CO 4th season 35,36,361


Active Member
Hello all, I drew the 4th season deer in 35,36,361. I hunted this 14 years ago and was able to connect on a nice buck. What I am wondering is how much has changed as far as trail head access and housing encroachment. I hunted the state bridge area and a few places just off I-70. Guess what I am asking is for the guys that still know the area is what to expect this year. Thanks for any intel.
A lot has changed in the last 14 years to say the least. Used to be a great hunt, but years of poor management and high tag allocations by CPW has really taken its toll on the unit to say the least. Which is sad considering that 35/36 is probably some of the best mule habitat in all the country combined with genetics. It’s always baffled me over the years and spending my fair of time in the unit why it has been managed the way it is when it could truly be better than it’s neighbor to the south (unit 44) if it were managed differently. Not to say you can’t still turn up a great deer because there are still small handful of them, but these deer see and enormous amount of pressure 2nd and 3rd rifle season and very few live to see much over 3 years old…
A lot has changed in the last 14 years to say the least. Used to be a great hunt, but years of poor management and high tag allocations by CPW has really taken its toll on the unit to say the least. Which is sad considering that 35/36 is probably some of the best mule habitat in all the country combined with genetics. It’s always baffled me over the years and spending my fair of time in the unit why it has been managed the way it is when it could truly be better than it’s neighbor to the south (unit 44) if it were managed differently. Not to say you can’t still turn up a great deer because there are still small handful of them, but these deer see and enormous amount of pressure 2nd and 3rd rifle season and very few live to see much over 3 years old…
I have always wondered the same thing… I mean to just manage those areas for mass opportunity seems like a huge waste
I agree 100% with Coloboy in regard to it's an absolute crime and shame what the CPW has done with pretty much all of the Eagle County units. Eagle County has the highest number of B&C listing in the entire US and that status is in peril.

Take a look at all of the B&C listings in the past from Eagle County and compare this to the few to 0 listings from the past 5 years after the CPW starting offered an overwhelming number of rut rifle season tags!

It's a bunch of BS that the CPW can't limit tags in a few select units across Colo that have the very best genetics for producing B&C bucks in the entire nation! Using CWD as an excuse to increase tags (and generate $) is a total joke and the CPW knows it!

Take a look at the number of Eagle County B&C listings that suddenly started appearing a few years after the CPW converted over to all draw units in Colorado for deer back in the early 1980's. It wouldn't take much and Colo could regain its World Class B&C muley buck statis.
Well, at least youll be there 4th season when the hunters are limited and any deer should be rutting. ColoradoBoy hits the nail right on the head with his analysis, truly a crime the way CPW has managed the upper colorado river drainage units for deer. Some of best deer habitat on planet earth from radium down thru burns.

The good news is the winter kill in that area was not nearly what they experienced in other areas to the northwest. I shed hunt the area a lot, did not find hardly any deadheads besides one decent tall, tight and crab clawed 140ish 4x4 I pulled out the CO River, prob feel thru the ice.
Although those units are limited for elk during the 2nd and 3rd rifle seasons, another thing to keep in the back of your mind is there is an orange army running up and down those roads during those seasons. There are chunks of private and the deer/elk tend to be aware of the lines. Even the public land in the most remote locations tend to get hammered. You can hike cliffs to try getting away from orange but you'll still likely have company!
I'm going to suggest something that would make the DOW happy and fix the numbers but you guys are going to hate it.

Take 1 unit for deer and 1 unit for elk that y'all believe are over hunted. Make them limited draw for NR's only for 5 years. It would help the herd rebound, fix the age class and it would maximize the revenue for the DOW.

200 tags 80 - 20

160 tags x 60 = $9,600

40 x 700 = $28,000

100 x 700 = $70,000

After 5 years it reverts back to standard draw percentages. At that point pick 2 other units (1 elk & 1 deer) and do the same.
I'm going to suggest something that would make the DOW happy and fix the numbers but you guys are going to hate it.

Take 1 unit for deer and 1 unit for elk that y'all believe are over hunted. Make them limited draw for NR's only for 5 years. It would help the herd rebound, fix the age class and it would maximize the revenue for the DOW.

