Can Trump win?


Active Member
Ok,I normally wouldn't post political in the NM board but since its been the theme here wth. I know most here on the same side as me and im really getting nervous about the elections. I want no part of living in a biden run socialist regime. I know the polls (which i dont trust ) show Creepy Joe way ahead. Question for you all is Does Joe actually have a chance here, or is it all smoke and mirrors? In my mind i dont see how anyone could vote the person who has dementia and is a puppet of the movement . Help calm my nerves
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How could any sane, true American vote for Biden ? But the young milliennials are about as wacko a generation who seem to be as lost as I’ve ever seen. I mean, I saw on tv some blacks pull down a statue of George Washington and the young white kids were cheering and jumping up and down. Trump 2020
If biden does win , we are in major trouble, he will be declared unfit in his first year or two and we will have a radical VP step in and change society as we know it. I want no part of that lifestyle , sadly , the hae people have for hillary isnt as deep with biden and I know the silent ones like us are strong , just question how strong, or strong enough.
I feel parts of me like we are on the verge of civil war. If trumps wins the liberlas will have the meltdown of the century , and it will include rioting , looting and burning cities.But if trump does win i also feel like it could be the end of the democratic party as we know it. they are so divided between themselves that they may separate into two districts parties. The democratic socialists and then the democrats .

Just dont want to even think of the Left winning this , the will come hard and tear down everything we have built and start the conform or die movement
I've been saying Civil War for a few years now. I just can't see either side changing their minds and it just gets worse and worse with what the left proposes. A socialist (Bernie) actually being endorsed and supported by anyone? Crazy

Regarding Trump winning. If voting booths are closed due to covid and we need to vote by mail in...guess who will win. Just look at past glaring examples of absentee ballot fraud. This may be THE number one reason covid is such a dempanic, er pandemic I mean...
When it comes down to 2 choices: Trump or Biden. How could any hunter side with Biden? Yet guys on other hunting sites, and even here are willing to fly the flag of the left. Or if not the left, at least not the right. There is no such thing as "I don't like either" or "Trumps a jerk so I can't vote for him".

Biden will destroy everything we know and love: our country, our freedom, our right to bear arms, our hunting, and on and on and on. As stated early on I don't know how any sane American could vote for him. Unfortunately we have about 50% insanity because look how close Hillary was...
Option 1: Trump wins, red keeps one house of congress, blue keeps the other. Outcome is status quo.

Option 2: Trump wins, blue takes all the legislature. Outcome is block Trump on everything and cause deadlock on everything. Impeachment not an issue anymore and the dems are softly running things.

Option 3: Trump loses, red keeps one house of congress, blue keeps the other. Outcome is somewhat a status quo.

Option 4: bidum wins, red keeps the senate and wins back the house. Outcome is status quo and "stability".

Option 5: bidum wins, dems take the senate and keep the house. Outcome is an increase in federal taxes, obamacare restored to its former glory, steep taxes applied to firearm and ammo sales. We spend the next two years walking on eggshells.

Option 6: option 4 happens, but enough states flip to hold a convention of the states and effectively nullify anything the d.c. duds want to do.
If we get out a vote for trump I feel good. Many say trump isn’t a true republican I saw good all those @holes were trying to take federal lands from us. Pual Ryan running with his tail between his legs why because he was going to found. I’m not a political scientist and I’m glad for that but previous to covid if you weren’t doing better than the past 3 years something was wrong with you. Excluding health conditions. Trump will have my vote again and most that I know as well.
There are only a hand full of states that matter for the presidential race in 2020. The rest are already decided. SC, PA, MN, MI, FL, CO, FL, OH, and maybe AZ.
This in not a right or left bulletin board, it’s a hunting forum to share stories of adventure and experiences of the thrill of the chase. No left political movement are going to take are guns from us, this has been a myth dating back from the Clinton administration and all thru the Obama administration and We still can buy all the pistols and AK’s we want. Let’s keep this a hunting forum folks!!
This in not a right or left bulletin board, it’s a hunting forum to share stories of adventure and experiences of the thrill of the chase. No left political movement are going to take are guns from us, this has been a myth dating back from the Clinton administration and all thru the Obama administration and We still can buy all the pistols and AK’s we want. Let’s keep this a hunting forum folks!!

Were you too young to know about the clinton ban on the purchase of "assault" rifles in the 90's? Ever heard of the Brady Bill?

They likely won't take firearms away. They can implement extremely high taxation on them as well as ammunition to where you reduce numbers by pricing them out.

Sometimes you have to post a few politicial things on state forums that are relevant to the state to keep the other nutjobs away, and, the "pure" hunting forums are located elsewhere...
The Polls had Hilary to win in a landslide. The Polls are more about swaying public opinion, rather than collecting unbiased opinions.

I think Trump has a very good chance to win, unless they have a paper ballot system. Paper ballots are ripe for fraud. I would expect China, Russia, and other American political operatives to produce counterfeit ballots and cast them in critical precincts nationwide.
I used to think we would never lose our gun rights or hunting rights until I saw police stations being burnt to the ground, statues of men who led this country being torn down, police being assaulted in broad day light, men marrying men, Columbus Day being done away with, white folks agreeing that they need to take a back seat, people in congress saying how bad America is and a man running for president that said ...elect me and we will defeat the NRA. Wake up !!
This in not a right or left bulletin board, it’s a hunting forum to share stories of adventure and experiences of the thrill of the chase. No left political movement are going to take are guns from us, this has been a myth dating back from the Clinton administration and all thru the Obama administration and We still can buy all the pistols and AK’s we want. Let’s keep this a hunting forum folks!!

