Attention Everyone Regarding RMEF


Long Time Member
I have done a CP of this Post by Randy Newberg (Big Fin) from his OYOA website, as I'm sure other members here will want to know what's going on:

Administrator Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Bozeman, MT
Posts: 7,158

MOGA, RMEF, and Randy Newberg


Well, since the last four days of my life have been made very difficult by a few fringe elements in the Montana Outfitter and Guides Association (MOGA), I am going to post what has been going on. Makes me wonder if all the MOGA members know a few of their leaders are willing to use their organization to engage in their personal battles.

Seems MOGA is trying to split the hunting community and forcing RMEF to chose between guided hunters and non-guided hunters. Seems have me as one of the twenty-four board members of RMEF is more than MOGA can stand.

A few on the MOGA board are upset with my representation of our audience when testifying at the legislature, and the shrinking grip they have on the legislature. Appears desparate times call for desparate measures.

Below is an email that was sent to every RMEF board member and RMEF management. Also was sent to the state outfitter associations across the west, with WYOGA being the only other association who has joined MOGA.

This effort by MOGA prompted other emails and phone calls followed where outfitters informed RMEF of action if RMEF went forward with my nomination. Those threats covered the spectrum of pulling donations, not attending banquets, dropping memberships, etc.

This effort, an effort most would classify as extortion, seems to be the way the fringe operates these days. Personal agendas of a few within an organization allows them to go so far as to use RMEF and the RMEF mission as a tool of leverage to try take another whack at me and the viewers/readers I am asked to represent.

The good news is that RMEF has asked me to keep my position and continue advocating as I have in the past. They are not about to let any group hold them hostage. RMEF will not be drawn into attenpts by a few disgruntled outfitters who want to split the hunting world.

I have told RMEF that I have not yet finalized what I will do. The goal, mission, and work of RMEF is far more important than my board position.

Since this MOGA effort has now been spread across much of Montana, with my CPA clients and landowner friends being told of the MOGA plan with peculiar frequency, I don't have many options other than to speak out and start pushing back.

This has been going on since Wednesday. I have waited to post until now, though by Friday, I was getting calls from landowners and clients, asking what the hell was going on.

I waited for RMEF to digest what this was about and what was being asked of them. It became very obvious, very early, that MOGA had "stepped in it" by trying to extort RMEF. The reply of RMEF and their board makes me even more proud that they would ask me to be part of the Board of Directors.

For those of you who are as disgusted with the effort by MOGA, I hope you will give RMEF your support for not being held hostage by this group of fringe operators who have now gained control over the MOGA board of directors.

Looks like MOGA has taken the gloves off in their desparate and continuing effort to control the hunting of 180,000 hunters in Montana and the 195,000 members of RMEF. I am now taking my gloves off and rolling up my sleeves. Things are going to get real interesting, real fast.

If you are as tired of these continue attempts by MOGA to split the hunting community and drive a deeper wedge between hunters and landowners, I hope you will take actioin. Share this thread on as many websites as you can. Post a link on your Facebook page.

It is time to stomp out this craziness. Hopefully the many good guys within MOGA will read this and will ask some questions of how their organization was drawn into such a mess by a few in leadership positions.

Please let RMEF know how you feel about their decision. In today's world, when extortive tactics seem to be effective, RMEF stood tall and is supporting my nomination, thereby supporting the bigger goal of a united hunter community; thereby rejecting efforts of those who put personal agendas above the important work of conservation, habitat, and access, and most importantly, refusing to be held hostage.

More to follow. Lots more.

From: MOGA [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 10:28 AM
To: montana outfitters and guides assoc.
Subject: RMEF Board Appointments

Individual Outfitters from several states have expressed concern over the possible appointment of Randy Newberg to the Board of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Randy is a TV show host and has consistently projected a ?do-it-on ?your own? theme. However, Randy is affiliated with, and often represents one or more organizations that some perceive to be anti-outfitting/landowner often presenting the western Outfitting Industry in a negative light.

Montana based Outfitters, many of whom provide significant donations to RMEF that sustain the organization, are questioning the wisdom in this appointment. They have indicated they may withdraw donations to RMEF if the appointment goes through. It is our understanding that the appointment is not final and will not be until later this month.

Many have called our office asking how they make their views known to the leadership of RMEF. In response to that request I am providing the following email addresses. Please direct your individual comments to these leaders of RMEF.

John Cade
Outgoing chairman
[email protected],

Lee Swanson from WI
Incoming chairman
[email protected]

Charlie Decker
[email protected] .

Below are the RMEF Directors from the western states. We do not have contact information, however many of you will know these folks personally and it may be worth a call.

Dennis Radocha
Boise, ID

Chuck Roady
Bonners Ferry, ID

Keith Ward
Huson, MT

Glenda Wilson
Cody, WY

Terry Sweet
Grand Junction, CO

George McCoy, Ph.D.
Las Cruces, NM

Mac Minard
Executive Director
Montana Outfitters and Guides Association
5 Microwave Hill Road
Montana City, MT 59634
406 449-3578 office
406 439-2059 cell
[email protected]

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna run outta health before you run outta money!"
Wow Topgun I am surprised a moderator hasn't deleted your post!!!!

kidding aside thanks for the info
Not too funny when you can't defend your self against personal attacks, but this one should stay up since it is very important and I think Randy is very well thought of on this website!
Aveage JOE
Good Information isn't where you get it, IT'S how you use it after you get it, so if anyone here is a D.A. you need to look no farther then a mirror.
Thanks for the heads up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I have huge respect for Randy Newberg. I don't know much about this issue but I know Randy represents the interests of the average sportsmen. Not to mention the fact that his TV show is awesome. Randy tried to come to the help of Utah sportsmen on the issue of conservation and convention permits. He is a great guy and definitely has my support.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
I just read the entire thread on Randy's website. The new President of MOGA is current SFW-MT Board of Director Rob Arnaud.

