Colorado 711-3rd season



Any suggestions or help? Never hunted there and will not have any time to scout.
We have cow tags and a buck tag.
Thanks in advance for any help. :O)
ya I didn't ask how many people hunted there, I asked for any suggestions come third season.
huntdux, thanks for the PM, that will be a great starting point if anything.
Mr. Bogus

Not sure you can expect much more as a one poster. Why would anyone who really knew where to go give out info that could hurt his/her hunting chances to someone he/she doesn't know? Spend time making connections and you can get tons of info.

I know the area somewhat, and the best info I can tell you is to find those niches that others don't want to go. In that area that usually means down in a deep canyon or as far from a road as you can get. Also, the local DOW guys are helpful IF you ask specific questions.

Bottom line is there is a lot of research you can do yourself with topos, google earth, etc so you can ask questions that people will feel more like answering. In other words "I was thinking of hiking down into XYZ creek near elephant point, would that be a good plan?" will probably get some useful info.

And of couse, you have to watch out for "bogus" info/misdirection.

Hope you have a great hunt and are successful.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
first off I don't have time to sit on my computer all day let alone this site and "make connections" just for some basic information.

I thought everyone was so "willing to help out"! excuse me.
We have cow tags as I stated, it's not like I want some one's honey hole pin pointed on a freakin GPS where they supposedly kill that 400 inch bull every year. Surely it's pretty open country up there but there is alot of country and wasn't sure come third season as to where some "GENERAL" areas would be.

And I am soooooo sorry I offended you by not "asking my questions properly"!
I didn't know there was an ethics code here as well as out in the field! So go find the places where no one else goes huh? Wow! Well that frekin narrows it down, why TF you think I am asking that here? To help us find those areas maybe? Along with the help of our maps, etc. thank you einstein. geez.

huntdux again, thanks, you took a few minutes to give us a good starting point. I appreciate the help with out all the sarcasm and negativity because I don't have time to put up 24,354 posts a day here.
WOW TX hunter way to make a new guy feel welcome (even mis-spelled his name "clever") I grew up in the area and I will be sending a PM to bigguns because decent people help others. (not like you havent ever asked for info on here)
Hunt "the Glade" and hope for snow. Cows should be in the area from units 70 and 71 shortly. Its thick with oak brush in there and there will be lots of hunters. Good news is lots of deer, cows and smaller bulls that will move around a lot during the day because of hunting pressure. Pick a spot and wait. If you get snow you will be in for a lot of fun. Good luck !
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-10 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]

>WOW TX hunter way to make
>a new guy feel welcome
>(even mis-spelled his name "clever")
>I grew up in the
>area and I will be
>sending a PM to bigguns
>because decent people help others.
>(not like you havent ever
>asked for info on here)

I didn't mis-spell his "name"! That is what he lists on his profile.

And whether or not you agree with me, I gave him some good advice. If he is too busy to establish any connections, he won't get much info. His brusque reply to kilowatt who simply stated that it is a crowded hunt, surely isn't the way to gain friends in the know.

I truly gave him what I consider decent advice and did not mean it negatively. If he chooses to have a chip on his shoulder as a first time poster, he will not get good info in the long run. Doesn't hurt me a bit, only him. And I have given some great advice to people who obviously are willing to put some effort in to it. Doesn't sound like he has the time/inclination to exert much effort. Has he looked at maps, google earth, etc. and familarized himself with the area? If so, he should start by listing some areas that look promising and asking some questions. THAT IS GOOD ADVICE.

I personally start by looking at TOPOs of the area I want to hunt and trying to find a "hell hole" or area away from roads that I think someone else won't want to go into. Then I ask DOW, online friends, etc about that specific area (acess, game, hunter numbers, etc). What is wrong with tellng a guy that he will get a lot better/more info if he approaches it that way?

Should we help him out "just because he is a fellow hunter" regardless of the effort he is willing to put in? That is an individual decision for each of us. He cetainly has eliminated me and a lot of other good potential sources with his reponses so far.

Glad you were willing to help, and as I stated before, I hope he has a good hunt.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
colorfireguy, huntdux and all else, thanks again, this will really help due to our situation.
txhunter, just because you look at a map and try to find the "hell hole" doesn't mean everyone else should do the same.
You can look at maps and google earth until you are blind but until you actually can see it in person and spend some time there maps don't do a dam thing half the time.

