CA hybrid down


Ok, well I didnt have to work on monday......and I love to hunt after a big storm so I thought I would go see about fillin my A31....with AZ around the corner buck or DOE its gettin some carbon! At first light I spotted this guy above me about 200 yards out. I played cat and mouse with him for a while till he dissapered in some bushs and I knew it was time to close in. I got to my predetermined spot and sat and just waited, I knew he was in there still , no way for him to leave without me seein him.... about 15 min later he walked out....i drew on him and shot...he turned as I shot and hit him in the right ham the arrow went in the lenght of his body.
I knew he was hit, I nocked another arrow and waited for him to show, he could go down, up or over the next little draw....about 5 min later he came stagering up the next draw got to the top and colapsed, his head was up for a min then his head hit the ground.....dead!!!!!! I thought about 3 min later he stood up and was on the move, I knew i was in trouble and needed to get another arrow in him NOW!!!!....I played cat and mouse with him again and for about 500 yards, he finally bedded down and I watched from about 200 yards away. At this point the way he was bedded there was no way for me to get any closer without him seeing me and me pushing the waiting game began I watched him for about 2 hours. His head would go down then he would pick it back up and on and on...I knew he was hurtin, and it was killin me to see him suffer.
Finally he got up, and by the way he got up I knew he was in bad shaper for sure, he took about 8 steps and bedded in some bushes....out of it was time...I took off my pack and mad my way to him, I made it to the dead stump that I had played through my head so many times before watching him from afar....I took 2 more steps and seen his horns, his head was still up......I ranged the bush he was lying next to...43 yards.....drew and walked out.....carbon was on it way....heart shot, he stood took a few step and fell, it was done. my first hybrid had taken his last breath, I sat there next to him not beliving it all came togather in the end, took a few picks and got to deboning him out for the long hike out, but it felt good with all that weight on my back, horns hittin me upside the head every once in awhile to let me know there still back there, and sweet smell of deer meat filled the air.
There is no better feeling being alone in the hills with just your bow and the stuff on your back with a punched out tag!!!!! Im all taged out on deer in CA, still got me a bear tag, and lil bro still has a deer tag....soooooo I lied Ill still be in the hills boys.
now on with the money shots!!!
try again....

Awesome hunt! congrats on your success, and deer!

"The road to success is always under construction"
Nice buck! What zone were you hunting? I hunt a-zone and d-13. But I'm putting in for x9a next year.
NICE BUCK , I have glassed that buck b4 , I wont give the area away , but good job , that sucker gave me the slip twice , oh well , Congrats huntincrazyinCa It wont be your last hybrid .
I have heard recently that there have been some mexican whitetails spotted in the Mt Laguna area , Im gonna pull a A22 tag next yr and check that out as well.

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