biden v. Veterans v. illegal aliens


Long Time Member
Man it’s all Bullspit! Neither side really wants to fix the issue, it is talking points and ammo for their perspective clubs. Both sides love having no semblance of a border. Helps them suck up funding dollars. If the feds wanted to be actual grownups they could have the border somewhat effectively closed in a matter of weeks. This is just he said she said, blame game crap. Our cuntry is a joke
Man it’s all Bullspit! Neither side really wants to fix the issue, it is talking points and ammo for their perspective clubs. Both sides love having no semblance of a border. Helps them suck up funding dollars. If the feds wanted to be actual grownups they could have the border somewhat effectively closed in a matter of weeks. This is just he said she said, blame game crap. Our cuntry is a joke
That’s all true but I will say that Biden could fix this all by himself with the stroke of a pen if he wanted, just like he did on his first day in office when he started this whole **** show. .
That’s all true but I will say that Biden could fix this all by himself with the stroke of a pen if he wanted, just like he did on his first day in office when he started this whole **** show. .
No I agree, with you, but he would never do that, he needs a new voting base for this party, just like a lot of the ultra wealthy corporations who control “republicans” want to water down the labor market with cheap labor…
Another link posted with ZERO context, info, or opinion by the original poster. Source is the 'Vigilante News'... :ROFLMAO:

Headline is VERY misleading. There is NO funding or support being 'stolen' from veterans that goes to illegals (for healthcare, or otherwise....). FAKE NEWS.

Do I like Biden? NO Do I think he is a good president? NO Am I a fan of factual information? YES
This whole thing is such a clusterf**k. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that even the liberals think 2-3 million illegal immigrants per year is OK. It has to hit the poor the hardest- considering competition for low paying jobs and welfare.

I honestly don't get it.
This whole thing is such a clusterf**k. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that even the liberals think 2-3 million illegal immigrants per year is OK. It has to hit the poor the hardest- considering competition for low paying jobs and welfare.

I honestly don't get it.
What do you mean.... up $3800/month, free phones, free healthcare, free schooling....all for illegal immigrants, why would you call that a clusterf**k? --heavy sarcasm.

The reason libs don't care is because they can't win elections without either cheating or paying people to vote for them. 20 million new illegals voting for dems is the goal and the real reason behind this invasion. Soon we will hear how these illegals should be allowed to vote!
Before any question of government spending or instant voter base or any of it. What other mother trucking country in the world has border policies like ours?! Where there is really not a border and if you are caught coming into the country outside of ports of entry there is little to no repercussions and you can stay?! Haha id venture to say many borders are patrolled by countries military and other places aren’t so stupid and can somewhat control who comes into their country…
The reason libs don't care is because they can't win elections without either cheating or paying people to vote for them. 20 million new illegals voting for dems is the goal and the real reason behind this invasion. Soon we will hear how these illegals should be allowed to vote!
I get that- you are totally right on. But if I were a poor person (the biggest liberal base) I sure as hell wouldn't care about how many voters there are 5-10 years from now. I would care about the fact there is less chance for a job and less welfare to go around NOW.

Somebody has to make this clear to the huge percentage of Dems that vote that way due to their perception the government is going to take care of them. Millions of more people to take care of will not help their cause.
I get that- you are totally right on. But if I were a poor person (the biggest liberal base) I sure as hell wouldn't care about how many voters there are 5-10 years from now. I would care about the fact there is less chance for a job and less welfare to go around NOW.

Somebody has to make this clear to the huge percentage of Dems that vote that way due to their perception the government is going to take care of them. Millions of more people to take care of will not help their cause.
The good thing is that there seems to be some movement in the black democrat voter base that I’ve noticed and heard from friends of mine. I think some are starting to wake up to the fact that these dems come to their city every 2/4 years and say they are going to fix things yet, after they vote the same as always, nothing has changed for them and in many cases have become worse. It’s the definition of insanity…as a women said from Chicago.

You are right about the govt assistance now being funneled to illegals though. Lots of people are pissed that money is going to somebody who isn’t even supposed to be here while they struggle. Just a few days ago an article came out that said Washington state had diverted $340 million in Covid funding to illegal immigrants, wtf! I know a bunch of veterans, pipeline workers, and business owners who lost businesses during Covid that could really use that money.

