Bush's Utah Hunt


Long Time Member
It looks like George W. Bush was in Price last week hunting big game. Does anybody know how he did?

I hope he scored on a nice animal.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
I just talked with DWR region manager from Price. He confirmed Pres. Bush did hunt the CWMU owned by Hunt oil. He did not get his elk.
I loved how everyone use to bash W while he was in office and now look what we have in charge of our country,a complete jackass.God bless president bush,a hunter,a patriot and a real american!!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-09 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]Yup, a man's man.........a hunter and outdoorsman rather than an office clown that chases skirts around the White House! But some people would probably say Clinton was a man's man huh?
>I loved how everyone use to
>bash W while he
>was in office and now
>look what we have in
>charge of our country,a complete
>jackass.God bless president bush,a hunter,a
>patriot and a real american!!

This is a joke, right?
Bush was a complete douche! Far from a real American. No I do not support Obama.
>>Ike - you mean nut to
>You'll have to ask him but
>I figure he has better
>offers and options than getting
>that way with you?

Ike - you called him a man's man, not me bud.... nothing in my closet. I also am not going to insinuate there's anything in your closet either. Just having a little fun. :)
sounds like your more of a barney frank supporter to me! Come out of the closet "abomb" obama and naci palosi will take care of you.
>KY Killer ROTFLMFAO..... sounds like you have been rolling around the floor with "abomb" Hey they will let you guys get married now! lighten up ladies just havin a little fun at your expense.
If they showed a pic of an animal he killed the libs. would be all over the tv protesting animal rights, gun laws, calling him a barbarian. They would rather see him supporting gay marrage, shutting down oil and gas exploration in america, telling rouge nations that america is sorry for protecting it's self and on and on..... I hope he smoked a huge elk!
Hey Never_Catch, how about reading the thread before calling it pointless. It was already pointed out in Post 7 that he did not get an elk.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-09 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]The Pres. had a great time hunting in Utah.

Most importantly for Utah, thanks to President Bush, who personally made efforts to pass the Healthy Forest Initiative law, Utah has since restored nearly 1,000,000 acres of federal lands, taking out pinion and juniper and other nasty noxious weeds, and planting sage brush, bitter brush, grasses and forbes, all good plants for elk, deer, bighorn sheep, antelope and otehr criters.

W is a STRONG conservationist, avid sportsmen, to bad the people of America get led around the nose by the BIASED media, and think Bush is just a Oil and Gas, rape, plunder and pilage guy.

W cares about wildflie and sportsmen, now he has some time, he goes hunting buggling bulls.

Cheney is an outright AVID hunter and Fisherman. and a really nice man as well, tough as heck, but nice

Well put dkpeay. The libs idea of "conservation" is to lock the whole place up in Wilderness with a hands off approach. Nature fakers is what they are.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Could you tell us exactly where those 1,000,000 acres are. I hear this a lot but no one has said where those restored lands are and I haven't seen it in my area.
Lets see...Bush passed legislation via the HFIA that "may" have led to some restoration work in Utah.

How much acreage did his directives via expediting and stream-lining oil and gas leases take?

How many noxious weeds have been introduced via the hundreds and hundreds of miles of new roads needed for the gas and oil boom in WY, UT, NM, etc.?

How much easier and prolific has poaching become because of the new roads? How about the oil field trash that gets caught poaching on a regular basis in WY, MT, etc.?

Lots of restoration and conservation efforts here:


I give credit where its due...and I wont be crediting any president or administration that end runs evironmental policy and regulations to further an agenda. Wont do it.

Also, I dont care how "avid" a hunter ##### Cheney is...I refuse to hunt with people who are unsafe with firearms. I call shooting a hunting partner in the face and chest with a shotgun at close range and having a pellet travel through your heart unsafe. I find it hard to believe that such an "avid" hunter would be so careless with a firearm...and I'd never hunt with an a-hole who had shot his hunting partner.

I also have trouble calling shooting several dozen pen raised pheasants a hunt...or the people doing the shooting "hunters"...but thats just me.

I wouldnt call Bush or his administration friends of wildlife or hunters...you cant destroy several million acres of wildlife habitat and conserve a million and call yourself a conservationist.

Too bad so many people cant accept the real facts...
My bad dude, don't shoot...didn't see any pics...didn't fully read every single post and missed it...dang it, I wish he woulda got one :) but there's always another hunt Mr President!!

i can't help but imagining him taking a shot and missing but some secret service sharp shooter dude hiding in the bushes takes the shot and puts the deer down.

at that point everyone pats ol george on the back and congratulates him on the skillful kill.

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LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-09 AT 09:33PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-09 AT 09:29?PM (MST)


Were you playing rip van winkle during Bush's two terms?

