Anti Hunt Rally In Yellowstone


Long Time Member
Not just about wolves.
I'd love to see a counter rally.

From their page...

On June 28-29 2014, Americans of all-walks-of-life will meet in Arch Park in Gardiner, Montana to tell our elected leaders that we need to reform wildlife management, at both, the state and federal level. Approximately 3000 grey wolves have been killed in the northern Rockies and Great Lakes region since they were delisted from the Endangered Species Act.

Speak for Wolves: Yellowstone 2014 is about taking an important step towards stopping the wolf slaughter that is currently taking place across the United States. We must take bold measures, however, and address the root-cause(s) of the wolf slaughter, the killing of other predators, as well as bison, wild horses and other members of the animal kingdom. The status quo for wildlife management in America is broken and it must be fixed.

This 2-day celebration of predators and our national heritage will feature prominent speakers, live music, education booths, children's activities, food/drink vendors, local wildlife photography, screening of wildlife documentaries and more.

This festival-type event is family-friendly, educational, inspirational and non-confrontational. Alcohol will not be served. Predator-friendly beef, chicken, pork, vegetarian and vegan options will be available for purchase. There is no admission fee. Arch Park is a public venue adjacent to the northwest entrance of Yellowstone National Park (Mammoth Hot Springs).

The 5 Keys to Reforming Wildlife Management in America are as follows:

1. Restructuring the way state Fish & Game departments operate:

Western governors currently appoint agency commissioners, which essentially, tell the state Fish & Game Departments what to do. This is cronyism at its worst. State Fish & Game Departments are mostly funded by the sale of hunting/trapping/fishing licenses. These agencies are bound into serving the interest of "sportsmen" because it's the hand that feeds them. Modern funding mechanisms, application of the best-available science and genuine public involvement in decision making are sorely lacking in these institutions and it must be addressed. Another option would be to empower the federal government to manage all wildlife on federal public lands.

2. Removing grazing from all federal public lands:

The "control" of native wildlife to benefit the livestock industry is ground zero for the badly-broken wildlife management status quo. For more than a century, the livestock industry has single-handedly transformed the once-wild west into a tamed pasture of cows and sheep, resulting in the reduction of native wildlife populations that compete with habitat and forage. It is also well documented the damage that grazing causes when livestock infests federal public wildlands. Livestock are non-native and largely responsible for soil compaction, a decrease in water retention and aquifer recharge, erosion, destruction of wetlands and riparian areas, flooding and a net-loss of biodiversity. Grazing enables invasive plant species to proliferate, which greatly affects the West's historic fire regime.

3. Abolishing Wildlife Services:
Hidden within the US Department of Agriculture, is a rogue agency that is essentially, the wildlife killing-arm of the federal government. This federal tax-payer-supported agency works with the livestock industry to kill native wildlife like wolves, coyotes, black bears, cougars and many other non-predator species. Over the past century, Wildlife Services is responsible for the death of tens-of millions of native wildlife. Methods of killing include trapping, poisoning and aerial gunning. At the very least, the predator-control segment of Wildlife Services must be terminated.

4. Banning trapping/snaring on all federal public lands:
We must evolve as a society and move away from this barbaric, unethical, cruel and torturous method(s) of killing native wildlife. Leg-hold traps, conibear traps and other devices are indiscriminate killers. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of dogs caught/killed by traps on public lands in states like Idaho. It's only a matter of time before a child or adult steps into one of these bone-crushing devices. Some states currently require individuals to check their traps once every 72-hours, while other states do not require trappers to check them, at all.

5. No killing of predators, except for extreme circumstances:

The best available science suggests that predators, including wolves, are a self-regulating species. In other words, predators don't overpopulate, nor do they kill for "fun". Instead, their populations naturally fluctuate, as do prey or ungulate populations. We need to better understand and embrace the trophic cascade effect predators have within ecosystems. Non-lethal measures should be implemented in rare instances where there are actual human/predator conflicts. For example, an aggressive and/or habituated bear may need to be killed after non-lethal measures have failed.

While state fish and game agencies enable the slaughter of America's wildlife, the best-available science suggests that predators, particularly wolves, play a crucial role across the landscape.
Known throughout the scientific community as trophic cascade, gray wolves are apex predators whose behavior effects dozens of other species, leading to an increase in biodiversity. Soils, plant communities, other wildlife species, riparian areas and forests are all effected by the presence of wolves.