Just once I’d like to see our politicians put our own citizens first. No more foreign aid, no more world police, etc. I’ve never heard of any foreigner complain their tax money was going to help US citizens.
The Democrats will never fix the border problem for the simple reason they are looking for a new voter base after they grant the illegals citizenship and voting rights. Too many black Americans changing over to the republicans and the Democrats want their minority voter base back to stay in office. The big picture is very bleak for the working voter. They estimate that there is 4 million illegals in CA. along. If you grant them citizenship they obtain all rights of a citizen. That means they will be able to go on welfare assistance. If just 10% of those illegals go on welfare here in CA. That means 400 thousand of them will get their monthly check and bankrupt our welfare system. Yet, we know the Democrats will not allow that, they will just raise taxes and fees to cover the added expense and those welfare people will vote Democrat all the way to the polls and back.
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Breaking news about Senator Daines posted on!! :rolleyes:

That reminds me..... I better write-up my eulogy and put it in the y safe with my will. Want to make sure everyone knows what a great guy I am when I'm gone. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
The headlines and wording in all of those links make it sound like money is being diverted from the VA to illegals. Do your own research, folks. Don't fall for the click-bait links that spin and spin so much that you are misled into thinking money is being diverted from veterans to illegals. ;)
The headlines and wording in all of those links make it sound like money is being diverted from the VA to illegals. Do your own research, folks. Don't fall for the click-bait links that spin and spin so much that you are misled into thinking money is being diverted from veterans to illegals. ;)

$60 billion to Ukraine. $20 billion here.

I guess laundering money is harder here?
I guess you could post rebuttal evidence....if you had it. BTW, it is out there, it's just more convenient for some to disparage the source instead. is a far cry from ''
The headlines and wording in all of those links make it sound like money is being diverted from the VA to illegals. Do your own research, folks. Don't fall for the click-bait links that spin and spin so much that you are misled into thinking money is being diverted from veterans to illegals. ;)
Here, does NY Post count?

NY Post
I guess you could post rebuttal evidence....if you had it. BTW, it is out there, it's just more convenient for some to disparage the source instead. is a far cry from ''

If you take time to read and consider the context vs. spin in the articles, it makes clear that NO money is being taken from the VA to support illegal immigrants:

"VA does not provide or fund any health care services to non-Veteran individuals detained in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody," a VA spokesperson told The National Desk (TND) Thursday. "At no time are any VA health care professionals or VA funds used for this purpose."

"The ICE Health Service Corps (IHSC) provides and pays for all health care services for individuals detained in its custody," the spokesperson continued.

They contract with the VA Financial Services Center (VAFSC) to help process medical claims reimbursements for support in processing their claims/paperwork.

The headline in the original link you posted states Biden "Steals From Veterans...." What an F'ing fake news joke. Again, click bait headlines designed to catch the eye of those stupid believe everything they read without regard to source or actual content/facts.

Biden is a BIG loser and a horrible president. I don't need fake news headlines to believe that, though.

Here, does NY Post count?

NY Post
Does NY Post count for what???

Did you read the content of the article??? VA is not "paying" for any of the medical care for illegals. The article makes clear that the money comes from the ICE budget. It does NOT come from the VA budget.

Should we (taxpayers) be paying for medical care at all???? Totally different subject. ;)
Hopefully this legislation will pass. It shouldn't need to be addressed by legislation, though.

Seems like more than one Congressman/Senator does not agree with the weak claims put forth by the VA.

"Last month, Tuberville and Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), who chairs the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, unveiled legislation that would have barred the VA from “using its resources to provide health care or engage in claims processing for illegal migrants.”
Does NY Post count for what???

Did you read the content of the article??? VA is not "paying" for any of the medical care for illegals. The article makes clear that the money comes from the ICE budget. It does NOT come from the VA budget.

Should we (taxpayers) be paying for medical care at all???? Totally different subject. ;)
Oh, yeah, no way the VA would do that. I’m sure they would just come out and admit it since it's such a hot button issue. Wow, I can't think of a single time where the govt said they weren't using money for something but then it comes out later that it was exactly what they were doing.....yeah, that's never happened before. Give me a break!

Just like Feddoc posted above, when senators are putting forth legislation to combat what the VA says it ISN'T need to get your head out of the sand.
Hopefully this legislation will pass. It shouldn't need to be addressed by legislation, though.

Seems like more than one Congressman/Senator does not agree with the weak claims put forth by the VA.

"Last month, Tuberville and Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), who chairs the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, unveiled legislation that would have barred the VA from “using its resources to provide health care or engage in claims processing for illegal migrants."

