Any Idaho deer taken


Active Member
If so lets see some pictures .So I know what one looks like I have not been able to get out yet this year.I need to know how high the bar is set this year .I have had to eat tag soup for the last four years and is getting old.Thanks

my sons buck from opening morning, not a monster but it sure was fun.
ha ha, thats bigger then my first 2 bucks....hunting with dad now, i hope we can connect...this is the first chance i have been able to hunt with my old man since grown and i cant pass up small bucks ha ha.....congrats


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-08 AT 09:01AM (MST)[p]I am a Utah hunter and just spent the last four days in Unit 43 and took an ok 4x5. A big thanks to the local Idahoans who gave suggestions on areas to hunt. Thanks Grant!

Thanks. It was quite a bit of work, but a lot of fun. Everybody I met (Idaho Locals) were extremely nice and helpful. I can't say enough about how good you folks are. Thanks. The picture is a little misleading though...he really lacks width. He is only about 20" wide, but a buck I am happy with none the less.
Since I have a late bull tag I decided that I was going to go cheep on my deer hunt this year. I went on a short range weapon hunt. I got my deer in the opening hour, something I haven't done in years. This was just a fun hunt. No big dollars out on gas. No using vacation used that would be better used in the elk hunt. The best thing was I got to use my Muzzleloader again.
I had him in the cooler before noon. Ron

Vortex Optics Dealer

Nice work on the deer guys & gals!!

Ron, gotta love hunting with the MZ, I've hunted a short bit with one & I'm surprised what a ton of fun they are!! Nice work, now you can work on that bull, Good Luck !!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-08 AT 03:22PM (MST)[p]Hunted 4 days in Unit 43 before I took this 3x3. I know I could have done better if I had held out, but it is what it is. I caught many, many trout afterwards.


I had a bad rest and my scope gashed my nose. I really dislike the eye relief on it.

Here are a couple of bucks that my friends (brothers) took this year in Idaho. Nothing spectacular but they filled their tags! Same area, two days apart.



My husband just shot this buck yesterday morning at 650 yards up hill. Heck of a shot! Nice buck too!

Here is the injured buck I shot opening morning.
It is good to see that you all have had good luck.
I can't take it no longer I am going out hunting the last week and like they say if it's brown it's down.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-08 AT 08:29AM (MST)[p]Here are some pics of my Idaho deer and pics of my buddys Idaho deer. the 5x5 28-1/2 wide scored 186-6/8 3 point 26 wide.




This is my other buddys opening day deer
My uncle notched Idaho deer tag for this it was killed within a couple hundred yards of my deers gut pile he shot it at 20 yards 5 year old Tom 170 pounds 6-9 long.

Nice bucks 231............great bucks in fact. Congrats to you and your partners. Did you kill those in a general unit if you don't mind me asking? Also, did you ever see that wide buck you posted pics of awile back?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-08 AT 10:01AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-08 AT 10:00?AM (MST)

Yes we seen the wide buck we could only hunt him during the archery hunt and could not close the deal this is our second year watching him next year he should be a monster. As for the other deer they were killed in general hunt units gemstatejake what part of Idaho do you hunt if you don't mind me asking?
I hunt mostly south central Idaho for mule deer. Sawtooth wilderness and areas associated with that region. In units 43 and 39 mostly........ Those pics of you guys in the snow are bringing back memories of being socked in and hunkered under a tree building a fire......the opener was cold as hell this year! looks like you guys shrugged it off and hunted anyway like I should have! Again congrats.....thats a great buck!
Thanks gemstate opening day was good weather in the area we had scouted we saw more hunter than deer and some really nice elk you would have had to eat them to get them out it is bad enough shooting a deer in their. The second day the wind was blowing and the snow was coming down sideways but we had made our plan because on opener I had spotted three awsome bucks at about 1500 yard so we decided we would go after them we started in about 3 miles north of were I had spotted them as me and my buddy were slowly sneeking through the pine about 1.35 miles from the truck I come around some ledges and there he was at 30 yards feeding I signaled my buddy and he snuck up to me when he saw the deer he looked like a deer in the head lights asking me if I was going to shoot him I still had my gun on my shoulder and scope covers on after whistling 3 time to get the buck to lift his head with no success I decided to take him he never even knew we were there the wind had to be blowing 30 mph whistling through the pines the buck was dead and never even knew we were their it took us 8 hour to pack him up and out we took our guns to the top of the hill to make things easier and while hauling out had a nice 4 x 4 run right into us but the guns were at the top of the hill the next day we were going to get my buddy one of the bucks I had spotted so we were walking up the drag trail of my deer .12 miles away from the truck and out stepped the three point he caught our attention when he shook the snow off his back and soon as he cleared the trees my buddy shot him at 40 yard we were able to drag his out hole in 16 minute it was a great year for us and it was a blast Im just glad that when we woke up to the crappy weather we got up and went hunting.
Here is a buck my cousin shot on a late muzzy hunt...3x3 29 wide




