Bundy Back In Jail


Long Time Member
He got his son's high school football game cancelled, was arrested for failing to leave the Statehouse, and now is in jail for missing court because he wouldn't wear a mask to enter. He may want to reconsider his plan.

Some of them Bundy's Showed Up at the Illegal ATV Ride & They Didn't Do SQUAT To them!

Here's My Question:

It's OK For Some People To Break the F'N Law & They Do Nothing to them But Others Break the Same F'N Law & They Land in Jail!

Somebody wanna SPLAIN that?
That video was about a 5 minute waste.....funny how people think that if they bring up the Constitution that they'll be able to do what they want or go where they want. The people not letting him in don't care what the Constitution says...they care what their bosses are telling them to do. They're there for a paycheck, not to see that justice is done.
I may try that next time I go to Kohls to buy some pants.

Clerk- Sir, you'll need to wear a mask to stay inside here.

Me- Per the Constitution I have every legal right to NOT wear a mask as it is my God given right. What is your name and Kohls Employee Number. I am calling 911 and reporting you for going against my civil rights....and I am Mexican so now you are being racist!!

Clerk- Ok......whatever bruh! I'm off in 7 minutes so you do you.
Ah lil Ammon, at it again. He’s really gonna show the big bully government this time!?

I lived through his idiocy in Burns at the Malheur Refuge, he just gets a rush from playing the martyr and being the center of attention, he doesn’t really care who he pulls into his foolishness.


Some of them Bundy's Showed Up at the Illegal ATV Ride & They Didn't Do SQUAT To them!

Here's My Question:

It's OK For Some People To Break the F'N Law & They Do Nothing to them But Others Break the Same F'N Law & They Land in Jail!

Somebody wanna SPLAIN that?
Well, he's sitting in jail today.

But, I totally support everybody there being charged for the illegal ATV ride. Maybe give them one of your famous tuneups!
You Might Support it!

But It Sure The Hell didn't Happen!

Maybe Tell us Why it didn't Happen?

Well, he's sitting in jail today.

But, I totally support everybody there being charged for the illegal ATV ride. Maybe give them one of your famous tuneups!
You Might Support it!

But It Sure The Hell didn't Happen!

Maybe Tell us Why it didn't Happen?
How could I possibly know that?

If you really want to know, call the US Attorney for Utah and ask him. MM probably isn't going to be where you get your answers.
What is an illegal ATV ride?? I am from Cali and thought I had heard/seen everything but this one threw me for a loop.
I Don't Need To Call Anybody!

There Were A Small Handful of People Cited that Day!

You Tell Me why they All were Not Cited?

Lyman Ended Up Spending Some Time in the Can!

Trump Pardoned Him!

They Didn't Screw with the Few Bundy's that were There!

From What I heard,Bundy is the One that Started through the Closed area First!

A Bunch Followed!

A Few Were Cited!


How could I possibly know that?

If you really want to know, call the US Attorney for Utah and ask him. MM probably isn't going to be where you get your answers.

That .19 Cent Made In China Mask Ain't Gonna Save Your Ass!

Bundy May Not Be Very Smart but He's Smart Enough to know That!
Some of them Bundy's Showed Up at the Illegal ATV Ride & They Didn't Do SQUAT To them!

Here's My Question:

It's OK For Some People To Break the F'N Law & They Do Nothing to them But Others Break the Same F'N Law & They Land in Jail!

Somebody wanna SPLAIN that?
Happens in San Francisco all the time it seems that there is selective law enforcement going on in several places.
Homeless guy breaks into my building screws up about $15k worth of stuff and is back on the streets the next MORNING.

If it were me I would still be in jail.....
Homer is Exactly Right!

A Tough Breed of Cattle!

We Have some of the Same Here!

When You Think of Bundy Cattle I Envision them the Same As Wild Horses!

Probably Taste the same!

Might Be Your Next T-Bone Wisz!

Your cattle would starve to death there....you'd have to buy their cattle....
I didn’t get caught up in this drama, but I can‘t help but worry that important land use issues are getting obscured by this sideshow. Let’s hope these attention whores aren’t our spokesmen when we need to debate the transfer of federal lands “back” to the Tribes.

