CO OTC elk 2nd or 3rd season?


Long Time Member
Any advice on how much of a difference 2nd season to 3rd season is......given a heavy snow might push the elk lower but is there much of a difference other than that? Thanks....always planned on going 3rd season and then looked at regs and saw that there is 2nd season OTC.
Third is a couple days shorter, I think there is better potential but some will argue 2nd is better. Both post rut hunts in November, bulls should be in their hells holes focused on feeding
Third is a couple days shorter, I think there is better potential but some will argue 2nd is better. Both post rut hunts in November, bulls should be in their hells holes focused on feeding
Didn't see how long the 2nd season is but 3rd is 12-18th this year. Said it's now a 7 days season instead of 5. I am assuming the 2nd is 7 days as well. Thanks for the info....
There’s no golden ticket… hunted every single season there is, killed them in in every season there is, had my butt kicked in every single season there is. Some years ones better than the other. You’ll scratch a hole clean through your head trying to figure out which is better than the other because there is no definitive answer. If one was proven better than the other no one would ever hunt the other.
There’s no golden ticket… hunted every single season there is, killed them in in every season there is, had my butt kicked in every single season there is. Some years ones better than the other. You’ll scratch a hole clean through your head trying to figure out which is better than the other because there is no definitive answer. If one was proven better than the other no one would ever hunt the other.
There’s nothing additional to be said! Flip a coin, or just go when it’s best for your schedule
Some areas may not be huntable during the third season based on snowfall. Otherwise its a toss up like previously mentioned.
Didn't see how long the 2nd season is but 3rd is 12-18th this year. Said it's now a 7 days season instead of 5. I am assuming the 2nd is 7 days as well. Thanks for the info....
I think 2nd is 9 days you get 2 full weekends and a week, 3rd you get 1 weekend to the following Friday. Like others said pick what works for you schedule and get after it. I pretty much only rifle hunt deer anymore so I’m far more partial to 3rd or 4th
I make sure my wife gets to do the things she wants and she never gives me any problems for my hunting. She doesn’t hunt but likes to eat wild game.

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