one shot
My 08 archery buck. This is one of the 8 animals taken with my bow here in Idaho.

Since you do not have Derrick on your profile this must be one of the other guys that was out there. Wonder if its the guy driving the Dodge truck with Nevada personalized plates.
Was wondering if the Lady F&G officer got ahold of you or the Guy from BLM?
Please wait to read my 2008 hunts as there is the story about the antelope hunt and the 7 other animals I took with my bow this year.
Will see you again this coming season out there. Hopefully this rodeo you learned to stake down your blind instead of setting a 4' wide 7'tall and 8' long plywood box up and think that it will not blow over in the wind and then go accuse other people of knocking it over. If you use the concrete stakes like I told you to use out there the blind will be still standing.
Good luck on your 2009 hunts.
Actually from oregon....THATS ME! Actually I was hunting there with some friends of mine. However...they told me you or your group bleached their water holes 2 years in a proof. Anyhow yes, she did come see me...we visited for an hour. if this was my hunting area, you would have the rancher and BLM on your ass. Did u ever come up with an explanation of no muddy water around your tank when you said u drained the tank? FYI....BLM and Warden told me you can get in BIG trouble for doing that. The other guys will be back next year, I wont be. I will not put up with BS like you guys been pulling. Just to kill antelope you guys have lowered yourselves to bleaching other guys water holes. Then again...NO PROOF, but nobody was hunting withing MILES of us, other than you guys.

PS: dont be looking for that droopy nontypical goat anymore......I shot him.
Way to go on that goat. That was one that I had on my list. I got one almost 75" (gross).

One thing I would like you to know Robert before you start backing up some friends since you are saying first time out there. You admit that your friends where out there last year. There is the front water hole and the one in the back that Derrick was on. Then there was another way back. Since you admit that they where in there last year I will let you know that on another website I posted about someone putting there blinds out early. Before the 10 days as it states in reg's. I did contact F&G on that last year and they had me contact BLM. Its in the archives of bowsite in the Idaho state forums and have to look back to last year under "Question for all." Last date posted on it is Aug 14th 2007. It is the exact same style blind as Derricks and the other blind down south of where are's where at. Also you admit that they told you they where in there last year. I hunted the back hole in 2006 and the kid put his on the front one before he was suppose to have them out. That blind was gone come opener so I figured that BLM contacted him or F&G.
You better go check out and see that it is posted. So before you go trying to make me look bad better have all your ducks in a row. Cuz I could actually care less what anyone thinks of me on here as I just try to help others out and give out advice.
They said at midnight of the 10th day they drove out there and u guys were on the water hole u were on when we saw u. Also they asked u if anyone was at the next water hole....u said "Yes, my buddy is down there". They went down there and NOBODY was on it. You have a pattern set. So....happy hunting in the war zone next year.....they are not putting up with your BS next year, I do know that much.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I would imagine there would be some upset ranchers and hunters if someone actually poured bleach into a water source. That would redefine the word lowlife in my book. Not accusing anyone of anything, but that is sick if someone actually did it. That almost sounds like something anti-hunters would do to "save the antelope".
I dont know either party invovled here but I do have a little gripe with Spider. Number one this is a forum to spread and share useful information between hunters, not to showboat and brag about your 7 animals with a bow. I could give two shits less if you shot 10 animals with a bow, you dont need to brag about it and act like your some hunting god, because trust me your likely not. Also you dont seem to upset with the fact that somebody accused you of bleaching a watering hole. As a matter of fact you admit you two are the only two out there, so if thats the case I would venture to assume that it was you. I really doubt somebody is going to drive into the middle of nowwhere and dump some bleach into a ##### hole of a pond That leaves the question, if you would stoop to that level I would say that you are a poacher! A genuine whatever it takes to shoot game, act like a 12 year seeing his first deer on private property, trespassing, salt block setting poacher! Congratulations on the 75" lope last year, again nobody cares, im sure it was poached as well!
Ok since Robert does not want to let this die and not bring in the whole story lets begin with the whole story.
Me and a guy from New York that was moving out here went out to set up blinds. We got out there and a pickup pulls up and he did ask about the next hole and I did tell him a buddy was on it. My friend went back there and figured is was to close to set up to another blind. So if you take the road the other way it brings you out on the road at the bottom of the canyon. So he went out that way and set his blind up on his old watering hole.