But then again everything I know about it I learned here, so what do I know.:D
It's OK For Some People To Break the F'N Law & They Do Nothing to them But Others Break the Same F'N Law & They Land in Jail!
I know. My new SIL got banned from Costco awhile back. His mask slipped and didn't cover his nose. Management made a big scene and pissed my SIL off. He got a letter in the mail, banned for life. LOL! I see that all the time in stores.
what else did SIL do? I can imagine more.
My daughter was there with him. She said it caught them both by surprise. The SIL thought for a minute and told the manager...."Up here I can stay and down here I have to go? Let me think about that. Up here stay or down here go." He repeated that a few times and then the manager got upset and asked for his card and escorted him out. She said several customers were booing the manager when they left.

My daughter still has her card.
Private property rights supercede someone's attire autonomy.

If a company demands everybody wear a yellow cowboy hat to enter and I choose not to wear one, then I don't get to enter. Easy enough.

They make their choice and I'll make mine.
did they refund his membership fee??
Unknown. I'll ask. They took off for Florida for a vacation and to watch a kid they sponsor who rides dirt bikes. Then Texas on the way home to look at some ranch properties. They're very happy. Thanks again for helping in her time of need Homer. We will never forget.
So now my choice in life is Ammon Bundy. Or the mask Karens? Even further Ammon was arrested for not wearing a mask at an OUTDOOR football game. Football, a sport where 22 dudes lines up across from each other panting? But somehow Ammon Bundy, 1 dude, is so dangerous he deserves a citation? FOOTBALL was being played in the same place, by 22 maskless dudes, but 1 maskless dude is breaking a law?

I agree with Grizzly. Private buisness has the right to require anyone to wear one.

My issue, and im guessing Bundys as well, is where is a taxpayer funded school a private buisness?

Further. How damn long does a government get to give itself "emergency powers"? In Utah its going on a year.

Im going to have to rethink my life choices, because I kind of agree with Bundy.

Hes just another in a long line that are going to be standing up to massive gov overreach on personal freedom.

22 panting, mouth breathing football players arent dangerous. 1 idiot, is. ????
So now my choice in life is Ammon Bundy. Or the mask Karens?
I know that's TIC but some people really do think that's the choice they're FORCED to make. They view the world as "Us v. Them" and wonder why everything is so divisive.
I know that's TIC but some people really do think that's the choice they're FORCED to make. They view the world as "Us v. Them" and wonder why everything is so divisive.

Not totally. Im reading about the total meltdown by the Karen's over Texas ending mandates. Which simply says the government kismet enforcing wearing masks. The Governor, even wore a mask at the press conference.

Which brings me back to Ammon. 22 football players are exempt from mandate because???? But he isnt?

Logic? Scientific data? Risk? Or because someone in government likes football? We fight a similar issue here. Football and wrestling were green lit. Drama and band weren't. Why? The superintendent was a basketball coach.

So ya. I dislike Bundy. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.
It's divisive because it's not unity, as dementia Joe said they seek, it's conformity. What is the right demanding, or demanding to be canceled?
Logic? Scientific data? Risk? Or because someone in government likes football? We fight a similar issue here. Football and wrestling were green lit. Drama and band weren't. Why? The superintendent was a basketball coach.

So ya. I dislike Bundy. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Because we all know what goes on at band camp. Drama? This entire thread is about drama.

Bundy is only looking for something to squeal about. If the government told him he could graze cows anywhere he wanted and for free he would protest that and say it's his god-given right not to graze anywhere. It's about them thinking they are smarter than everyone that doesn't agree with them. There was an entire forum here on MM that was dedicated to the same thing.
Not totally. Im reading about the total meltdown by the Karen's over Texas ending mandates. Which simply says the government kismet enforcing wearing masks. The Governor, even wore a mask at the press conference.

Which brings me back to Ammon. 22 football players are exempt from mandate because???? But he isnt?

Logic? Scientific data? Risk? Or because someone in government likes football? We fight a similar issue here. Football and wrestling were green lit. Drama and band weren't. Why? The superintendent was a basketball coach.

So ya. I dislike Bundy. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.
If it is like our schools the players have to be tested before each game so they are safe to take their masks off around each other.

The people in the stands are not under the same rule therefore making it necessary to wear a mask.

Not my rules but it does apply in most states to reopen the sports program.
If it is like our schools the players have to be tested before each game so they are safe to take their masks off around each other.

The people in the stands are not under the same rule therefore making it necessary to wear a mask.

Not my rules but it does apply in most states to reopen the sports program.

