor the various outdoor internet chat rooms to make your opinions known. This is the most important hunting and fishing issue to confront the American hunter and fisherman in a very long time.

If we don't fight, these Rocky Mountain Senators and Representatives will take away our hunting and fishing rights, rights to public wildlife and federal land that belongs to all of us. If these bills pass, these State Game Commissions can charge you any amount they want, they can reduce the number to as little as they want, all because you did not stand up for your rights. Don't think they won't, they have been for many years ... just quietly.

In the past, we have hired the best attorneys to defend our rights, now it is up to YOU.



These money-hungry scumbags who are running rampant over America's hunting heritage won't quit! George CONTINUES to present false statements to the American hunting community! EVERY one of us, in every State, needs to get off our butt and join the fight against Taulman and his cronies. It's just too easy to sit back and let others fight your fight --- and let there be no mistake about it, IT IS A FIGHT!!! It all started here in Arizona; it's already on YOUR doorstep. Get involved! Am I against non-resident hunters? No! Am I FOR preserving RESIDENT hunting opportunities ABOVE non-residents'? YOU BET!!! Taulman's actions have changed the future of hunting as we've known it; don't let YOUR non-involvement be a contibuting factor to the reduced opportunities of "average Joe" resident hunters and the generation to follow ...


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