Come to Arch Park in Gardiner, Montana June 28-29, 2014. The event is family friendly and will feature prominent speakers, live music, video production crews, education and outreach booths, food and drink vendors and the screening of wildlife documentaries. This is going to be the event of the year in the northern Rockies. Together we can make history and restore our wild national heritage!

- Predator Defense
- Adopt a Wolf Pack
- American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign
- Buffalo Field Campaign
- Colorado Wolf & Wildlife Center
- In Defense of Animals
- Northern Idaho Wolf Alliance
- The Ravensong Group
- Howling for Justice
- Animal Cruelty Idaho
- Great Old Broads for Wilderness-Palouse
This is so typical and full of false accusations and double tounged agendas. Just to address a few things.
1. I have seen the first hand effect of grazing and not grazing our property in Plumas county Ca. at about 5500 foot elevation. I at first didn't like the effects of grazing because every year the grass was all gone. But one year they didn't graze it and you could see a definite negative effect of not grazing. The grass didn't grow back any where near the normal height or thickness. Grazing has a positive impact.
2. They keep talking out of both sides of their mouth. Get the cattle and sheep off of federal property and don't let them have the negative impacts (false) of grazing. Then they are the first ones to cry when BLM tries to take some wild horses off the range. They are more than happy with this non-native species doing the same thing the cattle and sheep do.
3. Sheep and cattle have a positive impact on the bitterbrush also. They keep the brush eaten back and let me tell you a bunch of new growth comes back every year when it is eaten. When we don't have enough deer to keep it eaten back then it grows to tall (here anyway) and gets to old for the deer to benefit from it.
Children's activities:

Educators and authors of the children's book, Running for Home, will speak for wolves on June 28-29 by offering workshops on coexisting with wolves to both the young and the young at heart.

On a wing and a prayer, Marilyn McGee and Gail McDiarmid travel across the country, teaching about wolves, their relationship to a healthy ecosystem, and the importance of restoring this top predator to its native habitat.

Order your copy of the book that makes learning about the science and natural history of Yellowstone fun!

Nothing like brain washing the next generation to be anti-hunting.

This doesn't surprise me in the least. I knew this was coming the day they released the first wolf back in 1992. A bunch of people on here said "the sky is not falling, take off your tin foil hat."

I don't even care any more. Reap what you sow.

I wrote them a big FU letter, and explain to them that in-breading is wrong and they should toss a new rooster into the hen house. Lets see if the F tards get what I am talking to. I hate people like this, don't push your ##### on me. Its like the gays, I never had a issue with them until they started pushing their ##### on me. Same here love the animals don't hunt but if you push it on me or my kids I will strike back.
This event is right in Rocky Mountain Elk Foundations backyard, i think this would be a great chance for the organization to counter this eco-lite B.S!!!
RMEF is way to political to counter this rubbish. Everybody loves the elk foundation, but bet your last dollar they don't have the balls to fight it like some other organizations would.
I posted this on RMEF's page last week and they didn't put it up on the main page or make any mention it.
I don't think they want to ruffle anyone's feathers or take sides.

This whole event is so similar to the way things are in California.

One of the people involved in this event is Camilla Fox, from "Project Coyote" an organization based here in California that is trying to protect coyotes, she gets a lot of press here and is considered a "biological expert" by many news outlets here in California.

These treehuggers are trying to change the entire culture of the last of the hard line conservative Rocky Mountain states, it's not just hunting, it's the whole picture, the entire traditional western way of life, it is inconceivable to them that others might have a different opinion or lifestyle.
They are vocal and politically active.
I am absolutely sickened to see changes made to pacify these idiots.

Hunters are going to have to play hardball real soon as our landscape is rapidly changing, just look at Colorado and the way politics have changed there.
Children have had it pounded into them by liberal public school teachers that we need to be environmentally conscious and that everything is endangered or going extinct, I see kids on Facebook rambling on and on repeating these talking points that they have learned in school.

I wish I had a brighter outlook for our most beloved passion, but sadly I see things changing and not for the better.
A butt load of these whacked out enviros do not have jobs. They are trust babies and have the pocket change to sit around and offer up these feel good rodeos. I'm so pizzed at these dope smoking phuckers that my blood pressure is near eruption. They inhabit these agencies that use to be hunter friendly. Fish and Wildlife Services, BLM, USFS and even more so the Army Corps of Engineers are full of these anti hunting progressives. We need to make a stand before it's too late.
Don't you just love the names of those organizations who sponsor these types of organized rallies. Why - - if you hunt - - you certainly don't love animals.