O goodie a new first time troll. How many "Thrill of the chase" posts have you shared ? Stay in yer mamas basement and suck your thumb.
I used to think we would never lose our gun rights or hunting rights until I saw police stations being burnt to the ground, statues of men who led this country being torn down, police being assaulted in broad day light, men marrying men, Columbus Day being done away with, white folks agreeing that they need to take a back seat, people in congress saying how bad America is and a man running for president that said ...elect me and we will defeat the NRA. Wake up !!

Bingo DBR. Just a short time ago we couldn't fathom we'd be dealing with many of the topics we're up against today.
Roadrunner, your hunting skills couldn’t come close to mine. Your Probably the type of NR driving your quad up and down the roads looking and praying for that NM trophy To cross the road. What a joke!!
After reading this thread I went to Bidens website and he has a page dedicated to his gun laws he wants.
His record int he past is of attacking the NRA and gun manufactures. He actually brags about it on his website. The list of changes he wants to make is too long to repeat. He wants a complete ban on any rifle he deems to be an assault rifle, limit one gun per month, background checks on ammo purchases, register all guns, red flag laws, etc. Its not good for gun owners. If you are caught with an unregistered gun you will be charged with a federal crime under his laws. That means your grandpas old shotgun, to every .22 you own. Why does the government need to know if I won a 12 gauge shotgun? He also wants every gun to be a smart gun. So it only works with your finger print. Could you imagine hunting mulies in Montana at -4f and having to take your gloves off to unlock your gun to shoot each round. What if you cut your finger and have a bandaide?

I dont see how you could hunt and vote Dem.
What does voting right of left have to do with hunting in NM? The whole landscape of anything nowadays is so politicalized your either with us or against us, It’s a shame!!
There is a forum "Sportsman's Political Talk" where politics can be discussed at nauseam ... Most of us come here to talk about the great outdoors in the beautiful Land of Enchantment. The funny thing is if we were all out in the field hunting or fishing we would all get along and have a wonderful time... we are all humans trying our best. At the end of the day we are all children of God!
We do all love the outdoors and I love NM but the first thing dems did when they took control was ban trapping on state lands and on day one started the gun control... I would love to sit on the deck drinking iced tea thinking NM is just like it always has been but then reality kicks in. In today’s world the right and left are way too far apart to see eye to eye. If we don’t do anything we will watch more of the things outdoorsman and gun owners love sink ! In NM we don’t even have Columbus Day, it’s gone and no one asked me what I thought about doing away with it. Wake up !!
Roadrunner, your hunting skills couldn’t come close to mine. Your Probably the type of NR driving your quad up and down the roads looking and praying for that NM trophy To cross the road. What a joke!!

Yep, you guessed me right. Mostly, because I don't wear a flat brim hat. One day when you finally grow up a little you'll understand that legendary "hunting skills" are a petty thing.

I agree, road hunting hoping a, what was it you called it, NM trophy To cross the road is a joke. There are no NM trophies, at least none worthy of your legendary hunting skills (sounds more like a grade school accomplishment) that compare to anyone else's...
Trump looses, in a close race, but is clearly able to show that the Dems have used a mail in ballot system to rig the election in Joe’s favor.

Trump refuses to abdicate. One Supreme Court justice dies so they are unable to make a quick decision.

The left goes crazy and burns hundreds of cities to the ground.

Trump declares marshal law. The Air Force, navy, and coast guard side with the left. The army, and marines side with the right.

Neighbor kills neighbor, family kills family, by the millions.

Well armed conservative areas are able to stave off the madness, but 2 thirds of the country devolves into anarchy.

Joe Biden remains in his basement unaware of what has happed.
Trump looses, in a close race, but is clearly able to show that the Dems have used a mail in ballot system to rig the election in Joe’s favor.

Trump refuses to abdicate. One Supreme Court justice dies so they are unable to make a quick decision.

The left goes crazy and burns hundreds of cities to the ground.

Trump declares marshal law. The Air Force, navy, and coast guard side with the left. The army, and marines side with the right.

Neighbor kills neighbor, family kills family, by the millions.

Well armed conservative areas are able to stave off the madness, but 2 thirds of the country devolves into anarchy.

Joe Biden remains in his basement unaware of what has happed.
That's probably the short version Seriously
When it comes down to 2 choices: Trump or Biden. How could any hunter side with Biden? Yet guys on other hunting sites, and even here are willing to fly the flag of the left. Or if not the left, at least not the right. There is no such thing as "I don't like either" or "Trumps a jerk so I can't vote for him".

