Bumper sticker!


Active Member
What are some funny ones You have seem recently. I saw one that said Monica Lewinskys Boyfiends wife for President............Not real funny cause I hate his wife............BULL!
Ha this reminds me when I stopped by a truck stop and bought one that said cowboys butts drive me nutts. I slapped that bad boy on my buddy's bumper he didn't notice it for 4 days total comedy after he had been driving to the work site all week
LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-16 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p]....if my great great grandpa had known then what I know now...he'd have picked his own cotton.
This Ain't No Bullsshhiittt Boys!

CUPSY has this Bumper Sticker on his Chevy!

"I'm My Own Grandpa"!

I couldn't Figure out what it meant at first!

But I know now!


Jagerdad :)
A friend of mines brother is a cop and I guess all the guys at the station would put stickers on each other's personal rigs. This guy out one that says" I'm so gay I can't even drive straight" on another's guys truck. Didn't figure it out for 2 weeks. I guess it was a running joke for a while. Lol
My favorite one is:

Obama put us in the toilet,
Hillary will flush it.

It is on the back of my F250 super duty PU.

Not particularly funny bumper sticker, but I got a good laugh out of the deal.
I was in a burger king drive through and the pickup in front of me had a bumper sticker stuck right behind the drivers head that said " watch out for the idiot behind me". Well, this guy is taking quite a while ordering, and I'm noticing he's got his arms out the window. I look closer and this knucklehead is trying to stick his debit card into the speaker where you place your order. Genius!
" truckin' for Jesus"

I guess the big rig was hauling sacred wine or something/
Back in the early 90's during the timber wars in Kali I had a bumper sticker that said

"The Only Good Tree Is A Stump"
The dumb AZZ that didn't put my oil drain plug back in at the mechanics had a shirt that said "Future Millionaire".
i saw this one on a picture. i like it and it seems to fit.

O: one
B: big
A: ass
M: mistake
A: america

my old man had one on his old chev that said "if you follow too closely ill flick a booger on your windshield"

"Shoot Straight"

Saw one on a girls/woman's truck that said " I LOVE BIG GlOCKS".I want one of the "Hillary for prison 2016 stickers",anybody know where I can get one?
Check EBay for your bumper sticker. They usually have them for just about anything.

I think the best one I ever seen about 7 years ago here in Phoenix was On I-17 and Carefree highway ,it was on a truck lifted about 6 foot high, and it said lifted , cause Fat girls can't jump! I saw it twice ,then never again. I think a fat girl killed him.....................BULL
Am I breaking the rules if I paste a link here?


CafePress has just about anything you want, and ON just about anything you want. I bought some there during the 2008 campaign, and then later in 2009 when even the so-called conservative talk radio people were saying stuff like "Wow, he really is a radical leftist!" (DUH!!! They must not have listened to a word the man said...)

I've seen some really good ones in the last couple of years that I can't recall right now, but here are some of my favorites...

Next to picture of Obama, "Does this ass make my car look big?"

In letters that are made to look like Arabic or Farsi or whatever it is "Stop Blowing S___ Up!"

"My guns won't be illegal; they'll be UNDOCUMENTED"

"If this [American] Flag Offends You, You Might be a Democrat"

"I'd rather hunt with ##### Cheney than ride with Ted Kennedy"

Written on back window with white shoe polish "You don't see Obama stickers on cars going to WORK!"
Few years ago on an old beater ford with a cowgirl driving:
"If you're going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair."

Last week in the same color and font as some Bernie 2016 stickers: "Giant Meteor 2016, just end it all"

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