So if Bundy took a test prior to the game, then hes cool?

BTW. My 14 yr old played an entire season in Bantam football, no tests. Then played entire Jr Jazz season, no mask.

Now we are watching Bidden and Faucci prancing around, FULLY VACCINATED, but still wearing masks.

Because its not about science, data, or facts.

Bundy is still an azz. But hes not wrong on this one. Or do we believe there is NO ONE who ever appears in court infected with a communicable disease without a mask?
Or do we believe there is NO ONE who ever appears in court infected with a communicable disease without a mask?
False dichotomy.

Bottom line is if a judge tells you to put on a mask or go to jail, put on the damn mask. If you don't, you'll go to jail. He knew the consequence and made a choice.

Plus, if he wasn't arrested for breaking a law already, he wouldn't have put himself in a situation where he was subject to that order.

I have no sympathy for his ilk.
All while the CDC recently decided 3ft is good enough. It's easy to see which ones will be the first to board the trains.
So grizzly?

No Matter what the Government Tells You to Do You're Gonna Salute?





False dichotomy.

Bottom line is if a judge tells you to put on a mask or go to jail, put on the damn mask. If you don't, you'll go to jail. He knew the consequence and made a choice.

Plus, if he wasn't arrested for breaking a law already, he wouldn't have put himself in a situation where he was subject to that order.

I have no sympathy for his ilk.
False dichotomy.

Bottom line is if a judge tells you to put on a mask or go to jail, put on the damn mask. If you don't, you'll go to jail. He knew the consequence and made a choice.

Plus, if he wasn't arrested for breaking a law already, he wouldn't have put himself in a situation where he was subject to that order.

I have no sympathy for his ilk.

That's the tightrope im walking. Dude for sure is not my favorite.

I guess you and I see what happens here April 10th.?

The government has so overreached its authority its shocking to me. I guess im just less apt to follow blindly. I did enjoy Rand Paul destroying Faucci over the BS that is masking as people are vaccinated.
People say Bundy is stupid for not wearing a mask. Maybe he doesn't think so and that's what matters. It obviously does to him. Lots of people get arrested for acts of civil disobedience and a lot of other people think they are heroes. Champions for a cause.

I think people are stupid for listening to witch doctor Fauci. The witch doctors at WHO cast a spell and people live in fear.

When can we take our masks off? Who decides how many deaths are acceptable? We've had coronaviruses for thousands of years and lots of people die every year. Why do we just now pretend to care?
People say Bundy is stupid for not wearing a mask. Maybe he doesn't think so and that's what matters. It obviously does to him. Lots of people get arrested for acts of civil disobedience and a lot of other people think they are heroes. Champions for a cause.
Civil disobedience or not, Bundy is the one sitting in jail. Who wins and who loses in that situation? His cause is not furthered. The only thing that has happened is he's charged with various crimes and sitting in jail. That's simply not smart.

But, "hero"... seriously? In the same paragraph as a Bundy? ?

I guess the internet has proven one thing, if somebody comes up with a stupid idea... plenty of others will line up and follow it. And that goes both ways.
Civil disobedience or not, Bundy is the one sitting in jail. Who wins and who loses in that situation? His cause is not furthered. The only thing that has happened is he's charged with various crimes and sitting in jail. That's simply not smart.

But, "hero"... seriously? In the same paragraph as a Bundy? ?

I guess the internet has proven one thing, if somebody comes up with a stupid idea... plenty of others will line up and follow it. And that goes both ways.

I'm sure Bundy wishes his ideas would catch on and start a revolution but that's not going to happen, so in that regard it's pretty stupid. And I hate it that he wastes public resources, but there again it's his choice. He knows how the system works and plays it. That is not his fault. And he does have his supporters. Probably financial supporters, if the truth were known. And I think he's probably treated pretty well in jail compared to most.

I'm not going to jail or pay a fine over a mask. It doesn't bother me on a personal level to wear it but I cringe when I walk up and down the isles at the store and it feels more like a morgue than a grocery store. Nobody is talking or even making eye contact . That's not healthy. And I do believe these cloth masks might stop 5% of the virus in the air. They say to wear masks because you care about the other person. Then they get on the freeway and drive with total disregard for human life, their own or anybody else's.

I'll wear the mask but if I knew of a store within 50 miles that didn't require them, I'd shop there.
Hey grizzly!

These Boys Have Been Breaking Laws for Generations!