He was in full support of the AWB:

The ad says "John Kerry, a sportsman and a hunter, would keep them (assault weapons) illegal." But Bush also expressed support. He said during the 2000 campaign that he supported the assault-weapon ban. And in May, 2003 the White House Press Secretary at the time, Ari Fleischer, said Bush still considered extending the ban to be "a reasonable step."

Q Let me ask you something about the assault weapons ban. I realize the President was for the reauthorization back in 2000. Why does he support that?

Fleischer (May 8, 2003): Well, the President thought, and said so at the time in 2000, that the assault weapon ban was a reasonable step. The assault weapon ban was crafted with the thought that it would deter crime. There are still studies underway of its crime deterring abilities, but the President thought that was reasonable, and that's why he supported it. And that's why he supports the reauthorization of the current ban. . . . Often the President will agree, of course, with the National Rifle Association. On this issue he does not. . . . In this instance, you know what he said, as you pointed out, in 2000. He continues to believe it today.

The reason ammo prices have gone through the roof is largely based on the unfounded fears of a bunch of rednecks hording ammo and reloading supplies.

Same thing happened during Clintons first term...

Just for the record, how many firearms have you lost since the change in the whitehouse? Yeah, thats what I thought.

Again, its amazing that people who call themselves hunters would defend Bush's miserable/failed environmental policies...even more amazing is excusing such actions with high ammo prices.

Why aren't you in the political section Buzz? Trying to talk sense into these guys is pointless when it comes to politics. I'm hearing you loud and clear. Reality eludes these guys though.
Republicans have us in a Catch 22. They support the right to bear arms and hunting but destroy habitat with development at nearly every turn.

It reminds me of when Al Gore was campaigning for president in West Virginia and chanted that he would support union coal miners to the end. Gore didn't mention that he opposed strip mining and coal mining due to his global warming agenda. In reality, there was no need for unionization of coal mines since if Gore had his way there would be no coal mines period. Crazy.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-09 AT 08:06AM (MST)[p]STFU zigga :)

btw zigga, the day you put in text something sensible, I'll vote for a lib.... I'm not too worried
Check out these IP addresses for Zigga, BuzzH, and HillbillyNnevada. I included the screenshots below. Zigga and BuzzH have both posted from IP Zigga and HillbillyNnevada have both posted from

Could it be that he is one in the same and so insecure that he tries to back up his own retarded arguments by agreeing with himself.




ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!! Now, this is funny! I hope you are joking.

Grizzly, I don't know you and you are probably a good buy but your cyber-sleuthing leaves something to be desired.

Maybe you should have took the time to go search some of our previous posts on MM and you would figure out that you IP address evidence doesn't prove anything. You might even find me arguing with Zigga and BuzzH on one of our previous posts. Look at the photos that we have posted. It would take a skitzo-split personality-diabolical genius to post thousands of posts on separate accounts just to out smart you for this one single post.

Plus, I really don't know what your point is. Because I said development of natural resources on government land skyrocketed under Bush doesn't make me a liberal. Just take a drive on BLM land some Sunday. The country has been in an energy crunch. You are assuming too much. If you knew me, you would know I'm not a liberal in any way. I even went to George Bush's inauguration. If this isn't a joke, give me a break. I really think this is hilarious.
skyrocket away! we need the jobs the oilfields bring. Or we can just develope absolutely nothing and keep importing foreign oil and protect all the freakin minnows, lizzards, spotted owls, etc. Why don't you do something constructive with your time like go cut down one of those pine trees you put a spike in! Sorry, just cant stand stupid people. lol


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-09 AT 10:42PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-09 AT 10:27?PM (MST)

Stinky, are you calling me stupid?

While I have to admit that we have no choice but to develop these resources because of our current energy needs, I will not agree that the drilling isn't harming the habitat. We can't help it but we need the energy.

I do hope for everyone's sake that they never find a way to make shell oil extraction profitable or we can kiss the Western slope of Colorado good bye.

While I supported Bush through both terms, I have to say Cheney is a retarded, money hungry, no shootin' fool.
Hey BuzzH,

If you are going to post a picture of the Jonah Field Wyoming, the least you could do is get your facts straight on it.

W or his Interior Department who I am not a big fan of, had very little to do with the development of oil and gas within Wyoming. In fact we can lay almost every ounce of blame on the Clinton Administration who had handed out almost 95% of the leases in the Jonah Field and Pindale Anticline by the year 2000. About the only thing the Bush Admin did was allow more wells via "Directional" drilling from an EXISTING well site, along with expediting the permitting process for drilling on the ALREADY existing leases. The Jonah Field and Pinedale Anticline were being developed long before Bush was even elected.

Then if you want to talk about the Coal Bed Methane development in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana, you need to look no further than the BACKROOM deals with the OIL Execs that Clinton made while vacationing in the Tetons in 1994. And you thought Cheney was in with the BIG OIL.

Someone asked where they could get the habitat projects being completed in Utah.

The state has a new website www.wri.utah.gov and that gives all the gory details of acres past, present and future. has maps, etc.

