Betcha Residents start drawing


Long Time Member
Deer tags in Region G and H this year----any takers??? We have been getting hammered with the snow and the cold ain't lettin' up soon neither.
I doubt it. We have had winters way worse that this. But I do think a resident quota is in the near future. Just not this year. You seeing a lot of winter kill this year?
Most residents as well as the G&F are opposed to a draw for western WY. It's not gonna happen. I'd like to see a 4 point restriction and let the meat hunters go elsewhere. That probably won't happen either.
This winter is just a winter. Nothing too exceptional......yet.
I've heard the antelope down by Rawlins and Baggs may not fare too well this year.

Do you think it would be reasonable to make areas like G or H restricted areas with no resident quota?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-08 AT 03:33PM (MST)[p]Why doesn't the G&F make the residents draw? Reduce the number of resident licenses to half of their historic numbers in each region and double the price of resident licenses. I'd be glad to pay double for a resident deer license if G and H were managed properly. $80; what a bargain. Residents should have to draw for a region license similar to how non-residents do now. I know some people who hunt 3 different general regions each year. They hunt G and/or H for a few days, then go to another region for a few days and finally hunt near their home weekends and evenings. It would be even better if residents and non-residents had to apply for a specific unit number and not a region. As for a 4-point restriction, I have seen many old 3-points in G and H that should be shot before killing a small 2 or 3 year old 4-point. I think a 4-point restriction only increases the number of illegal bucks shot and left to waste. Decreasing the hunter numbers would work better.
I am not a resident of WY, but I certainly do my share to support WGF--for whatever you think that is worth. My concern is that early deer hunts, in region G, are getting extra pressure because there are not many other hunts open at that time.
The wintering grounds for these deer herds are being raped by the energy indusrty with extensive drilling for gas & oil.

Mortality due to rig hand poaching, stress mortality, road kills etc. is way up.
Hunterscout is right about the wintering grounds. I don't agree with residents having to draw a tag. I don't think they should allow all the rifle hunters in there early. If you want a big buck in one of those regions, you'll have to get it with a bow. I'll never hunt over there again. I've never seen so much orange in my life. There was a hunter on every ridge. I can see why there isn't the quality or quantity there used to be. A restriction on the number of points would be great, but then again, those big three pointers would never get killed. As a resident, I love having the option to hunt almost the entire state, but something needs to be done to help the deer.

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