Why Don't You Do Something about That?

We're Back to:

It's OK for some to Break Laws & Nothing is Done!

While Others would be thrown in F'N Jail for the same offense!


Civil disobedience or not, Bundy is the one sitting in jail. Who wins and who loses in that situation? His cause is not furthered. The only thing that has happened is he's charged with various crimes and sitting in jail. That's simply not smart.

But, "hero"... seriously? In the same paragraph as a Bundy? ?

I guess the internet has proven one thing, if somebody comes up with a stupid idea... plenty of others will line up and follow it. And that goes both ways.
It's OK for some to Break Laws & Nothing is Done!

While Others would be thrown in F'N Jail for the same offense!

He literally just was thrown in jail. Multiple times. SPLAINED.

And like I told you last time you made a similar accusation that the Bundy's were somehow escaping prosecution. If you care so much about it, quit posting on MM and call the US Attorney. You're the only one saying this... if it bothers you, do something about it. If not, quit posting it.

You posting here for your cause is as helpful as Bundy sitting in jail for his.
You're Sayin He got His Ass Throwed In Jail!

That's Fine!

But it's for some Little PISSCUTTER Violation on a Mask!

So grizzly?

They'll Throw a Guy in Jail over a Mask Violation!

But Do Nothing to the Bundy's for the Bigger Violations!

I'm Kinda Like Hossy on this one!

The Bundy's Ain't Right alot of the Time!

But They Do Stand Up To the Government OVER-REACH!

And I Will Give Them Credit for that!

I Doubt You even watched any of the Actual Footage of When the Government decided to Round Bundy's Cattle Up here a few Years ago!

It's was the Closest Thing I've ever seen to a Shoot-Out!

If Somebody would a Capped one Round off in to the Air it woulda Happened!

Were the Bundy's Right?


Did they Confiscate Their Cattle?

They Tried!

I Haven't Heard Much about it since then grizzly?

And All of a sudden grizzly You Can't even Answer a Simple Question!

You grizzlyAKA the Guy that Knows EVERY-F'N-THING is now telling Me to Contact the U.S. Attorney for Answers,WTF?

He literally just was thrown in jail. Multiple times. SPLAINED.

And like I told you last time you made a similar accusation that the Bundy's were somehow escaping prosecution. If you care so much about it, quit posting on MM and call the US Attorney. You're the only one saying this... if it bothers you, do something about it. If not, quit posting it.

You posting here for your cause is as helpful as Bundy sitting in jail for his.
They'll Throw a Guy in Jail over a Mask Violation!

But Do Nothing to the Bundy's for the Bigger Violations!
Ask Bundy's if they feel they've been let off the hook by the federal government. I have a feeling they'd disagree with you.
But They Do Stand Up To the Government OVER-REACH!
Wesley Snipes said that too. Timothy McVeigh said the same thing and he was an Army Veteran. That doesn't make them worthy of praise.
I Doubt You even watched any of the Actual Footage of When the Government decided to Round Bundy's Cattle Up here a few Years ago!
Pretty much every second. They even contemplated putting their women and children up front as human shields. Classy group.
They'll Throw a Guy in Jail over a Mask Violation!
He was thrown in jail not for a mask violation but because he missed court.
And All of a sudden grizzly You Can't even Answer a Simple Question!

You grizzlyAKA the Guy that Knows EVERY-F'N-THING is now telling Me to Contact the U.S. Attorney for Answers,WTF?
I have no duty to answer your questions, I didn't make the decision. If you want to make BS accusations, then have the guts to ask the people that make decisions. Instead you ask somebody on a hunting forum who knows your general premise is false to begin with. I think you know you're wrong too or you'd actually be trying to get an answer instead of repeating the same incorrect post over and over again.

You're obviously still harboring a lot of resentment over the Bundy Standoff. Get help with that, it's been 7 years.
Last edited:
You Want it to be & Think it's a Perfect World grizzly!


All of a Sudden You Don't wanna Preach Your BS Answers/Rhetoric!

You Had all of the Answers forever in your Mind!

But Now You want somebody-else To Answer them Questions!

Seems Liked You've Pussssed Out for Some Reason?

