Claude Dallas-Predator or Prey?


Long Time Member
Just wondering what your thoughts are on Claude Dallas' infamous run in with the law...

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Obviously you have a love affair with Claude Dallas like Eldorado had with that Mexican gal:) Claude defended himself. I heard those fish cops went looking for trouble. My dad passed that info to me from some old time Basque sheep herders in that area he knew who were legit. its not the gospel though??? Nice post for a Wednesday Wiz!! Good call!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-11 AT 00:07AM (MST)[p]The Wiz drank too much Beer again! ;-)


Keep stirring, Joey! :) LOL

cj- It is Wednesday, isn't it? No better time than the present!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Geez Sage I think the snow and cabin fever has finally got you. Yes that is a pot and yes it is being stirred but damn Joe Joe this is serious business. LMAO

Evidentally You've lost track of time?

It ain't April Fools yet!:D

I expect to see Claude Chiming in soon!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
"Keep stirring, Joey!"

Naw, i put that pic up for you Steve! Your compulsion to ask Claude Dallas questions has me seeing you as stirring the pot. :)

If it were me, i'd be using both hands! lol
Predator for sure . That worthless POS was a predator in every thing he did . From stealing wildlife from law abiding sportsman to the way he acted like a coward and shot two game wardens in a ambush style killing .

He is a sad , sad , sad role model and super hero for some people in that country where it all happened .

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I was digging through some of the old internet files on famous criminals and I turned up this very rare photo of Claude Dallas and Leonard Peltier. It turns out they crossed paths while being re-located to different correctional facilities. In all of my studies into these two extraordinary cases, this is the first time I've run across this photo.


Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
As I recall the last time you asked about this...RELH ain't gonna be happy!![/IMG] ~Z~
cjboz said: "some old time Basque sheep herders in that area he knew who were legit."

Let's break that down:

"old time" - what does that mean? I know what Early Times is (and a Basque who drinks it like water) but what's "old time"? Does that mean they were lost in time?

"Basque sheep herders" - Why does a sheep joke always start with that?
Two Basque sheep herders walk into a tent...
You can't believe a word that old ewe says...
That horse is growing UP not down...

why? :)

"he knew" - in what sense, exactly, did he "know" them? :)

"who were legit" - because we all know a Basque has never fed anyone a line of BS. They are very serious sorts who never tell a tale or have a jaded opinion... or post a picture of a scantily clad woman or of a controversial nature. :)

Claude Dallas was a legend. A mountain man hero. A survivor who could live off the land forever. A regular "they'll never take me alive" kinda guy. Just ask the 7-11 checker.

Where's NevadaVager when you need him?
Let's be realistic here......

Claude Dallas, Adolph Hitler and Jeffery Dahlmer, just simply had poor "people skills".

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
"In all of my studies into these two extraordinary cases, this is the first time I've run across this photo."

Something's a little cookoo here..... Terry
Ok kids?

This Claude Lafayette Dallas Jr. is getting kind of old and stale! Don?t you guys have any new material?? Oh, I'm sorry, I guess you all watching Oprah?

I'm trying to do research to help me with tag choices this year but I get sucked into this chit?

Anyway, let me lay some big coil in the ?pot? and get it nice and ripe.

This would make a nice April Fools headline if it weren't REAL:

{ Rammell explains poaching fight with Fish and Game, refers to wardens as ?Nazis? }

Rex Rammell, is a former (2010) GOP candidate for governor of the great state of Idaho!

This was one of his political adds:

At least no one was killed ? yet?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-11 AT 02:26PM (MST)[p]I don't think many hunters would like that guy to be in office. If he doesn't even realize he's hunting in the wrong unit, how can he run the state? The term "Nazi" is used a bit casually by him.....BUT THEY TOOK HIS ELK! Like it's the end of the world.

Now....back to the regularly scheduled Claude Dallas post!!
"....Claude Dallas was simply living off the land, not bothering a soul."

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
NVB thats all I got. Now here you are trying to break down my "MM street cred" WTF, I am just saying... JK Are you a lawyer? They way you tore down my info was incredible!!:)
This Rammell dude is a nominee for Azz Clown of the year . What a joke cryin an whinnin about having to know all the rules , and his refrence of having to know all the rules and information in a booklet that is 97 pages long . Oh my that is just too much to ask , especially for some one that was running for Governer . Pretty scary stuff if he can't figure out which unit to hunt and when the opener and close of season is .

Then for this Rammell jack azz to threathen the warden to pull his gun out just shows his mental maturity level . He should have rode the tazer ride , and maybe that would have educated him for his next run in with a game warden .

This Rammell guy just like Claude Dallas are poachers and criminals , plain and simple . Seems like its a big problem with society today where nobody will take accountabilty of their own actions . The idiots where caught breaking the law , and their actions make the incident worse .

Guess I'm just way old school and don't like theifs at all . I work way to hard for the stuff I have , and if some body wants to steal from me there will be consequences . I look at the same way with public wildlife . The animals belong to all of us , and when some one like Claude Dallas decides he wants more than his share or doesn't want to follow the rules , I have a big problem with that .
>NVB thats all I got. Now
>here you are trying to
>break down my "MM street
>cred" WTF, I am just
>saying... JK Are you
>a lawyer? They way you
>tore down my info was

A Basque lawyer? Now thats funny. :)

Guess you don't watch Tosh.O
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-11 AT 07:04PM (MST)[p]>NVB thats all I got. Now<
>here you are trying to<
>break down my "MM street<
>cred" WTF, I am just<
>saying... JK Are you<
>a lawyer? They way you<
>tore down my info was<

>A Basque lawyer? Now thats funny.<


don't tell that to Paul Laxalt - the 22nd Govenor of Nevada...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-11 AT 08:24PM (MST)[p]Glad somebody got it. I was afraid it would be wasted on this crew.

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