Every time the average-income hunter loses tags and opportunity, SFW is behind it.
I'll wait to make sure that RMEF does the right thing before I send them another donation, but I really need to figure out how to stop SFW.

SFW is the biggest threat to hunting as we know it, for us and our children.
The link to Randy's thread:
the type of nonsense emails to RMEF:

Date: February 13, 2013 8:56:18 PM MST
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Mr. Newberg

I have been made aware of the upcoming appointment of Randy Newberg to the RMEF Board of Directors. I am a Montana landowner, cattleman and owner of an outfitting business that operates in Eastern Montana. Through reading Mr. Newberg's "Hunttalk" forums I have been very aware of his agendas against landowners as well as outfitters. He leads the charge against private property rights and frowns upon outfitters because he feels that it is wrong that they "make a profit off of publicly owned game animals", when in all reality he is doing nothing different with his TV program, On Your Own Adventures.

In the past, I have donated hunts to the RMEF chapter in Billings, MT. I truly enjoyed those hunts as well as the people that I met while doing them, and I felt that the funds were going to a very good organization with outstanding intentions. I don't feel that Mr. Newberg's agendas are the same as those of RMEF and would not represent your organization like it should be represented. I can truthfully say that if he was appointed to your board, my hunt donations, or any other donations would be stopped, strictly for the fact of what he stands for.

Thank you.
"He (Randy Newburg) leads the charge against private property rights and frowns upon outfitters because he feels that it is wrong that they "make a profit off of publicly owned game animals", when in all reality he is doing nothing different with his TV program, On Your Own Adventures."

Just threw up in my mouth a little. Anyone who has watched Randy's videos can easily see his passion is for educating and encouraging us average joe DIYers to take advantage of the many opportunities available on public lands. Absolutely NOTHING he does diminishes opportunity for average joe on these properties..........unlike outfitter associations and SFW. What a pathetic analogy.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
>"He (Randy Newburg) leads the charge
>against private property rights and
>frowns upon outfitters because he
>feels that it is wrong
>that they "make a profit
>off of publicly owned game
>animals", when in all reality
>he is doing nothing different
>with his TV program, On
>Your Own Adventures."
>Just threw up in my mouth
>a little. Anyone who
>has watched Randy's videos can
>easily see his passion is
>for educating and encouraging us
>average joe DIYers to take
>advantage of the many opportunities
>available on public lands.
>Absolutely NOTHING he does diminishes
>opportunity for average joe on
>these properties..........unlike outfitter associations and
>SFW. What a pathetic

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
I agree Zim

I have never got the indication from any of Randy's shows that he is anti landowner or outfitter.

He is pro DIYer. He illustrates how the common man can get it done without the use of a guide/outfitter.

I hunt DIY in several Western states, and I believe Randy is the closest voice to my own that I have heard in a hunting show.

Because of this post I have renewed my RMEF membership and encouraged RMEF to continue to stand behind Randy.
Here we go again...If it's not SFW wanting to stick it to the average hunter now you have the MT and WY outfitters associations declaring war on us. If I never hunt MT or WY again so be it I'm with Randy Newburg and the RMEF.
Glad to see all the positive responses on the thread and I agree that Randy is a class act and needs all the support we can give him!
I agree. Randy not only does a great job as a DIY Hunter, he also shows the average man that he too doesn't need to rely on others to have a successful hunt in unknown areas. That, in my opinion, is a threat to certain people. It is in my opinion that certain "businesses" are just as much anti hunting as PETA. Its either their way or the highway.
I strongly support Randy and OYOA. I am also a long time and loyal RMEF supporter. Glad to see RMEF standing their ground. MOGA should be ashamed of themselves. But seeing as they are in bed with SFW, I suspect they have no shame.
I have a great deal of respect for Randy and what he stands for with regard to the blue collar hunter and public access; he has my full support. RMEF also has my support for standing tall against those who would throw up the gauntlet to pit hunters against each other by continuing supporting Randy's appointment to their Board of Directors, as well as their stance on convention/conservation tags this past year.

I have a few questions I would like answered before making any comment as to SFW's part in this, though I remain confident in my initial personal thoughts as to the extent of that involvement.

Keep on keepin' on Randy.
I am not against Randy and I enjoy watching his television show. However if you read the complaint they are not talking about issues with his TV show. They site problems with his Hunttalk forum on his website and how it frequently attacks land owners. Therefore yall may want to look there and see what the problem is. Obviously something connected to Randy has pissed these people off. For instance the UWC may be the greatest conservation organization in North America. However I will never join them because the behavior of Topgun and other garbage on this website who claim to be members. Other members of the organization seem to be stand-up guys but the garbage repels people. The same may be going on here. I donate every year to RMEF, and I will most likely continue doing so regardless of this issue, but RMEF may have to realize Randy could be a liability to their cause.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-13 AT 06:47AM (MST)[p]And you don't think your "garbage" repels people, LOL!!! You can count on one hand the number of times ANYONE on this site has agreed with your antics and philosophies. Nope, it's nothing but stir things up just like you're trying to do in this post of yours by mentioning me and the UWC with negative comments when it has nothing to do with the subject in this thread. That's a pretty lame excuse saying one or two people are keeping you from joining a great conservation organization made up of ordinary, average people. Hopefully this thread won't be hijacked by you and "yours" like happens so many times! Here is the entire body of the MOGA letter and nowhere does it mention the Forums or website that Randy owns like you stated:

"Individual Outfitters from several states have expressed concern over the possible appointment of Randy Newberg to the Board of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Randy is a TV show host and has consistently projected a ?do-it-on ?your own? theme. However, Randy is affiliated with, and often represents one or more organizations that some perceive to be anti-outfitting/landowner often presenting the western Outfitting Industry in a negative light.