Not sure what "weak claims" by the VA you are referring to? To me, "Claims" makes it sound like they are saying or claiming something that isn't true or factual. I don't see the VA claiming anything in any of the articles. What I see is an article headline 'claiming' that Biden is 'stealing from the VA to fund illegals...', which is definitely NOT true.

Again, NO money was taken from Vets to go to illegals. (You DO know that now, right??? It makes that clear if you read the articles...) What IS happening is that the VA Financial Services Center is being contracted to do the claims processing. That is totally different than the VA paying for care for illegals. ;)
Let us put it this way. Any funds going to illegal aliens are funds that could have been spent for our veterans who gave this country great service when called upon. Spending funds on people who violated our laws should never have happen and by doing so the Democrats have turned their face away from our veterans and declared them second class citizens.

Let us put it this way. Any funds going to illegal aliens are funds that could have been spent for our veterans who gave this country great service when called upon. Spending funds on people who violated our laws should never have happen and by doing so the Democrats have turned their face away from our veterans and declared them second class citizens.

Sounds so simple, doesn't it???

I'm assuming that the money to give medical care to illegals was likely voted on and appropriated by a body that represented both Democrats and Republicans. I also would assume that under all previous presidents, that medical care given to detainees. You actually think that wasn't happening while Trump and previous presidents were in office? Oh brother.... :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
Sounds so simple, doesn't it???

I'm assuming that the money to give medical care to illegals was likely voted on and appropriated by a body that represented both Democrats and Republicans. I also would assume that under all previous presidents, that medical care given to detainees. You actually think that wasn't happening while Trump and previous presidents were in office? Oh brother.... :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
So far much of what you say is true and makes sense. But...

NO republican (other than a couple RINOs) want ANY illegal immigrants. Legal ones, yes. Illegal ones, NO.

The fact that they are here means we have to take care of them somehow. We don't let people die. But the point, clearly, is that the dems refuse to enforce the border or build a wall. This allows all the illegals in. Then we gotta take care of them. Money is spent, and not where we would like to spend it.

And as such, it is that simple.
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So far much of what you say is true and makes sense. But...

NO republican (other than a couple RINOs) want ANY illegal immigrants. Legal ones, yes. Illegal ones, NO.

The fact that they are here means we have to take care of them somehow. We don't let people die. But the point, clearly, is that the dems refuse to enforce the border or build a wall. This allows all the illegals in. Then we gotta take care of them. Money is spent, and not where we would like to spend it.

And as such, it is that simple.
I was born and raised in southern AZ fairly close to the border and still today make my hope here in this state, and I can 100% agree with you that there shoud be NO illegal aliens/immigrants! That's for sure!

Your reply makes sense and is quite simple. @RELH's reply; Not so much. LOL

Regarding the point of this thread, I thought it was that 'Biden was stealing from Vets to fund illegals'... At least that's what @feddoc originally posted. ;)
Ya, I think folks who are veterans or veteran advocates are pissed about the amount of care they receive (and I agree). Then they see the US spend billions on folks here illegally. It's not a stretch to think that those dollars could be better spent on veterans.

Direct logical tie? Maybe not. Fair to consider the crazy allocation of funds? For sure. Sometimes hyperbole is a way to get the point across. I think that's what you are seeing here, and I personally approve.
Democrats hand out money to buy votes. They have dangled the carrot in front of minority groups and welfare for ages, but never give them the carrot that they use to guide them to the voting polls. It seems more blacks are getting wise and leaving the Democrats. Now the Democrats are turning to the Hispanic vote to insure staying in office.
If we get a Republican President and Congress, they better wise up and get a program that will turn the Hispanic vote in their favor and not short change the American citizen.

'Biden ain't doing s---': Black Chicago voters blast Democrats, say Trump a better fit for White House​

Chicago residents shared harsh words for the president and Democratic Party as migrants overwhelm city resources​

The Democrats are in panic mode as they are losing their minority base with black Americans. You can bet they will try to grant all those millions of illegal migrants citizenship to shore up their minority voting block. Who will pay for it, the middle class working person and black Americans who will not work as cheap as the migrants will. Any body that votes Democrat this coming election might as well take a knife and cut their own throat because if they do not do it, the Democrats will.

I honestly can’t remember an administration that will literally lie right to our face in spite of everyone being able to see the truth. It’s not like there is even a possibility what they say is true…just straight up lying.