200 tags 80 - 20

160 tags x 60 = $9,600

40 x 700 = $28,000

100 x 700 = $70,000

After 5 years it reverts back to standard draw percentages. At that point pick 2 other units (1 elk & 1 deer) and do the same.
Ill suggest sum thing for U all all elk tags go LQ for NR and cut deer tags in half move the deer season back to where it use to be no more hunting deer on Thanksgiving week... Hell I am not even a resident of Colorado resident.....
Ill suggest sum thing for U all all elk tags go LQ for NR and cut deer tags in half move the deer season back to where it use to be no more hunting deer on Thanksgiving week... Hell I am not even a resident of Colorado resident.....
I agree but beginning the conversation with a government entity with "here's what we want and you're going to make less money" is a non starter.
Not gonna be an issue, co state is tagging on a 30 dollar fee to every vehicle registration here, so 30 X 8.5 million or so ( assumes some folks have more than one) and we need less and less “magical” NR dollars.

It is a funny thought to make units only for NR, what a sh+t show that would be haha ? would look like scene from “all quite on the western front” with all the artillery. The Texans would be trying to out do the okies on lobbing shots from 1500 yards into herds, don’t worry thought the U-tards and midwesterners would make a strong showing too. Herds would have a tough time rebounding with all those wounded animals limping around
Not gonna be an issue, co state is tagging on a 30 dollar fee to every vehicle registration here, so 30 X 8.5 million or so ( assumes some folks have more than one) and we need less and less “magical” NR dollars.

It is a funny thought to make units only for NR, what a sh+t show that would be haha ? would look like scene from “all quite on the western front” with all the artillery. The Texans would be trying to out do the okies on lobbing shots from 1500 yards into herds, don’t worry thought the U-tards and midwesterners would make a strong showing too. Herds would have a tough time rebounding with all those wounded animals limping around
Y'all are the majority of the hunters so logic says y'all are responsible for a lot more wounded animals. The **** show is Res crying on here every day about everything is against them and their responsible for the way it is. Things that make you go huh.

You don't need our money so make everything 85% to 15% across the board on everything and make our tags cost only 2x what yours cost. That would be awesome.

That's awesome that vehicle registration tag money goes to the DOW.
You don't need our money so make everything 85% to 15% across the board on everything and make our tags cost only 2x what yours cost. That would be awesome.

Im thinkin more like 90/10 and NR tags cost 10-15x what RES tags do, and RES tags maybe should go up 50-100% from current levels. Pay to play is the future of everything, like it or not.

I do love Texans though, "lemme tell YOU how to solve YOUR problems.."....yes, thank you, appreciate it.
Im thinkin more like 90/10 and NR tags cost 10-15x what RES tags do, and RES tags maybe should go up 50-100% from current levels. Pay to play is the future of everything, like it or not.

I do love Texans though, "lemme tell YOU how to solve YOUR problems.."....yes, thank you, appreciate it.
Common sense is common sense. At this point, why not tell the government to quit sending you Tax Payer dollars and make it 100% Res? That seems like a hell of a plan.

We might quit offering up advise if y'all would quit crying about everything.
Y'all are the majority of the hunters so logic says y'all are responsible for a lot more wounded animals. The **** show is Res crying on here every day about everything is against them and their responsible for the way it is. Things that make you go huh.

You don't need our money so make everything 85% to 15% across the board on everything and make our tags cost only 2x what yours cost. That would be awesome.

That's awesome that vehicle registration tag money goes to the DOW.
I was jesting there Tex don’t take it so hard bub and all those wounded animals would come from your magica NR only units… in make believe land. I wasnt refer to real life. Yes I know residents wound animals but any time I see a herd getting shot up from 1000 yards which is sad how frequently it happens, 8/10 times it is out of state tags
Most of the whining comes from a certain demographic, in my limited experience. Those people from states with very few nonresident public land opportunities....their main argument revolves around how the state they wish to hunt won't survive without their nonresident almighty dollars. Spinoff complaining usually circles around how they deserve equal allocation or price of tags. Usually the subject of government funds is waved around also....
I was jesting there Tex don’t take it so hard bub and all those wounded animals would come from your magica NR only units… in make believe land. I wasnt refer to real life. Yes I know residents wound animals but any time I see a herd getting shot up from 1000 yards which is sad how frequently it happens, 8/10 times it is out of state tags
Fair enough When my buddies and I were going every year (14 straight) every time we saw someone breaking the rules it was a local. Their excuse was it was their woods an they could do what they wanted. Bad hunters are bad hunters no matter where they come from.
Most of the whining comes from a certain demographic, in my limited experience. Those people from states with very few nonresident public land opportunities....their main argument revolves around how the state they wish to hunt won't survive without their nonresident almighty dollars. Spinoff complaining usually circles around how they deserve equal allocation or price of tags. Usually the subject of government funds is waved around also....
I suggested go 100% Res and refuse US tax dollars. You get everything you want. Fund it totally by Res funds. Get after it.
Most of the whining comes from a certain demographic, in my limited experience. Those people from states with very few nonresident public land opportunities....their main argument revolves around how the state they wish to hunt won't survive without their nonresident almighty dollars. Spinoff complaining usually circles around how they deserve equal allocation or price of tags. Usually the subject of government funds is waved around also....