I was flying back East several years ago and sat next to the librarian in charge of school book subjects for one of the western states and she was as mad as a setting hen. Apparently the U.S. Grade School regulation (who ever that was) for books had approved a book which claimed that it was a myth that coyotes eat sheep. She had tried to get that book rejected and had failed.

And now we come to today. SO WHAT IS YOUR PROGNOSES FOR THE FUTURE? According to Romney 47% was the figure of votes he would have a hard time getting anyway from those being on the government dole in one form or another.

Is the "Bundy way" the only way the government will listen? Hope not, but that seems to be the only time they listen are to these types of groups on both sides.
What the hell are you doing on this site. These are the same narrow minded people we put up with in California and if they have their way all hunting would be gone.
Screw these guys, Sportsmen everywhere need to unite on this matter. You say that the hunters license fees pay for our agenda, you bet that is what it is for. We pay the fees and see where the money goes, why should you even have the chance to prosper from our money to write your agenda.
Everything needs to be in balance and that includes predators, especially wolves. Personally I would be happy with seeing one in the zoo not in my favorite hunting area.
Why don't you go chime your bells with your tree hugging friends and stay the hell out of our forums.
I have seen first hand what cougars can do to healthy deer and elk herds as here in California we can't keep the cougars in balance, now they are coming into the cities and eating our pets. I'll bet you would sing a different song if you or one of your family members were attacked in their backyard and killed by one of the predators you are trying to protect.
>What the hell are you doing
>on this site. These are
>the same narrow minded people
>we put up with in
>California and if they have
>their way all hunting would
>be gone.
>Screw these guys, Sportsmen everywhere need
>to unite on this matter.
>You say that the hunters
>license fees pay for our
>agenda, you bet that is
>what it is for. We
>pay the fees and see
>where the money goes, why
>should you even have the
>chance to prosper from our
>money to write your agenda.
>Everything needs to be in balance
>and that includes predators, especially
>wolves. Personally I would be
>happy with seeing one in
>the zoo not in my
>favorite hunting area.
>Why don't you go chime your
>bells with your tree hugging
>friends and stay the hell
>out of our forums.
>I have seen first hand what
>cougars can do to healthy
>deer and elk herds as
>here in California we can't
>keep the cougars in balance,
>now they are coming into
>the cities and eating our
>pets. I'll bet you would
>sing a different song if
>you or one of your
>family members were attacked in
>their backyard and killed by
>one of the predators you
>are trying to protect.


Are you thinking I'm a wolf hugger?
Something tells me you seriously misinterpreted the intent of the original post.
You're preaching to the choir bud.

Most of the old timers here at MM know that I have been known to hug wolves from time to time though and have a standard response to the anti hunting wolf activists.....grin.


(One of two wolves I've killed a number of years back)

DH53---I suggest you take some reading comprehesion classes Bro, as you were way off in your assessment of HH!!!
Montana a "hard line conservative Rocky Mountain state"??????

Right next to Massachusetts, New York and California.
Don't tell Bess, but HH has an laser guided drone with a laser guided 30-378 that clips and caps any wolf dog that happens to chase wapiti, mule deer or tatonka in Yellowstone.
>Don't tell Bess, but HH has
>an laser guided drone with
>a laser guided 30-378 that
>clips and caps any wolf
>dog that happens to chase
>wapiti, mule deer or tatonka
>in Yellowstone.

I already knew that YBO!:D

Was even gonna ask HH to Post the Birdie Pic but He beat me to it!:D

How's things going HH?

I know one MM'er that Ain't gonna like that Pic!

But it Ain't me!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
LAST EDITED ON May-30-14 AT 09:49PM (MST)[p]
>I already knew that YBO!:D
>Was even gonna ask HH to
>Post the Birdie Pic but
>He beat me to it!:D
>How's things going HH?
>I know one MM'er that Ain't
>gonna like that Pic!
>But it Ain't me!


Things are pretty good.

Look on the magazine rack for the latest issue of Western Hunter.

Ryan did me right.... ;-)

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