Maybe we like crowds as it keeps the elk pressured and busy running around, maybe we like to road hunt, maybe we like to ride our 4 wheelers, maybe we could care less about finding some hell hole to commit suicide in, maybe we don't care about killing some big bull like everyone else here, we just enjoy getting out, if we get some meat we get some meat. If ya all don't like it, I really don't care.

So the next time you go off on someone, find out what the real situation is, might make ya think twice before you go spattin your mouth off.
Nice, now see, this is the kind of info we were looking for. We've never seen this place, won't be there until the day before (late! none the less) so it's kind of like going into a knife and sword store being blind.
Colofire guy gave some great info too.
thanks again guys!
You pretty much said it all!

Hope you bring home some meat!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
txhunter58 has been typing the same posts about "your a newbie" and "don't expect any help or for that matter anyone's location of their honey hole" for years. I have been on this site since pretty close to its inception and never have NOT helped anyone who asked for it. You got all high and mighty when you traded a pair of Swarovski Bino's to DeerKing for him telling you where a well known buck by the locals was at. Tough hunt, I'm sure. Turns out you got to the buck before the others that knew of him since you had an early rifle tag, and oh, your helper can't hunt for 20 years in Colorado or about 43 other states. Get off your high and mighty horse. If someone asks you for help in the future please go out of your way to ignore them. You and people like you ruined this site. This was a site, early on, where you could get help with just about anything. Now, there is just people like you spouting off at the mouth. Don't even reply to this, just take the advice........ PLEASE.

Anyway, sorry for that, good luck bigguns, your hunting a great area. Let it snow and best of luck.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-10 AT 07:11PM (MST)[p]

Won't respond to your post except to set you straight on some details:

Never traded a pair of binocs to Deerking. Traded him a hunt in Texas for his help in scouting out a good location for a buck. Certainly before the other thing hit the fan.

I killed the buck you are referring to above timberline in the Sangre de Cristo wilderness 5 miles from the truck. The place we hunted was not even horse accessible. It was an early rifle tag that I waited 8 years to draw. Never saw another human the week I hunted and he certainly wasn't a buck any "locals knew about".

29" 8x7. All in all, I would say he was worth it.



venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-10 AT 07:18PM (MST)[p]But you are right. I shouldn't have entered this discussion. I apologize for that.

Believe it or not, I am really not trying to be holier than thou. I really think I gave some advice that if followed, in the the long run will pay off for most people.

It would probably take someone much better than I to deliver that message in a manner that doesn't come across negatively, and I will admit that rereading, I threw some of that in. In the future, I will just let those willing to help do so.

So with that, I will bow out and again hope that you all put meat on the table this fall!


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I found this post out of dumb luck, searching for something else. I read the initial post and then read on after I saw the responses.

I'm pretty new to the site and have been reading posts on here for a couple of years. That being said, when I ask for advice or thoughts on a hunt I think it's disrespectful to slam someone for their comment.

People on here do help others out, but like txhunter said, people want to know who you are. I wouldn't usually respond to a post like this but I had a hard time stomaching the response to him and others.

If you are going to ask for advice and ideas about a hunt, know that you're going to get some comments that don't help you along with comments that do. That's not a reason to be disrespectful to anyone on here.

That's my 2 cents.... slam me all you want. But remember the person who you slam could have been your best resource in the future.
Nice buck. The reason you saw no hunters is the simple fact you drew one of 30 tags for that season which dates are before muzzleoader by one week, so not a big suprize. you constantly nag the newbies which i am one and know south west colorado very well. So "Bogus" will get a PM from me thanks to you, maybe he will thank you for it.
I'm not a newbie to MM but was and still am a newbie to the CO forum. A couple years ago I asked how to start building points in CO as one day I will want to hunt that state. txhunter58 was the one who helped me out with how to do it. He didn't throw his arms up and tell me to read the reg's like so many others would. I've never heard him say anything negative to anyone on this site and I've been around for quite some time.
I'm a little shocked that a someone looking for info would act like such a jackass though. After the second or third post, you bring out the tough guy talk? That will not get you results as far as I'm concerned. If I knew anything about CO and I read this post, I'd tell you to hunt a different state or do your own research. Can't spend time on the computer? That's your fault....don't blame others for putting the time in to research certain areas and then not want to pass on their hard work. Some guys I help with certain info but when I spend hours on hours on google earth or checking out maps get the picture. I guess it's all in how you handle yourself. You wouldn't get sh!t out of me.