Montana based Outfitters, many of whom provide significant donations to RMEF that sustain the organization, are questioning the wisdom in this appointment. They have indicated they may withdraw donations to RMEF if the appointment goes through. It is our understanding that the appointment is not final and will not be until later this month.

Many have called our office asking how they make their views known to the leadership of RMEF. In response to that request I am providing the following email addresses. Please direct your individual comments to these leaders of RMEF."
"And you don't think your "garbage" repels people, LOL!!! You can count on one hand the number of times ANYONE on this site has agreed with your antics and philosophies. Nope, it's nothing but stir things up just like you're trying to do in this post of yours by mentioning me and the UWC with negative comments when it has nothing to do with the subject in this thread. That's a pretty lame excuse saying one or two people are keeping you from joining a great conservation organization made up of ordinary, average people. Hopefully this thread won't be hijacked by you and "yours" like happens so many times!"

A little sensitive aren't you boy. I hijacked nothing here and all examples given where on topic. Just because you looked like the filth you are doesn't mean it isn't truth.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-13 AT 07:04AM (MST)[p]Ah, here we go again now with the personal attacks with name calling, etc.! Please show me in that letter that I was posting in my previous one while you were posting where you see anything mentioning what you stated about his website and Forums. You can't because it isn't there and was talking about his OYOA TV Show. Your other comment about me was also not "on topic", but flame away in your usual manner!
Ask and yee shall recieve boy.

"Directors. I am a Montana landowner, cattleman and owner of an outfitting business that operates in Eastern Montana. Through reading Mr. Newberg's "Hunttalk" forums I have been very aware of his agendas against landowners as well as outfitters."

This was posted by Wapitibob. So is he now your troll or just me???? AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!
That was not the MOGA complaint that it appeared you referred to in your post. It was an individual letter from one person, but I guess from your standpoint it means you win, so we'll leave it at that! However, that letter completely misrepresents Randy and what has been said by him and others in the past on those forums.
Apparently with this landowner, and maybe with some others, there is a problem there and I think it would be good for Randy to either explain his position for them and the RMEF board or to bring to light how these upset landowners are wrong. I think it is also important for the RMEF to look into whether these claims are valid at all. I am not saying Randy should be pushed out of the running yet but this definately needs to be looked into.
The past stellar record that Randy has involving RMEF, as well as all his other conservation efforts outside that organization, is exactly why he has received the nomination to the Board. I'm sure many outfitters and landowners don't like it when his show strictly involves ways that the average person can do things and stay within a decent budget to have a great time on public land. I'm also pretty sure that they see a bigger loss in business if this corner crossing situation is ever allowed because it would open up tons of public land, a lot of which these outfitters and landowners have had locked up and called their own for so long. When you get right down to it, this whole deal smacks of MONEY and GREED on the part of many of those individuals and unfortunately that's what has happened to the sport of hunting now that it has become a big "industry"!
"When you get right down to it, this whole deal smacks of MONEY and GREED on the part of many of those individuals and unfortunately that's what has happened to the sport of hunting now that it has become a big "industry"!"

It better "smack" of MONEY. Without money there is no RMEF. Without money there is no landowners. Without money there is no DIY hunting. Without Money Randy ain't got a TV show anymore. Quit demonizing money. It is not the problem here.

By the way landowners don't care if somebody gets to go hunting on public land. Many of them do that themselves. They are probably very concerned about corner crossing and property junping.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-13 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]"By the way landowners don't care if somebody gets to go hunting on public land. Many of them do that themselves. They are probably very concerned about corner crossing and property junping."

Really?! Yep, and most are going on OUR public land that is blocked off by their private lands and I'm not saying they did it, but they certainly want to keep it blocked off by being against legalizing corner jumping. IMHO if what you say is true, why do very few ranchers allow others to go hunt the public land they have blocked off? I still think greed definitely has a lot to do with it and money is probably right up there too. IMHO it is entirely possible that the stance Randy and most of us have taken on corner jumping when this Bill was introduced in Montana was the straw that broke the camel's back and has them in an uproar if it is passed. If it is eventually ruled legal, they have a lot to lose money wise when more and more people will be able to access for free what they now have to pay a landowner or outfitter that has it tied up.
"Really?! Yep, and most are going on OUR public land that is blocked off by their private lands and I'm not saying they did it, but they certainly want to keep it blocked off by being against legalizing corner jumping."

It is theirs too. Why can't you comprehend they are the public also? And God forbid you don't want people coming on your property. Maybe any joe shmo should be able to walk in your house anytime for whatever they deem fit????

" IMHO if what you say is true, why do very few ranchers allow others to go hunt the public land they have blocked off?"

Liability. Trust me you don't want to be that landowner the day some dumbass blows his friends head off while crossing your fence.

" I still think greed definitely has a lot to do with it and money is probably right up there too."

Money has everything to do with it. That doesn't mean it is bad.

" IMHO it is entirely possible that the stance Randy and most of us have taken on corner jumping when this Bill was introduced in Montana was the straw that broke the camel's back and has them in an uproar if it is passed."

At least this one statement has some validity.

If it is eventually ruled legal, they have a lot to lose money wise when more and more people will be able to access for free what they now have to pay a landowner or outfitter that has it tied up.
"It is theirs too. Why can't you comprehend they are the public also? And God forbid you don't want people coming on your property. Maybe any joe shmo should be able to walk in your house anytime for whatever they deem fit????"

I have never said it isn't or that they aren't considered the public too! What I and others are saying is that they are trying to keep that land SOLELY for their use like it is their own private land when it's not. That is not right and we aren't even talking about people coming onto their private property at all! The public land isn't "their house" or "their property"! It's "our house" and "our property", them included, and that last sentence is very typical of the way you start stretching things out so far as to make a mockery of most of your posts!
Randy is a stand up guy.

