buddy gut shot a buck



alright guys so my buddy shot a buck today jumped his string real bad and he gut shot him. he took off quick then got bout 50 yards slowed to a walk i looked and the arrow passed through him and he had about 8 inches of gut hangin outa the exit wound. i told him we shouldnt push him and we will let him go for a bit waited bout an hour then got on him he was headed down hill crossed the road had good blood for 20 yards it quick circled the area got down onto the road further down and he crossed it there found blood again just not as good. you could tell he was strainin when he walked looked hunched up by the tracks wasnt sinkin into the dirt but his dew claws were clear. im not the best tracker but i figured he was prolly hurtin bad and hunched up pretty bad and thats why his tracks showed his dew claws in semi muddy area. it started to get dark and all blood was gone but we followed his tracks a ways and next step is off the side of the mountain. tracks are kinda in and out and were not sure what to do. we both gotta work tomorrow which is a problem but can go back out friday what would you guys suggest we do. do you think it will kill him or what. o yeah i ended up almost gettin a really nice heavy 4X4 this morning but he was with a 2 point that busted me at full draw at 30 yards... damn little buck haha

Get back after him if you can't trail him check bedding areas, walk the deer trails through the area, and glass everything. And give a good 3-4 hours on questionable hits.

And we also don't need "buddy gut shot a buck" posted on the internet.

Take out more than you brought in!
he went out today and tracked all the way down into the ravine and told me that it ended up goin back up the other side. and said that all the blood completely quit. im goin up tomorrow and seein if i can find it cause he has stuff to do and i got the day off. i told him this morning to look for birds and any fresh bear or coyote poop and he said there was nothin around. so ill see what i can find for him tomorrow

Your first mistake after the shot was that you pushed the buck! NEVER, never, I repeat, NEVER push a gut shot deer!!!!! It takes on average of 4-5 hours for a gut shot deer to die. You should have left him alone, he would have bedded really close to where he slowed and started walking and expired.....now you are left with nothing but a rotting carcass and possibly the antlers if you even find the deer! If you find him your buddy needs to tag him. I hope you and your buddy have learned something. Let us know if you find the antlers...........

Jared "J-Rod" Bloomgren


"Getting close to game undetected and maintaining self control while delivering a well placed shot are the true keys to bowhunting success." -M.R.James
yeah if we find him my buddy will tag him no matter what. he has already decided that if we do find him we will salvage everything we can

I caught a branch last year and ended up gut shooting a nice 4 point. It was in the evening and so I walked away and waited until morning to go after the buck. He didn't go 100 yards before he laid down for the night and I found him dead there in the morning. Lesson: leave a gut shot deer for at least 5-6 hours. He won't go far before he lays down and he will get too stiff to get up again. He'll die in his bed.
4-6 hours? Is that the same for elk or do they need more time?

We had a guy stick a spike, near as we can tell he hit a little far back and clipped the opposite lung. It was over an hour before we picked up the blood trail. we finally found where he bedded but he had moved on.

just looking for input for next time.

Anything less than a perfect hit I wait at least 4 hours if not over night. I have only had it happen to me once and I hope that it is the last time but I have had friend gut shoot animals anywhere from an elk to a hog and after waiting 4 hours we have never lost an animal. If you can let that animal lay down and not feel threatened at all he will stiffen up something fierce. An elk, I would probably give even more time. What's the rush? I can only think of a few reasons that you might move on him a little sooner.
Congrats on finding your buck! Another idea, go home and get a dog to help you find it. Even a dog that is not trained to do anything is attracted to the smell of a dead animal. Check your local laws to make sure this is not against the law. You cannot carry a weapon with a dog. Don't break the law because it could get you a poaching sentence. fatrooster.
I will have to agree, we as hunters dont need to start a thread or post, with my buddy gut shot a buck. You need to think of all the anti-hunter that read this. All I'm saying is phrase it differently, well good job finding it and sticking withit and not giveing up. So lets see some pic's now
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-09 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]hey ya'l. well im the buddy that gut shoted the buck. the arrow was perfect in flight till he heard the string and he jumped forward and hit in the gut i traked it for 3 days now there abouts and the tracks and blood stoped . but luckly we found him the other day layed up under a pine coyotes got to him a bit tho
hey buddy bout time you got one here. yeah good thing we stuck with it.maybe i can get out tomorrow and find that big one for me. and sorry guys didnt have a camera to take pictures. and sorry out the listing i was in a hurry for some help and didnt think about it if it ever happens again which i hope it dont ill post it different

whats wrong with postn my buddy gut shot a buck? that dosent mater to the antis. they will trash us for posten i shot a buck or somethin its the same deal to them . and i know bud been meanin to join for a while lol

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