You Go From Knowing/Preaching Everything to Telling People they'll have to Ask Others to get the Answers!
What gripes me is the way our Gov. has shut down just about everything and demand wearing a mask. Then they turn about face and are allowing illegal immigrants into the country that have proven positive for having Covid-19. Even now talking about transporting them to Northern states to lower the crisis that is taking place in the border states.
I guess they want their cake and eat it also and to Hades with U.S. citizens. Oops! I forgot, they want to make those illegal immigrants into citizens so they can vote for the "People's Party".

False dichotomy.

Bottom line is if a judge tells you to put on a mask or go to jail, put on the damn mask. If you don't, you'll go to jail. He knew the consequence and made a choice.

Plus, if he wasn't arrested for breaking a law already, he wouldn't have put himself in a situation where he was subject to that order.

I have no sympathy for his ilk.
He must like the perks of being in jail
Civil disobedience or not, Bundy is the one sitting in jail. Who wins and who loses in that situation? His cause is not furthered. The only thing that has happened is he's charged with various crimes and sitting in jail. That's simply not smart.

But, "hero"... seriously? In the same paragraph as a Bundy? ?

I guess the internet has proven one thing, if somebody comes up with a stupid idea... plenty of others will line up and follow it. And that goes both ways.
It's been over a year since, “You have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”

Over a year ago I posted an article of a subdivision in Cali that the cops had encircled and forced quarantine.

Grizzly told me how silly I was being for being concerned of gov overreach. A couple dozen "fifteen days later" I guess he still cant see it?

Bundy SHOULD have gotten vaccinated then showed up. Then sued the federal government for that mask order on vaccinated citizens. He sorely missed his chance.

I own a buisness. In over a year, and I ask every customer, Ive had 1 customer ask me to wear a mask. Which I did with no complaint.(Azzhat then bounced a $1000 check to me).

Masks are theatre. Rand Paul nailed it. Proven by fully vaccinated Biden and Faucci both still wearing them.

Buisnesses should get to choose. Right now they are forced. And the government should be forced to prove a REASON for their emergency power grab, or be forced to remove them.

At some point this will go to court, the government will lose. I hope to god its not Bundy who takes it there, I dont want him getting credit
A bar in Finland hiring hundreds of customers as employees, allowing them to eat and drink at the bar as staff, has not yet been found in violation of lockdown rules.

And Italy, ground zero during the early days where they said people were dying like flies.

In Italy, as many as 50,000 restaurants opened their doors to protest the lockdowns under the #IoApro (#IOpen) hashtag on social media in January.
Hey Hossy?

Who Besides Bundy Is Standing up to the OVER-REACH?

grizzly is alot like Ocho!

They'll even Argue with theirselves!

Over a year ago I posted an article of a subdivision in Cali that the cops had encircled and forced quarantine.

Grizzly told me how silly I was being for being concerned of gov overreach. A couple dozen "fifteen days later" I guess he still cant see it?

Bundy SHOULD have gotten vaccinated then showed up. Then sued the federal government for that mask order on vaccinated citizens. He sorely missed his chance.

I own a buisness. In over a year, and I ask every customer, Ive had 1 customer ask me to wear a mask. Which I did with no complaint.(Azzhat then bounced a $1000 check to me).

Masks are theatre. Rand Paul nailed it. Proven by fully vaccinated Biden and Faucci both still wearing them.

Buisnesses should get to choose. Right now they are forced. And the government should be forced to prove a REASON for their emergency power grab, or be forced to remove them.

At some point this will go to court, the government will lose. I hope to god its not Bundy who takes it there, I dont want him getting credit
Hey Hossy?

Who Besides Bundy Is Standing up to the OVER-REACH?

grizzly is alot like Ocho!

They'll even Argue with theirselves!

Saw a story the other day about a Polish immigrant in Michigan that defied Wither and kept her restaraunt open. She too is now in jail.

Im not sure. There used to became group called the ACLU that took on government. Now they virtue signal.
Gotta love this family. They get welfare in the form of BLM grazing fees. They don’t pay their bills (how much in unpaid fee’s?). They are constantly getting arrested for violating all kinds of laws they decide “don’t apply to them” and act like the are somehow some kind of unique hero’s.

Well you can find many families like that in any ghetto in any big city in the US. Lock em up with their inner city brothers. They can talk about how to put your hand out and complain at the same time while telling everyone how smart they are.
Just a couple of thoughts here:



someone should have told Lavoy this.

That being said be careful, this thread is getting political and will probably get deleted. Lately I've been getting my azz chewed in PM's for political posts and picking on Tristate ?

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