Tristate probably voted for obama lol I know who I trust on this issue.


who farted?
TOPGUN, just ignore Tristate. His entire MO is distract the topic of a particular thread, turn and twist it to so all the focus is redirected into a pi$$ing match so its all about him. This is a common tactic in debating. Thus changing the tone of the topic at hand from good information to Tristate's NPD(Narcissistic personality disorder).

Everyone knows Randy is a stand guy, fighting for public land access for the DIY hunter. This was a great thread to put out into the hunting world. It took Tristate less than 12 hours to weave his web of Narcissistic personality disorder(NPD) into the thread.

Just ignore him. Thanks for the info on this subject.

Go back and read my posts. I never said Randy isn't a stand-up guy. I just stated that RMEF has to look into these issues. Topgun actually hi-jacked his own thread and ran it off on the "money and greed" tangent. As for Narcissism it doesn't sound like you even know what it means.
"We support you Randy forget the crybaby SFW landowner."

Wow thats a constructive outlook for a RMEF board member to have. Forget about landowners that complain????? How much support do you think RMEF is going to get when they start telling landowners they are cry babies and they don't care what they think. I am sure that works out well for any migratory species that doesn't recognize whether it is standing on public or private land.
Tristate, please return to the public land nirvana that is texas and leave us alone.

Can you hear the crickets?? Where is all the SFW lovers and supporters? SFW is behind a move like this and it is silent as usual. YES, before it starts, if SFW has a director for SFW-Montana leading the MOGA, then nothing happens without his say so. This is an outright push by SFW.

And why are they cracking Randy? This has NOTHING to do with Randy, it is solely RMEF. Remember, it was RMEF that seperated from SFW/MDF and called for transparency. RMEF outright publically smacked SFW, basically calling them a fraud. THIS IS SFW PAYBACK. This is how you do buisness when your the mafia, you strike back by hitting the family of your enemies. You get them fired from their job. THIS IS PAYBACK FROM SFW to RMEF for exposing them for what they are! Don't get caught up in the noise about Randy, he is just the opening SFW needed to smack around a group that exposed them.

GOOD FOR RMEF, I will be following this post with a call to them to set up my membership IF they continue to support Randy!

Come on SFW coolaid drinkers, lets hear about how much good SFW does for all of us. Last I checked, RMEF does more every year than SFW has ever done for us hunters!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Thanks for the support guys. Greatly appreciated.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
>"We support you Randy forget the
>crybaby SFW landowner."
>Wow thats a constructive outlook for
>a RMEF board member to
>have. Forget about landowners
>that complain????? How much
>support do you think RMEF
>is going to get when
>they start telling landowners they
>are cry babies and they
>don't care what they think.
> I am sure that
>works out well for any
>migratory species that doesn't recognize
>whether it is standing on
>public or private land.

How about you walk into my PUBLIC LAND hunting camp, spout your diarrhea of the mouth trash, and walk out with your dignity intact. Guaranteed that wouldn't happen. Pretty easy for some moron in Texas to sit at his keyboard and inject rhetoric. Interesting that you are now the hand puppet for SFW. You seldom mention them, you're piss poor philosophies are the extreme crap DP has skewed to and is trying to migrate into neighboring states to Utah (and failing miserably at it, I might add), and you only rear your dumb butt when someone mentions the good any other group or person does that doesn't have their hand up your butthole. Yup, like RF, you "bleed SFW".....don't you have something to get stuffed, like yourself?

Randy, those who can think for themselves know your principles and know the work you do for LANDOWNERS and all hunters while never asking for an ounce of credit. As a member of UWC and RMEF, I fully support you as a member of the board of directors! Keep up the good work!
I'm all for landowners rights. But all I have read is about one landowner or do you hundreds of letters because all I have seen is the same stuff written over and over about landowners rallying,BUT it is the same sentence printed over and over.
I sure can see why the outfitters are crying because he will be hitting them in the pocketbook with some of his idea's, BUT remember there is more on that board who has to agree with his idea's for them to work, so I guess you all are worried about them too?

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
"How about you walk into my PUBLIC LAND hunting camp, spout your diarrhea of the mouth trash, and walk out with your dignity intact. Guaranteed that wouldn't happen. Pretty easy for some moron in Texas to sit at his keyboard and inject rhetoric. Interesting that you are now the hand puppet for SFW. You seldom mention them, you're piss poor philosophies are the extreme crap DP has skewed to and is trying to migrate into neighboring states to Utah (and failing miserably at it, I might add), and you only rear your dumb butt when someone mentions the good any other group or person does that doesn't have their hand up your butthole. Yup, like RF, you "bleed SFW".....don't you have something to get stuffed, like yourself?

Randy, those who can think for themselves know your principles and know the work you do for LANDOWNERS and all hunters while never asking for an ounce of credit. As a member of UWC and RMEF, I fully support you as a member of the board of directors! Keep up the good work!"

All that talk and no content. Most of it can't even be understood. For your information. I have never been a member of SFW. If you would have read my post instead of thinking of ways to jerk yourself off you would have noticed I am a member of RMEF. I am starting to worry about this nomination when I wasn't before. It seems Randy's friends aren't very good people after all.
>Randy, those who can think for
>themselves know your principles and
>know the work you do
>for LANDOWNERS and all hunters
>while never asking for an
>ounce of credit. As a
>member of UWC and RMEF,
>I fully support you as
>a member of the board
>of directors! Keep up the
>good work!"
>All that talk and no content.
> Most of it can't
>even be understood. For
>your information. I have
>never been a member of
>SFW. If you would
>have read my post instead
>of thinking of ways to
>jerk yourself off you would
>have noticed I am a
>member of RMEF. I
>am starting to worry about
>this nomination when I wasn't
>before. It seems Randy's
>friends aren't very good people
>after all.

