Antelope monster


Active Member



What do you think? This buck hangs out on a golf course in Reno. I think 86 minimum he's a beast.
Who cares what it scores, I like that "heart shaped" rack....BOOM

Don't quite think he is in the 80's probably more in the lower 70"s. Has great mass and an awesome curl, but he lacks height. Doesn't matter to me though he is definately a trophy by any standard.
Thanks for sharing!
what a toad. he has better length then what he looks. he curls in pretty good.. and the mass!!! 76-80
It looks a lot like one I shot in 57. 2009. The mass was awesome and with the heart shape curl I thought he'd make 14.5". He was 13.5" but still made 77 something. I still like the looks of that lope and would shoot him.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-14 AT 01:17PM (MST)[p]That might be one of those really deceiving bucks to score - no expert here but I'd put him at 78" +/- a point. From that last picture I'd say that one is much like this one I got in Wyoming in 2012 - its the front one in the pic. At least the mass looks similar. This buck scores about 77". The one in the picture has a little more length maybe?? Nice buck though and one that would be tough to pass up.

Blurry pics always make it look more massive...the top pic looks WAAAY more massive than the bottom two,,,,pretty buck I would want him just on the class factor...I don't think the tape is going to add up into the 80's...high 70's I would think
Yep. I agree with others on this. I put him at 75-77" at the most. Cool looking buck. I'd shoot him!

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller
I believe he will go 80 plus, probably book. The shortest buck in the book is a 13" out of Wyoming. This is a tremendous buck. JB
I don't think he makes 80 but I would be willing to pull the trigger and put a tape on him to find out. He's very unique and would be a great looking mount.

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