Bad Restaurant Experiences



on the heals of bad motels we have to have a follow up of bad restaurant experiences.... things found in food that wasn't supposed to be there, horrible service, mishaps. i got a few i'll share later
Found a big arse Cockroach in my French Onion Soup when I was in Vietnam at a french restaurant. The waiter came and took the bowl away, then brought the same bowl back, all he did was removed the cockroach. I refused to pay for the soup and left.

Well lets see
1)I have found 1 leg of a cockroach in the last peice of my chicken fried steak at a K-bobs,
2)a black beatle in my taco at taco bell ( after I noticed something hard in my mouth and spit it out,
3)what apeared to be a toenail in my sandwich from a convienince store (I think it was really a peice of hard plastic but the resemblence still made me nausous).
4) a big, I mean really big spider in a glass of water

Maybe I should stop eating out.
I was with a friend of mine when he purchased a cookie at a cafateria. He got about half way through the thing when he felt something odd in his mouth. What he spit out was a band-aid. I about puked just looking at it. I don't think he finished his cookie.

when I was a kid(8yrs old) I was with our famliy at a "BURGER PIT"(in
and I remember in the bathroom that the floor was wet and the sink was broke and a big chunk of the sink was missing and what
remained was sharp...........
the ending to this............ a older mexican man went in to that rest room and then the next thing was a scream (by woman at the ladys room)........I know he slip and fell and cut HIS THROAT ON THE BROKEN SINK "EAR TO EAR" and stumbled out squirting blood ever where trying to grab someone to have them help him but every one ran away myself being the 1st!!!!
he died from bleeding out!!!!.........true story
happy halloween!
I've done alot of waitressing in my day and I've ruined more than one person's meal. It happens, but I've never given bad service. I have dropped people's meals right in front of them a time or tow. Once it was some guys' birthday and I dropped 5 meals at once. Another time I went DOWN on a slick, greasy spot in the dining room. Fell right on my a$$ in front of everyone with two double cut prime ribs on my plates. And the meal was for my boss's wife's boss, a local doctor they were trying hard to impress. (Nice goin' Jenn!) My a$$ hurt but not as bad as my pride.

I've always had a reputation as the dish breaking queen. I was always trying to carry too much.

Another time I was leaning over a table pouring pop into a glass. One hand was pouring water and the other hand was holding several other pitchers. The hand holding the other pitchers tipped right along with pouring hand and I ended up pouring water all over a baby. It was so awful. The poor thing. I drenched her, in her nice church dress, with ice cold water. I couldn't apologize enough. I had enough sense to get out of the mother's sight after that though.

As far as objects and bugs found in food....never happened to me at any of the restaurants where I worked. One guy did tell me once that "I ain't eatin' no raw f*C*in' chicken!". Don't blame him. That was sick. I've always been able to replace food that people haven't found satisfactory. I always tried to solve the problem for diners instead of making excuses or ignoring the problem. Not that I've always received stellar service, but I do complain loudly if I get poor service.
I found something really chunky in a taco a taco bell one time. I was in college and realy drunk, coming back from a house party, and was pretty oblivious to the whole thing until I thought about it the next moring. I didn't die.
Yeah - TripleK has been my waitress more than once or twice and has always ended up ruining my meal. Nothing like a sassy waitress telling you to "get your fat butt up and get it yourself" even if she is your kid sister!

Actually we worked at the same restaurant together - my brother in law was the owner - in fact him and my sister were the one's who set me up with my wife. Good one TK - Not only did you ruin my meals but my life too! JUST KIDDING! However, here are some lessons learned from that experience:

1. Almost every single restaurant in the world has a mouse problem.

2. Steaks never get wasted (yeah those prime rib she dropped - got put in the fryer and then became part of the stew meat for the next day!)

3. Deep fryers sanitize meat that has fallen on the floor.

4. Dishwashing is the nastiest job on the planet.

5. There are some serious sickos who do some freaky crap in restaurant bathrooms.

6. Hell hath no fury like a waitress scorned. (I knew that before I married one - stupid stupid stupid me! They also remember what you tip them - always.)

7. Most cooks don't care about being sanitary - but the waitresses do (unless you are a bad tipper).

8. Boogers will inherit the same color as the cheese it falls in this rendering it entirely impossible to find.

9. Sweat is a good seasoning for steaks.

10. Don't worry if you cut your finger-tip off in or near the meat grinder. Parts is parts!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I was with my uncle in Beaver, UT (I think it was Beaver) at a McDonalds. We both ordered and as we were standing there waiting for our food, this guy comes up all red faced with his eyes bulging out--he is mad, to say the least. He is screaming for the manager who finally shows up. He proceeds to take the top off of his Egg McMuffin and shows everyone that there is a bloody band-aid stuck to the sausage patty. I about lost it but the funny thing was we still ate our food we had ordered.

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