Chris LeDoux Fans...


Just got back home the other night from the WY hunting trip and just uploaded some pictures I took of the trip back there. We stayed in Kaycee and right in the middle of that small town is a new park dedicated to Chris LeDoux. He lived there up till his death in 2005. His sister-in-law owns the Cassidy Motel there.
Anyway, here are some pictures I took and hope that you like them he was well liked around there and one way to make a tribute to a great person.....enjoy.





Brian nice photos!!! Chris Ledoux is hands down my favorite!! His concert is one I never missed!! Best concert I went to was in Salina Utah.
Thanks kilo!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-10 AT 03:09PM (MST)[p]If you look close at the bases under the guitar, they too are shaped like a guitar. Whoever designed this display was good at his best in this tribute.

A side note too, I was given by Chris' sister-in-law the phone number for Chris' son Clay LeDoux who also has two ranches around that area and does allow hunters to hunt, but since it was not in my area I did not call Clay. I'm sure it might not be cheap but then I never called so don't know for sure.

Well, for my 2 cents you couldn't find a harder working honest to God ranch family if you tried. Would be surprised if Clay even charged. Went to college for Northern MT College when Clay was in Bozeman, we were both rider on our rodeo teams. My father knew Chris's Aunts who did exposition rides for years.

Good post - really good pictures. You know I've been to Kaycee the last 3 years and never remember to take pictures of the park, not really sure it was even there until recently but I could be wrong.

Anyway, thanks for the post - oh and check your email I'm sending you some info - let me know what you think.
I believe that this bronze and the foundation were just done last year in 2009 that date I seen somewhere maybe on the bronze plate at the base of the statue.

I was there the Day they unloaded the Bronze. It was the week of the College Rodeo Finals in Casper this year. They dedicated the Park that Saturday. I got to meet the Artist, and Chris' son and wife. Way Cool. I stopped to see how it looked set up this week on my way through. Great pictures, I never remember my camera. BacDoc
Thanks for the post kilo i love chris ledoux and had read about this in the paper but haven't made it over to check it out.

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