Biden will destroy everything we know and love: our country, our freedom, our right to bear arms, our hunting, and on and on and on. As stated early on I don't know how any sane American could vote for him. Unfortunately we have about 50% insanity because look how close Hillary was...
yet so many NM outdoorsman support Hienrich and Udall and these two a$$holes consistently vote right in line with Pelosi and speak awful of President Trump .NM hunting groups and back country often having Hienrich as a speaker etc!!! If you are in any way against President Trump and agree with Pelosi , you clearly do not care about freedoms and this country.I do not agree with all of President Trumps actions , but I don't lead my household according to what another man does or doesnt do. When I die I will be accountable for my actions to God not any other man or party. Its disgusting what our country has become , our veterans come home and afetr finishing their tours so many left to the struggle of finding homes , jobs etc but the DEMOCRATIC PARTY freely gives to illegal aliens, nutrition , homes , medical services, education!! Convicted felons daily treated better than our retired elderly and again our veterans!!! Democrat and republican career politicians are nothing more than counterfeit dishonest pukes! Our elected officials promise so much but then once they are in the club , they vote and their actions are either along party lines or for their personal benefit! Prove me wrong??
Joe is campaigning on gun control.

Do a search of Dementia Joe Biden with Beto O'Rouke. Sure sounded like Joe was going to put Beto O'Rouke in charge of gun control.

How does a candidate with an Irish sure name like O'Rouke portray himself as being Hispanic. In what world can you get away with this? The same way a politician in office for over 40 years says he is blue collar "Lunch Bucket Joe".

This in not a right or left bulletin board, it’s a hunting forum to share stories of adventure and experiences of the thrill of the chase. No left political movement are going to take are guns from us, this has been a myth dating back from the Clinton administration and all thru the Obama administration and We still can buy all the pistols and AK’s we want. Let’s keep this a hunting forum folks!!
You do realize you’re in the political forum right? And what does race have to do with anything we’re talking about?
This in not a right or left bulletin board, it’s a hunting forum to share stories of adventure and experiences of the thrill of the chase. No left political movement are going to take are guns from us, this has been a myth dating back from the Clinton administration and all thru the Obama administration and We still can buy all the pistols and AK’s we want. Let’s keep this a hunting forum folks!!

Well sir, nice of you to join in but please take in a few deep breaths of reality. Biden actually stated that Beto would be his gun czar.!!! BETO actually said , " hell yes we will take away your AR 15" in a national presidential debate. You need to wake up Tyme.....
Anyone who doesn't think there is an ongoing concerted effort to unarm American citizens has their head in the sand.

The attacks are constant, with numerous attempts to chip away at anything and everything related to guns: limits on magazine capacity; limits on features that are viewed as related to "assault" (never mind that definition is intentionally nebulous); pressure by lobbyists to force stores to stop carrying guns/ammo (Dick's, for example, and also Wal-Marts); waiting periods; fees; excuses for limitations on ammo (no lead, for instance); and on and on.

Some say "nobody will take our guns away". Yeah, right. Look how easily we rolled over and shut down our small businesses, took to wearing masks, stopped using cash, etc. Do you really, really, believe that if the police came knocking on your door with a warrant to seize your firearm because it falls into the category of "dangerous and unnecessary" you'd be ready to go down in a firefight with guns blazing and let them pry your firearms from your cold, dead, fingers? I suspect not. Rather I suspect most of us would say "well, ok, you can take these ones as long as I can keep a couple single-shots".

With the stroke of a pen the Dems can take away our rights overnight. That's why we cannot let them take control.

And please don't misunderstand me. There are plenty of Reps that are slimeballs too. And plenty others that aren't perfect. But write-ins or sitting out and pouting are a waste of time. And are inadvertently a vote for the left.

Trump's our only hope at this time. Besides Jesus.
The dems can only "take " away rights on paper. The successful execution of their agenda relies on this: "Rather I suspect most of us would say "well, ok, you can take these ones as long as I can keep a couple single-shots". They rely on people to roll over "because it's the law".

If they "take away" rights without following the rules in place, those changes have no authority.

As soon as you make concessions on the Bill of Rights above what has already been conceeded, you have effectively surrendered. We are own hope as much as Trump is, and God's judgment will be fair and just...
I never understood people who roll over for some new law if they think it is not just. I speed all the time so I am already a criminal. Who cares. No one is taking anything out of my house. How would they ever find the millions of unregistered firearms? This is not Australia.
Let us hope that this does mean the "end of the Democratic Party as we know it." And the end of the Republican party as it currently exists as well. It seems to be the strategy of each to frighten and divide, forcing Americans to choose between one of two extremes. Gerrymandering and our primary system have supported the selection of candidates beholden to the fringes of each party and unwilling to work together as most voters expect.

Ironically, while Americans complain about gridlock and the swamp, Congress is less inclined to work across the aisle than ever before. There is no incentive to keep an even keel, and instead the country swings back-and-forth like a pendulum as voters reject first one party and then the other. Not a bad deal for politicians--they are assured of power fifty-percent of the time, and all except moderates are secure in districts designed to insulate them against threat or need to compromise. The media, of course, loves this since no story is easier or more compelling than one that plays to their viewers own biases. The more biased the stories become, the greater the urgency to choose "sides," and that is good business considering that half of 300 million viewers is enough for any outlet.

More people withheld their votes in 2016 than either candidate actually earned during the election. The message to both parties was clear: most voters wanted none of the above--not syphilis, not the clap--most simply hoped that govt. would use a condom. Either put up a candidate more can support, or those votes remain on the table, available to the first party who figures this out. There is no other way for moderates to motivate change when both parties would nominate someone viewed as extreme or incompetent. Of course, partisans on both sides will, in turn, blame others for whichever disease we contract, but it was they who placed the options on the table. That they are so short-sighted that they fail to anticipate the return of the pendulum is astounding.