Think about every one of the lies they have said right to our face that we can plainly see on video is patently false….then think about the very first lie…most secure election in history.
Their followers will believe the lies because they want to believe the lies. Jim Jones got his followers to drink the poison kool aide and commit suicide. Just people with weak minds and no common sense.
Border security

GOP senator fumes over Biden admin providing veteran medical resources to illegal immigrants​

Sen Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala, seeks to ban use of VA resources on migrants​

That can’t be true, azhunteraz says no VA benefits are going to illegals. I’m sure Tuberville is mistaken.
Reading and actual comprehension of what you are reading is two different things. (The comprehension part takes minimal analytical and critical thinking skills that can be challenging for some folks... :ROFLMAO: .) You appear to have a bit of difficulty but if you re-read and try your hardest to understand the words, you might be able to get it..... ;)
Reading and actual comprehension of what you are reading is two different things. (The comprehension part takes minimal analytical and critical thinking skills that can be challenging for some folks... :ROFLMAO: .) You appear to have a bit of difficulty but if you re-read and try your hardest to understand the words, you might be able to get it..... ;)
Thanks I’ll try harder to believe what the govt tells me to be true….there’s no precedent of them using funds/resources supposedly going to one group and then using it for others.

Isn’t this what you said above “Headline is VERY misleading. There is NO funding or support being 'stolen' from veterans that goes to illegals (for healthcare, or otherwise....). FAKE NEWS.”

This is what U.S. Rep Mike Bost, chairman of Veterans Affairs says about the bill he’s putting forward, “U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today introduced legislation to block the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from using its resources to provide healthcare or engage in claims processing for illegal migrants. The “No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act” comes after reports indicated the Department of Homeland Security is leveraging the VA’s established claims processing system, through its Financial Services Center, to pay for illegal migrants in ICE detention.”

I’m sure he’s introducing legislation because it’s not happening. Does that cover your statement above about support that’s supposed to go to veterans but is being given to illegals? In my mind that stealing what’s supposed to go to one group. Is my reading comprehension off?
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Thanks I’ll try harder to believe what the govt tells me to be true….there’s no precedent of them using funds/resources supposedly going to one group and then using it for others.

Isn’t this what you said above “Headline is VERY misleading. There is NO funding or support being 'stolen' from veterans that goes to illegals (for healthcare, or otherwise....). FAKE NEWS.”

This is what U.S. Rep Mike Bost, chairman of Veterans Affairs says about the bill he’s putting forward, “U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today introduced legislation to block the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from using its resources to provide healthcare or engage in claims processing for illegal migrants. The “No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act” comes after reports indicated the Department of Homeland Security is leveraging the VA’s established claims processing system, through its Financial Services Center, to pay for illegal migrants in ICE detention.”

I’m sure he’s introducing legislation because it’s not happening. Does that cover your statement above about support that’s supposed to go to veterans but is being given to illegals? In my mind that stealing what’s supposed to go to one group. Is my reading comprehension off?
I stand by what I said. There is no funding or support being 'stolen' from Vets. Do you think the headline is true and factual?? "Biden Steals...."??? Really, he's stealing? :ROFLMAO:

This is a 22 year old agreement to share administrative services (NOT money), but 'Biden is stealing....'. WAFJ :rolleyes:
I stand by what I said. There is no funding or support being 'stolen' from Vets. Do you think the headline is true and factual?? "Biden Steals...."??? Really, he's stealing? :ROFLMAO:

This is a 22 year old agreement to share administrative services (NOT money), but 'Biden is stealing....'. WAFJ :rolleyes:
So why is a bill being introduced to do exactly what you say isn’t happening?

No Biden isn’t stealing, he just takes bribes instead.
So why is a bill being introduced to do exactly what you say isn’t happening?

No Biden isn’t stealing, he just takes bribes instead.
Why you ask??? Because it looks good politically. (Did you read the link I posted??? It's been going on for over two decades, and is a way to optimize administrative services.... )

BTW, it's not me saying it isn't happening. It's the research and writing of those who have published on it. Even the original article posted on this worthless thread (if you read it) makes clear that there is NOT any stealing going on. Did you read ANY of the articles or just the sound bites and headlines? Did you do any research on your own??

Sheeple follow whatever story line or headline will get their attention. The political jack-offs on each side of the isle know this very well, so they use it to keep the flock moving the direction they want.

Biden taking bribes??? That's a different thread. Stay on topic, or did you not learn that basic principle in debate class?