Yet you espouse every ideal that SFW leadership tries to shove down our throats. Your posts are all the same damn thing and are predictable and suit only your agenda. I think those who know how SFW works (their leadership will NOT publicly comment on any controversy unless it is to raise money so they let idiots like YOU do it for them) knows exactly what I'm talking about. And the HUNTER suffers some he eats mule deer sausage for breakfast.
"And the HUNTER suffers some he eats mule deer sausage for breakfast."

I will take this quote as proof you do not care what happens to the last mule deer as long as you decide who kills it.
I hope your taxidermy work is a he** of a lot better than the BS posts you come up with!!! On second thought, as bad as all your posts really are, it wouldn't take much to surpass them in the studio, LOL!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-13 AT 09:39AM (MST)[p]>"And the HUNTER suffers some
>he eats mule deer sausage
>for breakfast."
>I will take this quote as
>proof you do not care
>what happens to the last
>mule deer as long as
>you decide who kills it.

Okay.....take whatever you want from it, dufus. I hunt mule deer every year and I don't have to kill one to have the satisfaction of being involved. YOU on the other hand are the dumbass in this discussion that NEEDS the death of the mule deer or you don't make any money. You're such a hypocrite its entertaining. I wouldn't post anything on MM if it wasn't for you being here. I'd love to continue this but I have a lion tag and have to actually DO something to help deer in MY state. By the way, I've never seen you post anything positive about your work.....must all look like this:

"YOU on the other hand are the dumbass in this discussion that NEEDS the death of the mule deer or you don't make any money."

My god your dumb. Mule deer accounted for less than %1 of the company gross last year. Even if it was all of my business it still doesn't make me a hypocrite. It makes me the one person on the forum here who has skin in the game and I have the most to lose by you bunch of selfserving control freaks who can't see that their wildlife model is broken and their sport is grinding to a stop. I want a long term sustainable hunting plan. You just want control over deciding who kills the last mule deer.

As for wanting to see a picture of some work here you go.

Randy is one of the good guys no matter how this plays out. It would be a travesty to lose the opportunity to utilize his insights for the good of hunters/RMEF.

The outfitter industry has gotten out of hand IMO. That includes the "wilderness" rule in Wyoming, the outfitters/landowner wefare in New Mexico, and the (now gone) outfitter tags in Montana.

Just my opinion though.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-13 AT 11:25AM (MST)[p]>

So I take it that DIY guys who can not afford to travel to exotic locales where critters like these inhabit are not an important part of your business.

Talk about a hypocrite, and if you tell me these were killed in Texas then you are an even bigger hypocrite because I guarantee no DIY hunter took them either way.

I don't really care if you support SFW, that is your right but don't pi$$ down my back and tell me it is raining. SFW is not the saving grace of wildlife and it never has been.

"My god your dumb. Mule deer accounted for less than %1 of the company gross last year"

Yet the guy knows everything there is to know about mule deer and what's needed to save them, LOL!!! Yep, go to auctioning every big game tag and that will take care of all the mulie's problems! Very nice mounts though and I'll bet they cost more to do than a lot of us spend on hunting itself over a few years. What the he**, it's just money!
"So I take it that DIY guys who can not afford to travel to exotic locales where critters like these inhabit are not an important part of your business."

Actually the majority of my business is regular old guys who also DIY.

"Talk about a hypocrite, and if you tell me these were killed in Texas then you are an even bigger hypocrite because I guarantee no DIY hunter took them either way."

You really don't know what a hypocrite is do you. If I told you they were killed in Texas that would make me a "liar". But I haven't told you that. These were killed in a country called Tajikistan by a really nice man who goes on all kinds of hunts, including DIY.

"I don't really care if you support SFW, that is your right but don't pi$$ down my back and tell me it is raining. SFW is not the saving grace of wildlife and it never has been."

Are you on drugs??? Go back and tell me where I ever said SFW was the saving grace of wildlife. I think you have me confused with someone else.

I am glad you enjoyed them. I don't post my pics much but we really love what we do and the compliments are appreciated.
I am not on drugs, I know perfectly what a hypocrite is and I understand people who parrot the position of the SFW are hypocrites.

You sound like you sit at the feet of Don Peay and actually believe he alone saved the mule deer.

>AT 11:25?AM (MST)


>So I take it that DIY
>guys who can not afford
>to travel to exotic locales
>where critters like these inhabit
>are not an important part
>of your business.
>Talk about a hypocrite, and if
>you tell me these were
>killed in Texas then you
>are an even bigger hypocrite
>because I guarantee no DIY
>hunter took them either way.
>I don't really care if you
>support SFW, that is your
>right but don't pi$$ down
>my back and tell me
>it is raining. SFW
>is not the saving grace
>of wildlife and it never
>has been.


Prostate, you've just proven to me how much of a dumb puppet you really are. You could have posted something nice from a DIY hunter, but NOPE! Predictable. Pathetic. Have a nice day! LOL
BACK TO OP! RE: Attention Everyone Regarding RMEF

This is excellent news!


RMEF is an organization comprised of hunters and non-hunters who all have a deep passion for wildlife conservation. Recently an issue has arisen regarding the election one of our new Board members. The following will state our position on this issue.

RMEF is a diverse enough organization to allow for opinions/beliefs of all hunters and those non-hunters who support hunting as part of our conservation toolbox in this country. We support and work with private landowners, outfitters and do-it-yourself hunters alike; RMEF?s history speaks for itself on this issue. We intend to continue with these relationships.

Relative to the recent issue of Randy Newberg being selected for a RMEF Board seat, the leadership of the RMEF Board has notified Mr. Newberg that we welcome him to the Board beginning March 3.

RMEF strongly believes that hunter vs. hunter confrontation is non-productive for the future of hunting and wildlife conservation.