Trump was not elected by the Republican party I supported for forty years. He was elected specifically to disrupt that party. Divisive issues such as racism and gun control have existed for decades, but have only become a serious threat to dominant culture over the past few years. As a result of this win-at-all-costs environment, where Trump has insisted on becoming THE government, even such institutions such as the NRA, DOJ, CDC, etc. cannot be separated from his persona and are at risk of destruction along with his administration. Where the NRA once inspired the will to work across the aisles of Congress there is no longer any need. We are neatly divided into camps--both for and against-with most Congressman protected within well-gerrymandered districts. And, ironically, those who are not have become the most obvious targets during election years, further weakening any incentive to work together. And so control of government is decided by a few districts in only a few states, effectively removing most of the U.S. population from the decision making process whether they vote or not.

Respect and compromise has always been a necessary part of civil society. To retain stability over the long-term, conservatives must welcome moderately liberal allies, and vice versa. The alternative is disfunction of the sort that has extremists on both sides predicting war, pestilence and famine. Give me a break--it does not have to be that way. Nothing we face today approaches the difficulties Americans have surmounted in the past. Perhaps civil conversation would be a good place to begin.
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I think Biden wins by a large margin and the Dems get the senate as well. I know all my immediate family voted for Trump last time but we are now 6-2 for Biden. Trumps Covid response has been nothing short of embarrassing and it had a direct effect on myself and my family. I am truly sickened by our parties response to what is a clear health emergency and the losing bet/behavior that is being portrayed. We all live in Montana so I believe more people like me will push the swing states to Biden. First Dem president I will ever vote for. I just hope to hell we still get to hunt this fall. I see more NR closures on the horizon with the virus spreading. Stay safe folks this is not a drill.
I think Biden wins by a large margin and the Dems get the senate as well. I know all my immediate family voted for Trump last time but we are now 6-2 for Biden. Trumps Covid response has been nothing short of embarrassing and it had a direct effect on myself and my family. I am truly sickened by our parties response to what is a clear health emergency and the losing bet/behavior that is being portrayed. We all live in Montana so I believe more people like me will push the swing states to Biden. First Dem president I will ever vote for. I just hope to hell we still get to hunt this fall. I see more NR closures on the horizon with the virus spreading. Stay safe folks this is not a drill.
I think Biden wins by a large margin and the Dems get the senate as well. I know all my immediate family voted for Trump last time but we are now 6-2 for Biden. Trumps Covid response has been nothing short of embarrassing and it had a direct effect on myself and my family. I am truly sickened by our parties response to what is a clear health emergency and the losing bet/behavior that is being portrayed. We all live in Montana so I believe more people like me will push the swing states to Biden. First Dem president I will ever vote for. I just hope to hell we still get to hunt this fall. I see more NR closures on the horizon with the virus spreading. Stay safe folks this is not a drill.

The Scamdemic is not the Trump administration’s fault. It’s almost comical to watch the Democrats swing voters, all part of the plan. Look further into and question how it got blown so far out of proportion.
A couple of you unfortunately just proved my point. You can make up all the juvenile names you want for Covid but it is the single biggest issue in the country/world. The economy and the safety of Americans require we get it under control. I never blamed Trump for the virus and last I checked his administration is in charge. I blame a horrible federal response in which he leads. So what is the federal plan to stop it? How come most others countries around the world have mostly contained it and we are now 70,000 cases a day and rising. Elections are a referendum on how a candidate has done on issues important to you. This issue has impacted me more than any other hence I would rather take a chance on the other candidate then stay with a losing hand.
I also think some in the Republican Party are not doing the party any favors with all the denial and hate towards this virus. It may work fine in states that would vote for anyone with an R next to their name but it only pushes moderates like myself away In the swing states. We used to be the party of the compassionate conservative now people tell me the virus that has reeked havoc on my life and the lives of many I do not know isn’t even real? I don’t need to read more tin hat conspiracy bullshit from either party. I’m living it and so will many more if we don’t start working together as Americans. No point in arguing though the election will show what the voters think is right but I feel the OP is right to be concerned.
Ok,I normally wouldn't post political in the NM board but since its been the theme here wth. I know most here on the same side as me and im really getting nervous about the elections. I want no part of living in a biden run socialist regime. I know the polls (which i dont trust ) show Creepy Joe way ahead. Question for you all is Does Joe actually have a chance here, or is it all smoke and mirrors? In my mind i dont see how anyone could vote the person who has dementia and is a puppet of the movement . Help calm my nerves

I truly want to say trump will win. But i think we are in for another ride of stunts the demorats will pull. Who know the crap we have seen for the last 3 years that just proved to be a waste of time and money. I find it funny when trump brought up the coronavirus in the SOTU(the one namcy tore up) biden mocked trump. Now biden is 360 degrees on that topic.. the media will just praise biden.

Im just curious to see how a trump/biden debate will go. In my opinion i dont see it. The dumborats will have some reason to keep Biden from the debate.

