Elk unit 56-1


Long Time Member
For those of you in the know, what was the reasoning behind deleting the last week off this hunt? Adding 55 to the mix sounded good, but removing the last week makes it that much harder to hunt the migration.
Call the palace in Cody and ask for Tony Mong. The only constant in the area is change on an annual basis. He may or may not provide you with a plausible explanation.
It doesn't make sense in my mind. They also added area 55 to that late season 56 tag. This hunt is really to target Yellowstone elk so really doesn't' make sense to end it early - especially if there is no snow to push them down before the end of the season.

I know adding unit 55 for this late hunt won't help you any since it is all wilderness.

Like I said in my PM - let me know if you draw and I will help you out as best I can with what we learned last year. Also, reach out to NFH. He is a wealth of information on that unit and gave us some good advice.

Good luck in the draw.
It doesn't make sense in my mind. They also added area 55 to that late season 56 tag. This hunt is really to target Yellowstone elk so really doesn't' make sense to end it early - especially if there is no snow to push them down before the end of the season.

I know adding unit 55 for this late hunt won't help you any since it is all wilderness.

Like I said in my PM - let me know if you draw and I will help you out as best I can with what we learned last year. Also, reach out to NFH. He is a wealth of information on that unit and gave us some good advice.

Good luck in the draw.
When they shortened the season I switched back to 124-1. Will research more to see if it will play out for next year. unless I draw 124-1 this year.🤞🤞
So between Tony mong and the warden Travis crane is the guys to talk to.

Every year they add or delete time. I never asked why. Some years it's a November only hunt. Some years to 1st week or middle of December. I personally don't care thus why I never asked.

I brought up adding 55 about a year and half ago. I stated at the meeting makes no sense to not be able to hunt 55. If the weather is warm those bulls hang back in unit 55. You're also hunting the same damn herd with the 10 tags, but with the government, commissioner tags and party apps could see double that for tag holders. With that you can spread hunters out. Yes the areas are big but most of us locals know the migration trails.

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