John Caid
Chairman, RMEF Board

M David Allen
President & CEO

Posted by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation at 12:25 PM
"Prostate, you've just proven to me how much of a dumb puppet you really are. You could have posted something nice from a DIY hunter, but NOPE! Predictable. Pathetic. Have a nice day! LOL"

I just want to get this straight. If it wasn't killed "DIY" its pathetic???????? Thats a childish response.

I just posted something that was beautiful. It didn't matter to me how it was killed or whether you were going to love it.

I do not know Don Peay nor do I know what he has or hasn't done for muledeer. I think you have a personal issue with him that you should man up and take up with him. I can't solve that issue for you. I do not know the position of SFW therefore I can not "parrot" it. If you are not on drugs you are suffering from some form of psychosis and I suggest you find help.
I watch some hunting shows and most dont trip my trigger too much. I however, enjoy watching On your Own Adventures for many of the same reasons alot of you have posted already.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-13 AT 02:46PM (MST)[p]Tristate,

You are the one stating the model is broken, that is pure SFW propaganda.

The mount is beautiful and congrats to the hunter. I don't care how they were taken.

The point is that if that is your customer base, good on you, doesn't mean you know diddle about game management, especially outside the State of Texas. Things are different in Texas and the for profit model of the Kings deer isn't what the rest us want for how we manage our big game animals.


You are the one stating the model is broken, that is pure SFW propaganda."

I have no idea what they are saying about it. I came to that conclusion by seeing a broken model. If you know otherwise please answer these questions. Are mule deer numbers rising? Does everyone have a better chance next year of killing a buck than they did the previous year? Will our children have more hunting opportunities than we did to choose from? You know the answers and they aren't good, and you are still unwilling to be dynamic and change the problem.

"The mount is beautiful and congrats to the hunter. I don't care how they were taken."


"The point is that if that is your customer base, good on you, doesn't mean you know diddle about game management, especially outside the State of Texas."

Actually a degree in Wildlife and FIsheries sciences from Texas A&M means I know a little something about wildlife management, anywhere.

" Things are different in Texas and the for profit model of the Kings deer isn't what the rest us want for how we manage our big game animals."

Texas does not live under a "kings deer" policy, but the state wildlife agencies must get full value of the resource. They can not continuously leave money on the table.

I am willing to change but I am not willing to bend over and take it from SFW.

Big Game animals do not have be monetize to have successful management of the herds and when it comes down to just dollars then the average Joe will always play second fiddle.

Texas is a pay to play state when it comes to access, that is just a fact. There is very little public land and even less open to the general non paying public.

Congratulations Randy!!!

Tristate & Nemont - Please... chill out on the post hijacking. I recomend you both take this offline and use the PM function to sort out your differences or just agree to disagree and move on to something positive.

Here is my opinion on this topic just for fun...

Randy Newberg is a man of character, he has integrity, honesty, is well spoken, street smart, and just a good 'ol boy in general.

RMEF has proven that they have the same solid character that Randy does. Putting Randy on the board is a great fit for both and I wish both RMEF & Mr. Newberg a fun filled and prosperous future.

Also, I frequent OYOA and I have never read a post written by Randy Newberg - AKA "Bigfin" that attacked landowners and/or outfitters in general. In fact from all of the posts I have ever read I am of the opinion that Mr. Newberg fully supports and respects the rights of the private landowners and the outfitting industry.

What seems to be an issue for a few of the landowners and outfitters is that Randy also stands for the DIY hunter and good common sense approaches to the restricted access to public land that is landlocked by private, virtually making these landlocked parcels of public usable only to these adjacent landowners and the outfitters who partner with them.

Is that fair and just? Absolutley not. That is why we need to find a way to make corner jumping legal without infringing upon the rights of the private landowners.

"I am willing to change but I am not willing to bend over and take it from SFW."

I never asked you to. I couldn't care less if you never join them or give them a solitary cent.

"Big Game animals do not have be monetize to have successful management of the herds and when it comes down to just dollars then the average Joe will always play second fiddle."

They do if they are competing for habitat with humans while trying to set up a sustainable harvest plan.

"Texas is a pay to play state when it comes to access, that is just a fact. There is very little public land and even less open to the general non paying public."

No doubt about it. I have never argued otherwise. We aren't filled with a bunch of cry babies demanding something for nothing. As a result a mule deer tag comes right over the counter. No state agency stands in your way or tells you to stand in line to get it.
"No doubt about it. I have never argued otherwise. We aren't filled with a bunch of cry babies demanding something for nothing. As a result a mule deer tag comes right over the counter. No state agency stands in your way or tells you to stand in line to get it."

Man you can sure spout some real BS and make some absolutely laughable posts! You say the reason the mulie tags are OTC is because Texas isn't filled with crybabies demanding something for nothing, LOL!!! The only reason the tags are OTC is because the few mulies in the state are out in the western third and basicly live on private land with access controlled by the owners. Texas could sell 100,000 OTC tags, but only a very small fraction of those buying them would be able to find a place to hunt!
Tristate, First off good looking mounts. Secondly it is apparent that you don't like Topgun. Lastly why bring up looking into Randy's hunt talk forums. If you have something with evidence behind it please let it come forward. Thank you and have a nice day.
Topgun you make yourself look bad when you argue with tristate, most of what he states has nothing at its core. Most of the time I agree with you but you need to go fishing and relax or something.
Good luck this season fellow hunters and outdoor enthusiasts.
"Man you can sure spout some real BS and make some absolutely laughable posts! You say the reason the mulie tags are OTC is because Texas isn't filled with crybabies demanding something for nothing, LOL!!!"

Its the truth. Nobody here is crying about things being "unfair" and the mule deer population is much more stable than in Utah or Colorado. If we decided the state was going to decide who does and doesn't get to hunt a mule deer plus decided the price of the tags were going to get slashed to damn near worthless prices we would go from a multi-billion dollar industry to a tens of millions industry over night.