Im just thankful to live around some people. Trump flags everywhere. Trump stickers everywhere. Trump vendors everywhere. And this is a town of 5000 people. Tons of trump support. The few that are not are not even aware of biden sons dealings with urkaine. The ones that just believe cnn.

The town has decided to stand in line for voting day and not risk the mail in ballots.
Let us hope that this does mean the "end of the Democratic Party as we know it." And the end of the Republican party as it currently exists as well. It seems to be the strategy of each to frighten and divide, forcing Americans to choose between one of two extremes. Gerrymandering and our primary system have supported the selection of candidates beholden to the fringes of each party and unwilling to work together as most voters expect.

Ironically, while Americans complain about gridlock and the swamp, Congress is less inclined to work across the aisle than ever before. There is no incentive to keep an even keel, and instead the country swings back-and-forth like a pendulum as voters reject first one party and then the other. Not a bad deal for politicians--they are assured of power fifty-percent of the time, and all except moderates are secure in districts designed to insulate them against threat or need to compromise. The media, of course, loves this since no story is easier or more compelling than one that plays to their viewers own biases. The more biased the stories become, the greater the urgency to choose "sides," and that is good business considering that half of 300 million viewers is enough for any outlet.

More people withheld their votes in 2016 than either candidate actually earned during the election. The message to both parties was clear: most voters wanted none of the above--not syphilis, not the clap--most simply hoped that govt. would use a condom. Either put up a candidate more can support, or those votes remain on the table, available to the first party who figures this out. There is no other way for moderates to motivate change when both parties would nominate someone viewed as extreme or incompetent. Of course, partisans on both sides will, in turn, blame others for whichever disease we contract, but it was they who placed the options on the table. That they are so short-sighted that they fail to anticipate the return of the pendulum is astounding.

Trump was not elected by the Republican party I supported for forty years. He was elected specifically to disrupt that party. Divisive issues such as racism and gun control have existed for decades, but have only become a serious threat to dominant culture over the past few years. As a result of this win-at-all-costs environment, where Trump has insisted on becoming THE government, even such institutions such as the NRA, DOJ, CDC, etc. cannot be separated from his persona and are at risk of destruction along with his administration. Where the NRA once inspired the will to work across the aisles of Congress there is no longer any need. We are neatly divided into camps--both for and against-with most Congressman protected within well-gerrymandered districts. And, ironically, those who are not have become the most obvious targets during election years, further weakening any incentive to work together. And so control of government is decided by a few districts in only a few states, effectively removing most of the U.S. population from the decision making process whether they vote or not.

Respect and compromise has always been a necessary part of civil society. To retain stability over the long-term, conservatives must welcome moderately liberal allies, and vice versa. The alternative is disfunction of the sort that has extremists on both sides predicting war, pestilence and famine. Give me a break--it does not have to be that way. Nothing we face today approaches the difficulties Americans have surmounted in the past. Perhaps civil conversation would be a good place to begin.

Bull skin, you say we need to be civil. Here is what being civil will get you.

Photo #1
NYPD chief kneeling before protesters

Photo# 2 & 3
Same NYPD chief being clubbed in head by those same protesters a couple of days later.

Every logical thinking person needs to take note and prepare to get busy.



"Bull skin, you say we need to be civil. Here is what being civil will get you."

Do you really believe I am suggesting civility is a one-way street?
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Pinlard, please identify a single issue in which you believe Biden would handle it better than Trump and why.

You believe COVID is the single biggest issue in the country and worldwide. I'd counter that one group of people with a very specific agenda have bombarded us daily to turn it into the single biggest issue.

But let's just say in your world Biden magically solves the riddle of resolving COVID.

Name another thing you believe Biden would improve for us and why.
With biden this country turns into a disaster. He can't even think. As far as New Mexico hunters ,everyb time I hunted there , about 10 different years , the Residents were all riding riding around in there old pickups drinking Bud Light .As far as I can See not many Skilled Hunters .........................BULL!
47 years in office in the highest positions of power in D.C., including 2nd in line for 8 years with zero accomplishment. Yes Biden is totally the man that can bring positive change to Washington. You all should give him at least 4 more years to try. If he can't get it done after 52 years... then for sure go for a different nominee next time. Come on Man... Orange man bad & that's no Malarky
A couple of you unfortunately just proved my point. You can make up all the juvenile names you want for Covid but it is the single biggest issue in the country/world. The economy and the safety of Americans require we get it under control. I never blamed Trump for the virus and last I checked his administration is in charge. I blame a horrible federal response in which he leads. So what is the federal plan to stop it? How come most others countries around the world have mostly contained it and we are now 70,000 cases a day and rising. Elections are a referendum on how a candidate has done on issues important to you. This issue has impacted me more than any other hence I would rather take a chance on the other candidate then stay with a losing hand.
I also think some in the Republican Party are not doing the party any favors with all the denial and hate towards this virus. It may work fine in states that would vote for anyone with an R next to their name but it only pushes moderates like myself away In the swing states. We used to be the party of the compassionate conservative now people tell me the virus that has reeked havoc on my life and the lives of many I do not know isn’t even real? I don’t need to read more tin hat conspiracy bullshit from either party. I’m living it and so will many more if we don’t start working together as Americans. No point in arguing though the election will show what the voters think is right but I feel the OP is right to be concerned.
The States have the biggest role in stopping COVID not the Feds
A couple of you unfortunately just proved my point. You can make up all the juvenile names you want for Covid but it is the single biggest issue in the country/world. The economy and the safety of Americans require we get it under control. I never blamed Trump for the virus and last I checked his administration is in charge. I blame a horrible federal response in which he leads. So what is the federal plan to stop it? How come most others countries around the world have mostly contained it and we are now 70,000 cases a day and rising. Elections are a referendum on how a candidate has done on issues important to you. This issue has impacted me more than any other hence I would rather take a chance on the other candidate then stay with a losing hand.
I also think some in the Republican Party are not doing the party any favors with all the denial and hate towards this virus. It may work fine in states that would vote for anyone with an R next to their name but it only pushes moderates like myself away In the swing states. We used to be the party of the compassionate conservative now people tell me the virus that has reeked havoc on my life and the lives of many I do not know isn’t even real? I don’t need to read more tin hat conspiracy bullshit from either party. I’m living it and so will many more if we don’t start working together as Americans. No point in arguing though the election will show what the voters think is right but I feel the OP is right to be concerned.
Hello Pinlard,
Thank you for your perspective & objectivity. Please continue to at least listen to both sides in these challenging times we are all facing.
Yes, the rants from many on this site, can be annoying as hell! (Even guilty of it myself I guess!) But please try to understand where they are coming from, and dismiss the ignorance & name calling for what you know it is. Just don't become so open minded, that your brains fall out!
There have been over 30 MILLION PEOPLE in the US that have lost their jobs as a direct result of Covid-19.
There have been countless projections, opinions, & directives presented from "the medical experts" & both political parties, on how to deal with this pandemic. None of them have been very effective!
If the US economy continues like it has for very much longer, Covid-19 (bad as it is!) will no longer be the headline.