Day before opener my friend from Northern Idaho came down and we went out there to camp. So in the evening we took our chairs,carpet, and ice chests and everything except our bows to the blind. After that we drove to the top of the hill and since our blind sits in the bottom of a valley and since this is not our first year hunting on this hole we know where the goats usaully come from. Here comes 2 4-wheelers coming right down the road from the water hole we had. It was Derrick the guy I talked to the day of blinds being put out. There is 2 roads to the back watering hole. Neither road saves any time and they are the same length. I asked Derrick if he could use the other road in the morning. He comes back "This is not my first rodeo". I just turned around. The other guy comes pulling up. So they left and had loads on there 4 wheelers so we figured they are going to drop there stuff off for the morning. We head out.
Next morning it is cold and we get into blind before light. Walked in about a mile to the blind. We never seen them go by so we figured they went in early. Was windy, windy and very cool. So never seen any goats opening day except a buck that bedded out along the bluff. We seen a ton of Grouse though. They where running all over in the morning. We left at dark.

Second day we got in there before light. Got light enough and started seeing goats. They came by but never even came within 100 yds of our watering hole. Had 5 different bucks and about 20 does walk by. They where heading to the back end. Me and John just kept looking at each other. It was the craziest thing I ever saw. Saw that buck come back out and bed near the bluff again. Then we hear a vehicle coming we look out and a pickup and I believe it was a jeep cherokee go by. About 20' next to the blind. Headed to the back water hole. Over the hill both vehicles went. John said he thought it was the guys that where on the 4 wheelers. Told him they come back by I was going out there. 10 minutes later here they come again. I go out and they stopped. I asked what was up? I think Robert says "you know whats up." I then ask again" This time "WTF" . Then comes "You know why". Goes back and forth then Derrick states Something about getting bleach into his water. Also something about us knocking there blind over. Also stated They sat up on the bluff and video taped us on the opener knocking there blind over. Like I stated up earlier. There blind is 4' wide 7or8' tall and 8' long. With nothing holding it up. I told them to use concrete stakes on corners and it wouldnt blow over. They threaten me with calling F&G and I told them to go for it. So both vehicles drive off. So the rest of the day nothing comes by.
Third morning and goats walk by as the second day and nothing comes to water. So then we start thinking something happened to our water. We go to leave early that day and the F&G C/O comes out and we stopped and explained what had happened and she said about them not being able to do anything except the deal with them driving by. As she stated in the reg's in the section where it states "It is unlawful To intentionally interfere with the lawful taking of wildlife by another." With them driving by like they did intentionally because they felt we bleached there water. We told her about the goats walking by and she said something about the oily substance floating on top. She ran back to there blind looking for them and she came back by.
Fourth morning nothing came near water so my buddy packed it in and decided to drive back home to Northern Idaho. So I drove him out and ended up having to go buy a pop up blind to use and ended up having to move elsewhere to hunt due to no goats. When I got home spoke to the BLM and gave them coordinates to water holes. Said they would check into it. Never heard back from them. So figured it was taken care of.

Also again instead of this having someone give a one sided story about there water hole being bleached or whatever chemical was put into it. Since you seen the truck parked there and you know we hunted it I can post my harvest report that is the confirmation from the online harvest. You will see the date I harvested because I have nothing to hide. Also will scan the receipt for the Ameristep pop up I bought from Sportsmans. So instead of jumping to conclusions about someone else doing something please get facts. Also how many other blinds did these guys have in area? We saw others in there.