Again I say, WAFJ. :ROFLMAO:
Any body that believes Biden is a fool of fools with no brain cells. The man is a proven liar on many accounts. The next biggest liar in his admin. is that press secretary he has.
Why you ask??? Because it looks good politically. (Did you read the link I posted??? It's been going on for over two decades, and is a way to optimize administrative services.... )

BTW, it's not me saying it isn't happening. It's the research and writing of those who have published on it. Even the original article posted on this worthless thread (if you read it) makes clear that there is NOT any stealing going on. Did you read ANY of the articles or just the sound bites and headlines? Did you do any research on your own??

Sheeple follow whatever story line or headline will get their attention. The political jack-offs on each side of the isle know this very well, so they use it to keep the flock moving the direction they want.

Biden taking bribes??? That's a different thread. Stay on topic, or did you not learn that basic principle in debate class?

Again I say, WAFJ. :ROFLMAO:
We’ll see, I’m sure just like the all the corruption and lies of this admin and their media, the truth will come out and the “conspiracy” will be proven true.

Oh, btw, the only WAFJ is this president and everyone who voted for him.
Any body that believes Biden is a fool of fools with no brain cells. The man is a proven liar on many accounts. The next biggest liar in his admin. is that press secretary he has.
Don't disagree with you there, but not sure how it is relevant to this thread given Biden hasn't commented on this subject (at least not that I could fine....). ;)
President Biden is facing increased scrutiny over his administration providing health care administrative services to illegal migrants amid a worsening border crisis, potentially exacerbating long wait times for American veterans utilizing Department of Veterans' Affairs (VA) facilities.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., touted his recently introduced No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act, which he introduced alongside Rep. Mike Bost, R-Ill., that would ban such action, one of the many problems he says are facing the country as a result of the border "disaster" taking place under Biden's watch.

"[Biden's] decided, OK, we've got to feed all these 10 million people we've let come across the border, we've got to house them, and we've got to give them health care," Tuberville said. "They've opened up care from the doctors in these [VA] community care systems. The lines now in the VA's are getting longer. Our funds that are supposed to go to the veterans are going to these illegal immigrants that are coming across."
Yes the bill to allow this happen before Biden coming into office, but it appears Biden is the one who wants to short change the veterans for the illegal aliens he allowed into this country. Be damn glad we have a GOP majority in the house or these illegal aliens would have already been granted amnesty and possible citizenship so they could vote this year.
I stand by what I said. There is no funding or support being 'stolen' from Vets.
I believe half of this statement is deadly accurate. No funding is being moved from vets to illegals in this instance.

But support? I beg to differ. The VA financial service org has not been handed an additional X,000 people to process the influx of claims from illegal immigrants. They are certainly overwhelmed handling both, and you can bet it has slowed the process down. Now, does that directly impact a vet getting treatment? Dunno. But it will impact service providers, and whatever knock-off effects that has.
I believe half of this statement is deadly accurate. No funding is being moved from vets to illegals in this instance.

But support? I beg to differ. The VA financial service org has not been handed an additional X,000 people to process the influx of claims from illegal immigrants. They are certainly overwhelmed handling both, and you can bet it has slowed the process down. Now, does that directly impact a vet getting treatment? Dunno. But it will impact service providers, and whatever knock-off effects that has.
It's not being 'stolen' and Biden ain't the one doing it. The agreement has been in place for 22 years. It's partisan BS and just serves to get folks riled-up. (Case in point, this thread..... ;) )

The fact that ICE is contracting with the VA to process the claims means that someone at the VA agreed to it and signed-off on it. If they are letting their core job (Vet claims) suffer because of it, then shame on them, but the topic has nothing to do with a Dem president or a Rep president.

Totally agree regarding your assessment on whether it is impacting service providers or other knock-off effects. Likely does, but would be hard to measure so sadly will likely fall through cracks.
Totally agree regarding your assessment on whether it is impacting service providers or other knock-off effects. Likely does, but would be hard to measure so sadly will likely fall through cracks.
Yep. So indeed, politicians use words that might be partisan- but that's hardly an R only thing. Nonetheless, the senator wanting to cut that cord considering the vast change in demand might well make good sense for our veterans.
It's not being 'stolen' and Biden ain't the one doing it. The agreement has been in place for 22 years. It's partisan BS and just serves to get folks riled-up. (Case in point, this thread..... ;) )
When are you going to accept the fact this is happening under Biden's watch and he is responsible for it. You can bet your last dollar that sleepy Joe approved it. Why do you keep defending one of the most corrupt president in our country's history?

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