Campaign Ads


Long Time Member
The RNC will save a ton of money on campaign ads next year. The Dems are busy making pro Trump ads with this impeachment. He looks better all the time.
>The RNC will save a ton
>of money on campaign ads
>next year. The Dems are
>busy making pro Trump ads
>with this impeachment. He looks
>better all the time.

Especially with the guy watching golf on his laptop and the others on their phones during this "solumn" moment in our nation's history. I can't believe these clowns were that stupid!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-19 AT 11:16PM (MST)[p]The GOP will be spending money on adds in districts that Trump won in 2016 where Dems hold a seat in the house. They will tell the voters how that Dem. voted to impeach Trump and did nothing for the people in those 3 years.

If the Dem. did not vote to impeach, the message will be that he went against his party because it was election time and would fall back into the fold after he/she held on to their seat in Congress. They will also remind voters how several Dems. have stated they will continue to impeach Trump if Trump's wins re-election.

That should go over big time with voters to get rid of that Dem. and give Trump his majority in the house and Senate.

I look for Trump to stump for those Republicans running for those seats and tell the voters if they give him a majority in Congress they will even see better times in the economy and several other major areas of concern.

Trump is a dirty fighter, if need be, and they poked him once to often for him to show any mercy.

I saw on the News that Democrat Tulsi Gabbard will not vote for impeachment against the President, the Democrat party will start to unravel ?
It started to unravel the day they elected.........Obama.....
everything we're seeing now is just a small part in the massive coverup that was undertaken to hide what he did to America......with his transformation......and deception to lead us down the wrong path.
Tulsi appears to be about the only sane one in the clown car. She should leave that clown show before she completely turns into a brain dead communist like the rest of them.

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