Cheap Dehydrated Food


Active Member
I know a lot of you, like me, pack-in to your hunting destinations...dh food is always a challenge and can get expensive. I heard an ad on the radio from a company that sells food storage and is having a special on their de-hydrated food. You get 16 servings of food for $10, with Free Shipping. The options are not diverse, but I have tried them and they are much better than the Mt. House stuff. Call the number (800.274.3009), and you can get it for $10.

Here is the link if you want to check it out first -

I am in no way affiliated with is just a good deal so I though I would pass it along. I bought 4 of them, $40 bucks shipped.

>does it cook in its own
>bad or do you need
>a pot

According to the instructions you boil the water and pour the food into the pot, stir, and then let it simmer for about 15 minutes. I buy the #10 cans Of MH and then a few days before I head to Wyoming I vaccum pack it into individual meals and it works out to around $3 or a little more per meal.
I've tried a lot of different brands. The prepper/food storage companies, in my opinion, are some of the worst tasting. I always end up back with Mountain House. The cost used to bug me, but you've got to figure, they're $7-8 now, most of us don't bat an eye at dropping $7 at Wendy's for lunch. An extra couple dollars a day for a week long hunt is well worth it!
I was just looking at the package. They don't look any different than Bear Creek soups which you can buy off the supermarket shelf. They run 6 servings for like $4. If these are anything like Bear Creek they are very tasty, but just soup, I like somehting a little more filling. Plus 15 minutes of boil time with an ultralight stove and the small isopro cans have always kept me away from dehydrated vs freezdried.

Thanks for the lead and link. Really not trying to shoot holes in your posting.Just sharing where I've evolved to. It's definetly a good deal if that's what you're looking for.
Forky when I buy these off brands I just let them soak before I heat them. It helps to have access or extra water because they make a mess of the jet boil.
FWIW keep in mind there's no meat of any kind in their products. I assume that's how they can make them so cheap. We ordered a similar cut-rate brand last year and realized too late it was vegetarian food. We're back to the old standby of Mt House.
Tried this patriot supply last weekend in Co. You CAN use the bag it comes in to eat out of, but it's not big enough to accept all the water required, it asked for four cups I got 3 and a half. Would feed two to three guys imo. Tasted great.

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