Just as long as you understand that there is no civility or compromise from the left.

Extremes on either side may not compromise, but I know plenty of liberals who are more generous with their respect than many I see posting here. In fact, most people are not consistently conservative or liberal in their views. Many left-of-center voters see eye-to-eye with right-of-center voters, and these are the majority of the US population.
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Hello Pinlard,
Thank you for your perspective & objectivity. Please continue to at least listen to both sides in these challenging times we are all facing.
Yes, the rants from many on this site, can be annoying as hell! (Even guilty of it myself I guess!) But please try to understand where they are coming from, and dismiss the ignorance & name calling for what you know it is. Just don't become so open minded, that your brains fall out!
There have been over 30 MILLION PEOPLE in the US that have lost their jobs as a direct result of Covid-19.
There have been countless projections, opinions, & directives presented from "the medical experts" & both political parties, on how to deal with this pandemic. None of them have been very effective!
If the US economy continues like it has for very much longer, Covid-19 (bad as it is!) will no longer be the headline.

I think we're up to or over 50 MILLION PEOPLE
I agree with Bullskin 100%. The moderates no matter which way they lean are the ones deciding these elections.
The virus and the economy are one and the same issue (and the only one that matters to me) You will never “fix” the economy without addressing the virus. It can’t be left to the states to fix because we all move around the country. Montana had the virus down to nothing in May. We opened up in June and in came the tourists and now we are setting records daily. It has to be a coordinated response managed at the federal level. So again I ask what and where is this administrations plan? Ignoring, pretending, blaming media and experts only wastes time while the problems with virus/economy only grow bigger.
Blue hair,

it’s always an a-hole in Washington telling us how to live regardless of which party wins.
Are you really ok with 10’s of thousands of Americans dying each month and an economy headed into depression without a plan? True I don’t know what we will get but I certainly know what we have. I’ll Go fish.
You democrats are dangerously hilarious. You walk through life with blinders on focusing on one event to govern your actions.

Regardless if that event was 3 years ago or yesterday.

Swine flu killed between 12-13 thousand people in the USA throughout its outbreak. Covid killed that in one week during April. Not remotely comparable. Without a plan today’s 140000 deaths are already way to many.
Roadrunner I hope you’re old enough to remember looney tunes. Your post was just to perfect
This won't be popular with many.
"All men are created with certain unalienable rights; among them are LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.." If you don't have life, nothing else really matters. So, why vote for a party whose platform includes the killing of unborn babies?
Anyone that votes for sleepy Joe, or most Democrats are not a moderate by a long long shot. I have to laugh to hear most socialist liberals claim to be a moderate or independent voter.


Swine flu killed between 12-13 thousand people in the USA throughout its outbreak. Covid killed that in one week during April. Not remotely comparable. Without a plan today’s 140000 deaths are already way to many.
Roadrunner I hope you’re old enough to remember looney tunes. Your post was just to perfect

Confusing the bird that never got caught with an ostrich. I grew out of looney tunes decades ago, apparently you didn't.

Try again.

Trump did a poor job on a federal level? Nevermind making available billions in relief to states. Nevermind ramping up production and securing ventilators never to be maxed out. Nevermind trying to close the borders early on to prevent the introduction. Nevermind trying to secure the borders beginning 3 years ago. Nevermind responding to dimocrat governors needing aid because they're too clueless to effectively govern.

When he hasn't done enough, the shallow left cries about it. When he said he will do more by going over governors heads the shallow left cries about it. When he says it's up to the states and dimocrat governors make stupid decisions that in effect cost much more than lives, the shallow left cries about it.