T&A Inspector
Theres a lot of negativity on this site. Some guys just like to arque , some are obviously jealous . If I had the knowledge about the area your going into i would be more than happy to help you out.

Good Luck on your Hunt more thing....Kilowatt is probably one of the nicest guys on this site. He meant nothing malicious by what he said. He was simply making the point that there will be a lot of other hunters there. Talk about slamming someone you may need sooner or later? Kilo is a freaking encyclopedia! The guy knows everything. Ask him when a season opens....he's got it in his notes. Ask him about a certain regulation.....he's got it in his notes.

T&A Inspector
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-10 AT 12:25PM (MST)[p]>Nice buck. The reason you saw
>no hunters is the simple
>fact you drew one of
>30 tags for that season
>which dates are before muzzleoader
>by one week, so not
>a big suprize. you constantly
>nag the newbies which i
>am one and know south
>west colorado very well. So
>"Bogus" will get a PM
>from me thanks to you,
>maybe he will thank you
>for it.

What is your point? Coloradoram passed along untruths and implied that I did not have to work for my buck? Not true!

Are you saying there were not other hunters in the woods at the time of my hunt? The Sangres get hit hard by bowhunters for both elk and deer and hikers during my hunt period. My point is that by networking I was able to come up with a niche area that others didn't know about or were not willing to go in to. I worked my butt off and got a buck of a lifetime.

And my other point is that I know SW Colorado extremely well too! Handled differently, I could have been a really good source for this guy. And I am not convinced that you would have been a source for him either if we hadn't tangled over our different Rocketman opinions. If you really watch, most posts such as this go unanswered.

You see me as nagging on newbies, so be it. I see it that I don't feel inclined to give a guy a fish just because he asks for one. But I will bend over backwards to help a guy learn how to fish.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I wasn't posting lies. This is what Jeff told me at the time so I guess I was wrong to assume he was speaking the truth. As for your HCB, many people knew about this buck. I promise you Jeff had never been in that unit but maybe once or twice. Do you honestly think a person that lives a good 4 to 5 hours away is going to scout for you ? On top of that a few miles worth of brutal hiking ? Jeff had side deals going on that the CDOW confirmed in regards to you knowing where to look for that buck. I honestly don't give a rats *ss what you think. Truth is the truth, especially when proved in a court of law. Good luck to you.
Never said you told lies. But you were posting untrue information. There is a difference in an untruth and a lie. I made the assumption you had received wrong info (from someone) and that you would not knowingly repeat anything that was untrue. I still believe that.

Jeff never said he had a big buck located, only that this was a good place to hunt. He PERSONALLY took me to this location during the summer and told me where he had seen big bucks in the past, but didn't have anything located in the present. Sounds like you are talking about another hunter/buck to me. I was certainly never contacted by the DOW about it. So I have no idea what you are talking about.

It was one of the toughest hunts (physically) I have ever been on. Here is the link to the picture and story from 2003:

The only "locals" that I know of that could have known about this buck where the 21 bighorn sheep in the same area.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I kinda thought you came across as a wiener also, you might could have explained your situation in a little more detail. It seemed like you forgot about your hunt or something then remembered you knew nothing about it and thought you better start finding out. Sorry, I have no info on CO. never hunted it.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Just want to say I've been around this site for a while as well. TXhunter has been nothing but helpful for me when I've asked questions that he had knowledge of. At times, he's offered advice unsolicited. He simply stated something that I've found to be true around here. Depending on how you ask, people are often willing to help you out. Sometimes not. But for people to start throwing stones at TXhunter for what I found to be a pretty honest, and non-offensive reply to this post, I think is a bit overboard. TXhunter- appreciate the help you've provided to our group over the years. Everyone else, good luck this year, and enjoy your hunts.

Heres a quick little trivia question, remember the T.V show Married with children? What was the name of the mens magazine that AL would always be looking at? The answer is, Bigguns. The fact that your sounding like a Boob made me remember it. BH1

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