Ran some quick numbers. To make up for lost NR tag sales ($81,955,200) the Res tag for all animals would have to go $226.97 per tag if total licenses stay the same.

If you subtract just the federal money from the Department of Interior ($47,740,000) it would add about another $132,21.

That would make the Res cost for any Big Game tag approx $430.81 which includes what you're already paying. There's probably some other Federal funding in there somewhere but it's a start.

These numbers assume you sell the same number of tags as Res and NR combined (361,089) It obviously a rough draft but that's doable. Y'all need to present that to the DOW at the next meeting.
Thanks for the research Tex! Heck I have an even better idea. What if we cut NR tags in half and then just double their cost? 0 loss of rev for the state and I am just betting 1400 dollar tags still sell like hot cakes. Just need enough influencers in flattys saying you can choot a 350 bull in any OTC unit easy!

But to be clear I would pay double, triple, quadruple what I pay now if it meant I had more opportunities in my home state.
Cut them in half and y'all would still cry about how the Res were getting screwed.

It would be 6 or 7 times what you pay now. I say go for it.
West Tx, Do you whine about New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada? They have much fewer Non Resident Opportunity. They seem to do fine financially. Make sure you tell everyone how you are right and everyone else has it wrong.
West Tx, Do you whine about New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada? They have much fewer Non Resident Opportunity. They seem to do fine financially. Make sure you tell everyone how you are right and everyone else has it wrong.
Cowboy, I'm not the one whining. I'm the one putting numbers out there so y'all can pay for it yourself. I never said I was right. Once again, you would rather whine than find a solution so you could quit whining. I'm offering a solution and what for it what for it you keep whining. Damnest thing I've ever seem.
The solution is out there, Colorado should follow the model of ALL other Western States. It is a proven financial model. We are doing are damndest to get CPW on board. So put all of your Fuzzy numbers out there. I am on board with anything that puts us inline with everyone else. So I guess I am agreeing with you, Whatever you are trying to say. If you aren't whining, What is your point?
The solution is out there, Colorado should follow the model of ALL other Western States. It is a proven financial model. We are doing are damndest to get CPW on board. So put all of your Fuzzy numbers out there. I am on board with anything that puts us inline with everyone else. So I guess I am agreeing with you, Whatever you are trying to say. If you aren't whining, What is your point?
So, I offer a solution to the problem y'all are whining about that benefits me absolutely zero and you think I'm the one whining. Once again, that's interesting. Just like people who whine about being fat. At some point get off your ass and do something about or quit whining.

Ran some quick numbers. To make up for lost NR tag sales ($81,955,200) the Res tag for all animals would have to go $226.97 per tag if total licenses stay the same.

If you subtract just the federal money from the Department of Interior ($47,740,000) it would add about another $132,21.

That would make the Res cost for any Big Game tag approx $430.81 which includes what you're already paying. There's probably some other Federal funding in there somewhere but it's a start.