So when you figured something is taken care of you dont worry about it. So since this is about any Idaho deer taken please start another thread if you would like to continue this post.

As for jetsled and your post I have never thought I was a hunting god and could care less about recognition on here or where I live. And it is 8 animals not 7. My wife let me hunt alot this year. Just explained on the other post that when you read the stories on the animals taken you will see I did not explain the story like this as I thought it was taken care of threw the 2 agencies. So please feel however you do towards me jetsled. No big deal to me. Oh yeah as for throwing the antelope score please read Roberts last comment about his goat. Like I really cared about that.
wow Jerry, someone accuses you of putting bleach in their waterhole and you defend yourself against tipping their blind over. No one even accused you of that on this thread...yet. and not once have you said you didn't bleach the waterhole. you look guilty as sin to me.

>story about there water hole
>being bleached or whatever chemical
>was put into it.

so far, bleach has been the only chemical mentioned, sounds like you know of another chemical that was actually put in the water hole?

A word of warning, myself and quite a few other people that hunt that desert have now seen this thread. Weve all seen your pics and know your face. I myself am not territorial about my hunting grounds, but several of the other people that have seen this thread will not be very tolerant if they catch you doing this crap.
Jeez......what a mess. Anyone else think accusing someone of this stuff on the internet is not cool?

Seems this type of thing should be handled privately to me...... If you don't have rock solid evidence, you should'nt be posting this crap for all to see. Thats my opinion. Sorry you guys are having these troubles.
Jake I have no worries about this. I have nothing to hide or worry about. As stated in my other post about my 2008 season I mentioned nothing about this whole thing. Only had problems as no one can say what happened out there. Will not guess.

I obviously have nothing to hide as I post up my mug every year on here. If you do hunt out there and come across my blind and no one is sitting in it feel free to hunt out of it. Its a good set up. Even has a carpet in it. Make sure you have a philips screwdriver as there is a screw that holds the door shut when you leave. If you do plan on hunting out of it let me know because I will tell you the secret to using my set up. Also take a chair.

Post up that droopy buck pics that you took out there. We called him "Goofy". So everyone can see that buck. Very nice buck.
Well Jerry, I am just going to drop this. I just mentioned that to you post cause I think its a pattern you have set. Anyhow...the pic is not formatted right or something cause I tried to post it.

It is a sad day this BS even happens out there. For what!? Why? We all know why. Everyone on this post loves to hunt, but only a few would ever stoop this low to increase their odds. I believe in have fun next year!
Robert sorry you can not upload that picture. Guys will really miss out on it.
Also when I am on my way up to Northern Idaho this spring to go hunting I will have to stop in La Grande and maybe have to buy you lunch or something. I will give you a call on my way threw.

Back to the original question. Any Idaho deer taken?
My last hunts have been so dang boring. I want to hunt where you guys hunt. I think my son and I will set up a couple lawn chairs and a cooler up on the hill and just sit and watch all the excitement. If a lope comes by we'll shoot it. So where are you guys hunting so we can start making plans?
We had a great hunt this year. My son Zach had a deer tag and ever time we went out we saw good bucks. He was after a 24"to 25" buck. He killed a little 3 point last year so he was ready to hold out for something mature this year. One late evening Zach had 5 shot at a 26" buck that he missed.The 243 had a old old weaver scope on it and I thing it finely gave out on us. The next weekend we hunted all day hard and saw one buck that didnt give him a shot. That evening we ran into some Antelope hunters and we pointed out some antelope to them and they told us about a good buck they had jump up about 30 min. before we talked to them. We were all tired and bummed out not finding the deer. So I told my boys Zach and Zane lets drive down fence line and drop into the canyon one more time. As we were dropping in the canyon the buck jumped up to are left under 100 yards, Zach said should I shot YES, YES shot. As the first two shots go off I was about to turn my video camera on and Zach made to great shot on the buck to put him down. The last shot was at 320 yards and dropped him like a ton of bricks. The buck is 28"s wide.

I am going to try do send the pic. wish me luck.
The other deer is 190" gross buck I killed last year in a open unit. This year I hunted a 32 to 33" buck for 7 days, found him everyday got 5 shots at him with my muzzleloader but could not seal the deal. I got so good video of him so if we get it figured out i will get it on here.

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