Yeah, the ostrich needs to pull its head out of the sand...
Confusing the bird that never got caught with an ostrich. I grew out of looney tunes decades ago, apparently you didn't.

Try again.

Trump did a poor job on a federal level? Nevermind making available billions in relief to states. Nevermind ramping up production and securing ventilators never to be maxed out. Nevermind trying to close the borders early on to prevent the introduction. Nevermind trying to secure the borders beginning 3 years ago. Nevermind responding to dimocrat governors needing aid because they're too clueless to effectively govern.

When he hasn't done enough, the shallow left cries about it. When he said he will do more by going over governors heads the shallow left cries about it. When he says it's up to the states and dimocrat governors make stupid decisions that in effect cost much more than lives, the shallow left cries about it.

Yeah, the ostrich needs to pull its head out of the sand...
And it was dimocrat governors who put sick people into nursing homes and killed thousands needlessly.
Blue hair,

it’s always an a-hole in Washington telling us how to live regardless of which party wins.
Are you really ok with 10’s of thousands of Americans dying each month and an economy headed into depression without a plan? True I don’t know what we will get but I certainly know what we have. I’ll Go fish.
The biggest victims of this event are citizens who are disproportionately dependent on government for their health care needs. For example Native Americans, inner-city poor, elderly, and infirmed.

This after the democrats fixed it. And people still can't figure it out. :rolleyes:

Go see what Fauci and the CDC was doing in that Chi-com lab with your taxpayer money and tell me again how we find ourselves in this place.:devilish:
The biggest victims of this event are citizens who are disproportionately dependent on government for their health care needs. For example Native Americans, inner-city poor, elderly, and infirmed.

This after the democrats fixed it. And people still can't figure it out. :rolleyes:

Go see what Fauci and the CDC was doing in that Chi-com lab with your taxpayer money and tell me again how we find ourselves in this place.:devilish:
And then Dr Fauci said masks were pretty much worthless and then later changes his tune. He's spent 40 years in the business and he doesn't know if masks work. What a wasted life.
Man, I just don't even know where to begin with this. Pinlard, it's patently obvious to anyone on here that you don't care about the facts. Sadly, we are under attack by two viruses, Covid-19 and TDS. In case you aren't aware, Trump did not force any states to reopen causing a flare up in Covid cases. Each state's Governor has direct authority to make mandates in his or her own state. How can that be Trump's fault?

I would argue that it seems that the statistics on this virus are questionable at best and people are being led to believe that they will die if we don't tank the economy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that this virus isn't a serious issue and apparently it has somehow personally affected you but in reality the notion that Joe Biden can solve this problem is very naive. It's very questionable if Joe Biden can solve where he keeps his toothbrush and you want to hand him the task of leading the fight against Covid? I know the TDS that you suffer from won't allow you to change your mind regardless of the facts but please before you cast your vote, research beyond CNN and MSNBC. Joe Biden has been in politics for 50 years and hasn't fixed a damned thing.
Yep, and there were less than a half million hospitalizations, and around 12,000 deaths. We have no idea how many people have been hospitalized this time, because we fired the people who used to keep track of stuff like that. With that one, when people got over it, they were generally over it. Very limited effects that lasted. Very different than Our current problem.
I agree with Bullskin 100%. The moderates no matter which way they lean are the ones deciding these elections.
The virus and the economy are one and the same issue (and the only one that matters to me) You will never “fix” the economy without addressing the virus. It can’t be left to the states to fix because we all move around the country. Montana had the virus down to nothing in May. We opened up in June and in came the tourists and now we are setting records daily. It has to be a coordinated response managed at the federal level. So again I ask what and where is this administrations plan? Ignoring, pretending, blaming media and experts only wastes time while the problems with virus/economy only grow bigger.
Like I said it is up to your state to fix your state’s problem with COVID not the Feds
I think Biden wins by a large margin and the Dems get the senate as well. I know all my immediate family voted for Trump last time but we are now 6-2 for Biden. Trumps Covid response has been nothing short of embarrassing and it had a direct effect on myself and my family. I am truly sickened by our parties response to what is a clear health emergency and the losing bet/behavior that is being portrayed. We all live in Montana so I believe more people like me will push the swing states to Biden. First Dem president I will ever vote for. I just hope to hell we still get to hunt this fall. I see more NR closures on the horizon with the virus spreading. Stay safe folks this is not a drill.
What a disgrace. You do realize the first DEM executive order is *voting rights for illegals*? Our elective process will never be the same.

I can't abide these threads because of posters like this willing to throw everything away. Sickens me to the core.
Man, I just don't even know where to begin with this. Pinlard, it's patently obvious to anyone on here that you don't care about the facts. Sadly, we are under attack by two viruses, Covid-19 and TDS. In case you aren't aware, Trump did not force any states to reopen causing a flare up in Covid cases. Each state's Governor has direct authority to make mandates in his or her own state. How can that be Trump's fault?