These numbers assume you sell the same number of tags as Res and NR combined (361,089) It obviously a rough draft but that's doable. Y'all need to present that to the DOW at the next meeting.
Why remove the fed money? You Texas fellers get that still, dont you? And nobody i know hunts Texas as a nonresident. I got no problem with nonresident hunters. I'm actually a nonresident most places. If colorado hunting goes to hell, im sure you will be happy, right? Everyone cares about their own interests. Nonresidents want their cake and some extra. I've never hunted Wyoming with a good tag of my own yet, but I sure hope to someday, regardless of price or allocation. We outdoorsmen need to realize this privilege we have, and cherish it. I, as a colorado resident, have filled out every survey, showed up at numerous public meetings voted on public positions based on my beliefs. I've done everything possible to preserve the way of life. I feel like its basically pointless, though. I try , though. What have you, as a nonresident consumer, done to preserve the opportunity?
Why remove the fed money? You Texas fellers get that still, dont you? And nobody i know hunts Texas as a nonresident. I got no problem with nonresident hunters. I'm actually a nonresident most places. If colorado hunting goes to hell, im sure you will be happy, right? Everyone cares about their own interests. Nonresidents want their cake and some extra. I've never hunted Wyoming with a good tag of my own yet, but I sure hope to someday, regardless of price or allocation. We outdoorsmen need to realize this privilege we have, and cherish it. I, as a colorado resident, have filled out every survey, showed up at numerous public meetings voted on public positions based on my beliefs. I've done everything possible to preserve the way of life. I feel like its basically pointless, though. I try , though. What have you, as a nonresident consumer, done to preserve the opportunity?
He hollers at us Ressys on MM dangit! That has to be enough deercry! ;)
So, I offer a solution to the problem y'all are whining about that benefits me absolutely zero and you think I'm the one whining. Once again, that's interesting. Just like people who whine about being fat. At some point get off your ass and do something about or quit whining.
Come here and change it, if it's that easy. And while you are at it, there's a few other things I'll ask you to change before you go back home. People, nonresidents usually, come on these forums to tell how the world ought to be, according to them. Take your ideas somewhere where it really matters. Email or call CPW. Make the drive out here for one of the meetings. Quit hiding on a forum. Change the world.
Why remove the fed money? You Texas fellers get that still, dont you? And nobody i know hunts Texas as a nonresident. I got no problem with nonresident hunters. I'm actually a nonresident most places. If colorado hunting goes to hell, im sure you will be happy, right? Everyone cares about their own interests. Nonresidents want their cake and some extra. I've never hunted Wyoming with a good tag of my own yet, but I sure hope to someday, regardless of price or allocation. We outdoorsmen need to realize this privilege we have, and cherish it. I, as a colorado resident, have filled out every survey, showed up at numerous public meetings voted on public positions based on my beliefs. I've done everything possible to preserve the way of life. I feel like its basically pointless, though. I try , though. What have you, as a nonresident consumer, done to preserve the opportunity?
Because it's Federal Tax money. If you want to have the whole State yourself then fund it yourself. You don't want welfare do you?
I haven't holler at anyone. All I did was offer up a starting point so you can quit whining. That's all. If you choose to keep whining then that's up to you.

My and my wife's company is research and negotiating. If you just set on the other side of the table and just whine then nothing gets accomplished. Put something that close to what you want then start there or just keep whining. It's pretty simple. Y'all keep saying said things I didn't say which is the first indication you have a weak hand.

LIKE I SAID. I don't have all the answers but you have to start somewhere. Everything I suggested benefits me absolutely nothing. Y'all seem to be over looking that small detail.
I haven't holler at anyone. All I did was offer up a starting point so you can quit whining. That's all. If you choose to keep whining then that's up to you.

My and my wife's company is research and negotiating. If you just set on the other side of the table and just whine then nothing gets accomplished. Put something that close to what you want then start there or just keep whining. It's pretty simple. Y'all keep saying said things I didn't say which is the first indication you have a weak hand.

LIKE I SAID. I don't have all the answers but you have to start somewhere. Everything I suggested benefits me absolutely nothing. Y'all seem to be over looking that small detail.
What's your company called?
I'll try to get you all hired to represent me. I'm just here in my shop, building my wife a potting shed, talking to myself, petting the pooches, thinking about some supper.
My only friends in the world.

Because it's Federal Tax money. If you want to have the whole State yourself then fund it yourself. You don't want welfare do you?
Tex, You are free to go camping, hiking, skinny dipping all you want on Federal and state lands. But the animals in every state of this country belong to the state. That is why you have to apply in each state separately. I believe only waterfowl/migratory birds are Federally regulated.
Tex, You are free to go camping, hiking, skinny dipping all you want on Federal and state lands. But the animals in every state of this country belong to the state. That is why you have to apply in each state separately. I believe only waterfowl/migratory birds are Federally regulated.
I agree. But if you cut off hunting to everyone but Res then the Federal money needs to go elsewhere. The numbers are workable especially compared to what y'all expect NR to pay. Y'all would be getting a deal.

Deercy, those are some good looking pups.

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