"The only reason the tags are OTC is because the few mulies in the state are out in the western third and basicly live on private land with access controlled by the owners."

Those "few mulies" in our western one third that is the size of Colorado. Are those the ones you are talking about.

" Texas could sell 100,000 OTC tags, but only a very small fraction of those buying them would be able to find a place to hunt!"

Texas sells way more than 100k mule deer tags in a single season and then the markets decide the going rate to go hunt them. Its fantastic. Here's the part that will blow your mind. It gets better each year, and while your grandkids will have to find something else to do instead of hunt, my grandkids will get to go hunting if that is the way they want to spend their money.
"Tristate, First off good looking mounts."


" Secondly it is apparent that you don't like Topgun."

No doubt. I believe him to be an absolute stain on the hunting community and a shameful excuse for a person.

" Lastly why bring up looking into Randy's hunt talk forums."

I brought it up because Wapitibob posted a letter to RMEF regarding an anti-landowner stance on the hunt talk forums. I did not say that it was true and I did not bring it up. All I stated was this is something that RMEF has to take seriously and look into. They have to keep a relationship both with public land officials and private land owners since the species that they are trying to conserve is migratory one. It does not make since to alienate landowners if there was any validity to the complaint that Wapitibob posted.

" If you have something with evidence behind it please let it come forward. Thank you and have a nice day."

I have no evidence. Like I said I was just trying to say that RMEF has to take a board appointment seriously. I never once said Randy was bad or should not be a board member. If you don't believe me go back and read.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-13 AT 01:53PM (MST)[p]Tristate: "Texas sells way more than 100k mule deer tags in a single season and then the markets decide the going rate to go hunt them. Its fantastic. Here's the part that will blow your mind. It gets better each year, and while your grandkids will have to find something else to do instead of hunt, my grandkids will get to go hunting if that is the way they want to spend their money."

*** Man you're so full of it I can smell it all the way up here, LOL! FYI Sherlock, the Texas TP&W stats show that there aren't even that many more mule deer in an average year than you say they issue licenses for God's sake! Stats right on the TP&W website show that between 2000 and 2005 <20,000 mule deer licenses were sold per year. Between 2006 and 2012 the number sold went up to between 20,000 and 25,000 per year. The harvest numbers for 2000-2008 was <10,000 per year and from 2009 to 2012 was a high of about 15,000 to a low last year of 7,000. So much for your BS numbers and statement about it getting better each year Mr. Taxidermist/Biologist no nothing!!! Maybe you should take a hike when you can't even get things right about your home state of Texas, but claim to be the expert everywhere else to save our mule deer throughout the Rockies, LOL!!!
PS: FYI < stands for "less than" and is used before a number, unlike your incorrect use of % (ie. %100)!!!
Man TOPGUN, facts sure can be a bi!ch. Entire nonsensical and factually incorrect arguments wiped out with one little web search. Good times.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-13 AT 04:27PM (MST)[p]*** Man you're so full of it I can smell it all the way up here, LOL! FYI Sherlock, the Texas TP&W stats show that there aren't even that many more mule deer in an average year than you say they issue licenses for God's sake! Stats right on the TP&W website show that between 2000 and 2005 <20,000 mule deer licenses were sold per year. Between 2006 and 2012 the number sold went up to between 20,000 and 25,000 per year. The harvest numbers for 2000-2008 was <10,000 per year and from 2009 to 2012 was a high of about 15,000 to a low last year of 7,000. So much for your BS numbers and statement about it getting better each year Mr. Taxidermist/Biologist no nothing!!! Maybe you should take a hike when you can't even get things right about your home state of Texas, but claim to be the expert everywhere else to save our mule deer throughout the Rockies, LOL!!!
PS: FYI < stands for "less than" and is used before a number, unlike your incorrect use of % (ie. %100)!!!

Hey Topgun and Grizzly I hate to burst your bubble but the numbers you quoted ain't accurate. The number of mule deer tags sold is at least the same as the number of hunting licenses sold in the state of Texas. WHEN YOU BUY A STATE HUNTING LICENSE YOU ARE GIVEN A MULE DEER TAG BUCK OR ANTLERLESS. How can a state issue fewer mule deer tags than licenses when every single hunting license has a mule deer tag attached to it? You didn't think about this much did you. All I can figure is these might be the MLD issued tags. MLD tags are issued to ranches in case they feel they need to harvest more mule deer than they have license tags for or if they want to hunt in the extended season. The other thing I find funny is that you have harvest data for a state that hasn't required any harvest registration. For the first time in the states history deer killed in three counties in west Texas were required to be logged in by a biologist within 24 hours of harvest. This was in response to the finding of CWD in the Hueco mountians late last summer. But harvest numbers did go down last year. Along with whitetail, antelope, and quail. We happened to have the worst drought in the states history. All signs are showing the state is allready on the rebound for all species except antelope. They are in the middle of a horrible disease outbreak but the state, along with the help of the private sector are doing a lot to save them. Maybe you should learn how to use that computer a little better before you start quote BS off of it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-13 AT 05:19PM (MST)[p]Give me a friggin break will ya with just more of your BS. The estimated number of mule deer hunters is what I posted and not the number of overall big game licenses sold that include that tag. The latter number varied between .95 and 1.25 million. The figures I gave were from statistical sample data and are considered pretty accurate since Texas has never had a mandatory system, other that what you just mentioned. I figured you'd try and come up with more BS after you were outed and you did exactly that. I've hunted big game in Texas many times and I'm well aware that the big game license includes the whitetail tags, a mule deer tag, as well as turkey tags, the latter of which need a stamp to be valid. Bag limits and what can be taken vary county to county. Take a look at this link where all the information I gave you is located and take a hike because the data there is exactly what I stated!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-13 AT 05:02PM (MST)[p]edit: I posted a really nasty letter to another member, but decided I wouldn't jump in a pig pile when there was no reason to get dirty.
>AT 05:02?PM (MST)

>edit: I posted a really nasty
>letter to another member, but
>decided I wouldn't jump in
>a pig pile when there
>was no reason to get

***You're just too nice a guy grizzly!!!
>>LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-13
>>AT 05:02?PM (MST)

>>edit: I posted a really nasty
>>letter to another member, but
>>decided I wouldn't jump in
>>a pig pile when there
>>was no reason to get
>***You're just too nice a guy

I know. I started typing before your letter posted or I probably would have let it slide. After it posted, I felt bad. It was pretty scathing and full of personal attacks (all true).

