Archery Shot Distances?


Very Active Member
For those of you that archery hunt mule deer, what are typical shot distances?

I'm and eastern whitetail hunter and all of my bow hunting is from elevated tree stands. Typical shot distances are 10-25 yards. I practice out to 40, which makes less than 25 a chip shot. Wondering if I need to increase my practice range.
You need to increase your practice range. Most guys I hunt with practice out to 70 and beyond.
I shoot out to 60. Any farther and I get nervous about the game moving before my arrow gets there.

"You can fly a helicopter to the top of Everest and say you've been there. The problem with that is you were an a$$hole when you started and you're still an a$$hole when you get back.
Its the climb that makes you a different person". - Yvon Chouinard
I practice all kinds of distances......never had to shoot one in the desert past 55 yards..........most are less than 40. Be patient and learn their behavior and you can close the distance and increase your success. Good luck and have fun.

BOHNTR )))---------->
I've been Elk hunting for almost 45 years now. Six different states and haven't shot at one past 35 yards yet. Most are less than 20.
Thanks guys. Wide range of shots, but practice at 40 makes 20 easy. I'm sure practicing at 60 makes 40 much easier.
With today's technology advancements in bows and smaller diameter arrows with 2" inch Blazer vanes with practice you can get some tight groups out at 70yds. Western state hunting we have all types of terrain from thick stuff and dark timber to desert. Hunting Blacktail we rarely get a shot under 50yds....we hunt some pretty open country. IMO expand your distance but try to get closer if possible is always the best method to a quick clean kill.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-15 AT 11:34PM (MST)[p]Looking into purchasing a bow for myself and my son for next year. Poking around to learn some things and thought this was good info. Thanks guys.

Which units are good for OTC hunts for first time bow hunters? I'm sure some are harder than others. Success over trophy's is what we're after.

I think your ability is going to define your own shot distance. Every one is different. Your upper body strength, arm length, form, vision, all come into play. How much you practice versus actually hunting helps a ton.

We practice a lot at 70 & 80 yard in 3d, and although we can trash the closer targets with ease. I think it's the wrong mind set to go into a hunt thinking," I just need to get within 50 yards of this deer". I think we start training our brain that 50 yards is Ok. When in reality, to keep our kill percentage up, and have respect to the animal, we need to think 20. This makes us all better hunters, instead of just better shooters.

Also, the best archery hunters out west I know have the ability to turn on and off. In other words, they can be super aggressive and in an instance willing to sit tight for hours.
My goal is to get within 60 yards of a mule deer, within 50 if everything is calm and contolled. With today's modern equipment a quality 40-60 yard shot is what I hunt for. I practice out to 80 yards. There are theories about what a mule deer can sense when you get in very close. Within 30 yards, the deer may turn and bail upon the slightest movement, 40-60 yards they may give you a look which is all you may need to squeeze one off.

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Arizona Strip Guides

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