I would argue that it seems that the statistics on this virus are questionable at best and people are being led to believe that they will die if we don't tank the economy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that this virus isn't a serious issue and apparently it has somehow personally affected you but in reality the notion that Joe Biden can solve this problem is very naive. It's very questionable if Joe Biden can solve where he keeps his toothbrush and you want to hand him the task of leading the fight against Covid? I know the TDS that you suffer from won't allow you to change your mind regardless of the facts but please before you cast your vote, research beyond CNN and MSNBC. Joe Biden has been in politics for 50 years and hasn't fixed a damned thing.
Wasting your time with that one.....move on.
Also pinlard Trump stopped Chinese nationals coming into this country at the outset of the Covid-19 outbreak in China and it was several high ranking Democrats that raked him over the coals for doing so.
If it had been left to those Democrats, the numbers infected would have been far higher. Pelosi, Schummer, and Biden all took potshots at Trump for doing the above mentioned.

Also pinlard Trump stopped Chinese nationals coming into this country at the outset of the Covid-19 outbreak in China and it was several high ranking Democrats that raked him over the coals for doing so.
If it had been left to those Democrats, the numbers infected would have been far higher. Pelosi, Schummer, and Biden all took potshots at Trump for doing the above mentioned.

This also delayed the outbreak in the US which gave us time to find drugs that increased the survival rate. Could well have saved 100 thousand.
Put the blame where it lies. Pelosi and the F-Troop's impeachment sham didn't do anyone any favors.

The fallout is needless death and near economic ruin.

Pelosi and crew need to be held accountable.
Either Candidate can win... Its a toss up at this point. Very weak choices we have once again :(
We are in desperate need of a true 3rd party...

Swine flu killed between 12-13 thousand people in the USA throughout its outbreak. Covid killed that in one week during April. Not remotely comparable. Without a plan today’s 140000 deaths are already way to many.
Roadrunner I hope you’re old enough to remember looney tunes. Your post was just to perfect
What you are missing are the actions of both swine flu and covid. Thankfully swine flue didnt turn our as deadly , but the issues are this.
There are 4 common things with the two at the beginning stages.
1 we knew nothing about either virus
2 we didnt know spread rates of either bit we knew they were fast.
3 we didnt know mortality rate on either virus.
4 we didnt have a vaccine for either.

Those are the four commonalities at the start of each pandemic, problem is one reaction swine flu was null and void nothing happened, and then you have covid, we knew as much or i should say as little as we did about the swine flu to start and the response was very different. So forgive those of us who see and recognize this , and we cant help but think given the political climate of today , that there are alterioir motives behind this. Plain and simple. We knew nothing of either virus and we received two vastly different directions and swine flu hit 61 million in the us alone.. Wake up man yes its a virus , but they vastly over stated the death rate and its paltry , not enough to run the economy and world
H1N1 hit primarily young adults and adolescents. Once the "old crowd" making all the rules figured that out, it was life as normal. (see summary history on CDC website).

COVID-19, that's a different story. It's primary target is the "old crowd" making all the rules, so, yeah, let's shut the world down.
I absolutely see how people would not want to vote for Trump, but when you realize that NOT voting for Trump is effectively supporting a party that promotes and endorses this type of behavior, how is it freaking possible to not cast your vote for Trump!!

Do yall give a crap about the future of this country???
I agree with Bullskin 100%. The moderates no matter which way they lean are the ones deciding these elections.
The virus and the economy are one and the same issue (and the only one that matters to me) You will never “fix” the economy without addressing the virus. It can’t be left to the states to fix because we all move around the country. Montana had the virus down to nothing in May. We opened up in June and in came the tourists and now we are setting records daily. It has to be a coordinated response managed at the federal level. So again I ask what and where is this administrations plan? Ignoring, pretending, blaming media and experts only wastes time while the problems with virus/economy only grow bigger.

Hello Pinlard/Bullskin,
Hopefully this is where we can start to make some progress.
I strongly suspect that, even the most adamant supporters of Trump would, if you caught them in a (rare) moment of complete honesty, admit that TRUMP HAS NOT PROVIDED THE LEADERSHIP WE ALL SO DESPERATELY NEED! Seems like every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it!
HOWEVER, he is, in my opinion, doing the best that can be expected under the circumstances we are facing. Given the relentless attacks from the left, that started before he even took office, I seriously doubt anyone, from either party, could be doing any better!

I strongly doubt that the moderate, mature, thinking adults on the liberal left, honestly believe we should defund the police, or tear down all the monuments, or tolerate the mobs destroying private property and assaulting everyone who crosses their path. Really?

President Trump is our president. I choose to support him because I fundamentally agree with where he stands on the issues, , , , , in spite of his ineptness.
I still strongly believe that, as bad as Covid-19 is, there are over 30 million people in this country that care a lot more about feeding & housing their family, than they do about this pandemic. Ventilators & hospital beds won't do you any good if you don't have a job to to pay for them!

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Rio, are you the one these NR comfy in when the draw will come out?
Am I what? Your question is a bit hard to understand. If your asking if Im a non resident ? No I was born and raised in Tierra Amarilla NM, grew up in Gallup NM and still live in NM. I have lived in Nevada for about 7 years as well.
Am I what? Your question is a bit hard to understand. If your asking if Im a non resident ? No I was born and raised in Tierra Amarilla NM, grew up in Gallup NM and still live in NM. I have lived in Nevada for about 7 years as well.
Ah I re read your question...Yes that is me , many residents an NR do listen to my words about the draw, seems like Im generally correct about the draw, well like Im always correct , crystal ball seems to be on point..

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