I'll let you fight on the numbers, because I've never hunted Texas, but there's no reason to go personal with my attacks.
"The estimated number of mule deer hunters is what I posted and not the number of overall big game licenses sold that include that tag."

Before I thought you had just an honest mistake. Now I know you are a liar. Because this is exactly what you said.

"Stats right on the TP&W website show that between 2000 and 2005 <20,000 mule deer licenses were sold per year."

Keep crawfishing boy.
grizzly---This "BOY" would argue that the sun and moon set in the east just to keep hijacking a thread and putting his posts up on the Forums. Texas has between 150,000 to 250,000 mule deer in any given year depending on range and water conditions. Texas TPW sells anywhere from .95 to 1.25 million licenses a year that have a number of whitetail deer tags, a mule deer tag, and some turkey tags attached. The turkey tags aren't valid without buying a stamp to legally hunt them. Texas is probably the cheapest state for a NR to hunt IF you know somebody with land, has the animals available and allows you to legally fill all the tags. Can you imagine a state selling one million mule deer licenses knowing that all those people were actually going to be out there hunting for that animal when there aren't any more than I just mentioned, LOL?!!! That's basicly what this "BOY" is now trying to say to cover his sorry azz when I outed him with the true numbers. The TPW issues those licenses with the various tags attached since they know that the private land owners are only allowing a fairly small number of mule deer hunters and the latter are the ones who control hunter numbers and harvest on their private lands. This guy will post anything just to keep on yapping even when he's outed and now he's calling me a liar!!! The way this guy spouts off, if he had these various conversations face to face like he does on these Forums, he'd be at the Dentist Office every other day getting missing teeth replaced!!!
Congratulations Randy! Very well deserved and another very good reason for me to continue to support the RMEF.

Tristate - I don't agree with your opinion very often, if at all, but man those are some pretty mounts. Very nice work.

I make it down to Houston about 1 per month for work. I may just have to stop in and see some more when I'm bored one night.

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
I have watched Randy's statement at the end of the wolf episode several times over. "I WILL APOLOGISE TO NO ONE"

Randy is the exactly who we need on the RMEF board!!!!
Randy is promoting hunting without a guide and the greedy outfitters dont like the sound of that,why the RMEF thinks he is going to be good at anything other than raising funds for them is beyond me,oh thats right thats what they are all about..The RMEF and the outfitters of MT can both head out of state and stay there as far as Im concerned.
">Randy is promoting hunting without a
>guide and the greedy outfitters
>dont like the sound of
>that,why the RMEF thinks he
>is going to be good
>at anything other than raising
>funds for them is beyond
>me,oh thats right thats what
>they are all about..The RMEF
>and the outfitters of MT
>can both head out of
>state and stay there as
>far as Im concerned."

***Some people don't have a clue as to all the positive things that Randy has done for conservation to make irresponsible statements like that! If we had a lot more like him, the country, and in particular the hunting and shooting sports, would be a lot better off!!!
"This "BOY" would argue that the sun and moon set in the east just to keep hijacking a thread and putting his posts up on the Forum"

For a minute there, Topgun, I thought you were talking about yourself!!!
Take it easy on me dry, because as of yesterday I will no longer be responding to the "BOY" and I would strongly suggest that everyone else follow suit!
"Boy will be boys"

.......... but at least the WHC expo was cool again! Lots of cool stuff and lots of friends to see again. I think it's a great social event for me.

Congrats to Randy.

>Take it easy on me dry,
>because as of yesterday I
>will no longer be responding
>to the "BOY" and I
>would strongly suggest that everyone
>else follow suit!

TOPGUN, I screwed up and just replied to Tristate on another thread. I'll do better next time. :)
>Take it easy on me dry,
>because as of yesterday I
>will no longer be responding
>to the "BOY" and I
>would strongly suggest that everyone
>else follow suit!

TOPGUN, check out my new signature below.



PS. Tristate, please be an adult and respect my wishes that you do not respond to any of my posts. I, in turn, will do you the courtesy of not responding to any of yours. I simply do not wish to converse with you.
"TOPGUN, check out my new signature below."

Don't you love it when a man voluntarily makes himself a slave. YOU PUT ME IN YOUR SIGNATURE! Without me you have no identity anymore. LOL. You are owned by some schmo in Texas who you never even met.LOL By Choice! LOL
>"TOPGUN, check out my new signature
>Don't you love it when a
>man voluntarily makes himself a
>slave. YOU PUT ME
>me you have no identity
>anymore. LOL. You
>are owned by some schmo
>in Texas who you never
>even met.LOL By Choice!

What part of this do you not understand?

Add me to those ignoring your posts going forward.

****Brian---can you add an ignore feature? The issue is not when someone has a different view since many issues have shades of gray. The issue is when post after post of some folks is of minimal to no value and for many of us is a waste time reading the posts.****
"What part of this do you not understand?"

Well considering I wrote %90 of what you quoted and the other %10 was exactly what I was typing in response to the rest of what was quoted, it looks like I understand all of it.

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