(wri) stands for watershed restoration initiative
Not real sure when the topic turned to what Clinton did during his administration.

Not sure what difference it makes if its a picture of the Jonah field or one of the areas Bush and his administration hacked in the last 8 years...the results are the same. Check out the red desert in Wyoming...roan plateau in Colorado...look about the same.

But, to be fair...if we're going to compare administrations....

"Under President George W. Bush, federal officials promoted drilling in the intermountain West, in Alaska and off both coasts to boost the nation's energy supply, awarding nearly three times as many oil and gas permits on federal land during the past four fiscal years compared with the corresponding period under former President Bill Clinton, according Bureau of Land Management records."


Me thinks not.

Posting a picture of the Jonah field and then blaming Bush is misinformation at it's finest, even if the results are the same.

You seem to be obsessed with blaming Bush for every hole that was drilled or every lease that was given during his admin. I am no fan of Bush but I don't take things at face value and like to ensure blame is put on the people who actually deserve it rather than who I think deserves it.

But like you said we should be fair. So let's talk about the Roan Plateau. The sale of leases and development of the Roan Plateau did happen during the Bush administration but not because of his administration's pusuit. Have you ever heard of the Naval Oil Shale Reserves?

These reserves were turned over to the BLM via the Colorado legislature in 1997 for the sole purpose of having the Roan Plateau leased, sold, and developed by the Clinton Interior Department. Although a majority of the leases were sold during the Bush Admin, the public planning for the lease sales actually began in 2000 under Clinton. The only thing the Bush admin did was contunie a Clinton era decision. Then if you really want to get techincal about that area the BLM is only responsible for around 11% of all the leases, because the other 89% fall on state or private lands. Even the Piceance Basin was started during the Clinton Admin. I was doing Enviromental Impact Studies for the BLM in the Piceance Creek area from 1999 thru 2000 before Bush came into office.

The Red Desert however is mostly to be blamed on a Bush ran BLM. However a small portion of drilling around Jack Morrow Hills was developed during Clinton's admin and there were around 150 wells in this area before Bush ever took office.

The Bush admin did sell more leases during their time than Clinton that is true. But a simple look at the facts show that alot of those leases were actually started during the Clinton admin and were finalized and sold during the Bush admin.

Although I am not a huge fan of drilling on Public Lands I sure would rather see that done which puts American people to work with good paying jobs, rather than sending my tax dollars to other countries to support their drilling and exploration, like Obama has with Brazil.


Also I would much rather have a President like Bush (even though I don't care for him) who enjoys the outdoors, than a President like Obama who wouldn't know the difference between a Deer or a Moose if he was shown a picture, and then appoints an idiot like Cass Sunstein to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, which has oversight of the Interior Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Department of Agriculture, . This idiot believes animals should be given the right to sue humans in a court of a law, and would like to see all hunting banned.

I would much rather we didn't have to drill either, but as long as we drive trucks to hunt and fish in, and have an economy based on energy, right now we need Oil and gas. and, a lot of Oil and Gas companies are putting up lots of money to help mitiage wildlife impacts.

Americans are absolutely STUPID to put our national security - in teh hands of foreign nations, who hold us hostage controlling energy costs. In just one year, we seem to have forgotten $140 oil and $4.50 per gallon gas.

We should become energy independent ASAP, and that will require oil and gas, wind, solar, power, coal, conservation, and nuclear.

A lot of the oil and gas can drilling can be mitigated, and old, decadent, worhtless lands can be restored and made valuable for wildlife, and in teh Book Cliffs of Utah, where elk and deer herds, Bison and Turkeys are thriving, the critters are found feeing on reclaimed well pad sights, pipeline reseeds, etc.

Deer and elk live in neighboorhoods in the west. they can tolerate some energy exploratoin and some roads to. We might not like the roads, but the wildlife can adjust.

As much as i love wildlfie and wild lands, i have also done a lot with military kids, some who are pretty shot up, and workign with some parents whose sons don't come home. Without question, Oil in foreign countries is part of the current terrorist situation, and the future of the US economic security.

I'd take some wells, mitigat the best we can, keep America safe, economically strong, independent of foreign nations, and keep lots of 19 year olds home, hunting and fishing, not facing the horrors of war.

As well pointed out, it isn't a Bush Cheney or Clinton or Obama issue. Americans use a lot of energy.

Besides that, we need to drill lots of wells so Al Gore and the hollywood elite can feel good about using paper instead of plastic at the grocery store, then fly their private jets around the world on teh weekends, telling us all to conserve energy !!

Bush and Cheney are good guys. got to spend some time with them, shot sporting clays with Cheney. Kind of intersting standing next to the VP with a loaded gun in my hand.

Proud that Cheney got back into hunting after the accident, it happens out there.

yes, Bush did hunt elk in Utah the end of Sept.

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