Bullsh!t -- The Game Show


Long Time Member
Soo I was flitting around on Netflix the other night & happened upon Bullsh!t -- The Game Show, with Howie Mandel as the host. It's a wild format with contestants able to earn $1 million by answering a series of 10 trivia questions. The amusing part is they don't really need to answer a question correctly to move to the next one. The panel has the option to either believe them or call 'bullsh!t.' If all three call 'bullsh!t,' and it is a lie, the contestant goes home. BUT...all they need to do is convince at least one of three people on the panel that they are telling the truth evn if it is a totally made up answer.

I watched several episodes, and one gal actually earned the $1 million. Others made anywhere from 0 to $750K.
I watched the first episode and had high hopes due to the name. It was really dumb and boring the way the game is played, which is sad because that theme could make for a really great game show.
Plus Howie Mandel is completely annoying.
We started that game here in the Campfire forum many,many,moons ago...waiting for the play-offs to start.. ElkAss,Homer and Eelgrass are the top finalists....I'm one of the judges..:cool:
I found it somewhat entertaining as it went along. But then...it doesn't take a lot to entertain me nowadays. :rolleyes:

I'm a whiz playing Trivial Pursuit, but most of the trivia questions on the show were toughies. Even though they gave four multiple choice answers, almost every contestant got half or more wrong & were forced to bullsh!t.

The one flaw I saw was an avenue for corruption. If one panel member said they believed the story for every question each time, the contestant got to keep going. Ten times meant the whole enchilada. A nice wink & a nod could lead to splitting $1 million. Or...if someone said they believed the story first, the crooked one could claim BS as a cover. Either way, the contestant moves to the next tier.
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